The one thing that actually helps laptops in gaming are their general low resolution screens. Most sub-$1000 17" gaming laptops laptops are only going to have a 1600x900 resolution, a decent dedicated graphics card is going to perform decently at that resolution for sure. Now, get a high-end gaming laptop with a 1920x1080 17.3" screen and you're going to need some serious beef to run games smoothly, I can't see anything under 2 grand performing that well.
I still even have doubts that a 1.7ghz i7 and a radeon mibility 5870 are running games like Far Cry 3 on the highest settings, even at 1600x900
All that being said though, thats still a damn nice laptop for $800, you must have found a hell of a sale, they're still $1200+ at most places online.
I guess my overall point was, it seems silly to me to spend 2-3x as much for equivalent gaming power in a laptop as opposed to a desktop. Is anyone doing a significant amount of hardcore gaming on the bus or train or at school? I bet 90% of the time the gaming is done at home. Why not get a $500 PC that is more powerful than that $1200 laptop? Hell, if nothing else, gaming on a laptop screen is kinda crap. I haven't used a monitor as small as 17" in about 15 years.
But, I don't want to argue the merits of a gaming laptop in the laptop thread, I'm sure they have their place and purpose, I just have trouble seeing the advantages of it in all but the most extreme cases like someone who travels constantly with their job.