Laptop Computers


Trakanon Raider
Girlfriend is looking for a laptop for school she can multitask on without noticeable slowdown. Basically she has a bunch of internet sites and YouTube videos up while she procrastinates writing papers.
I stopped paying attention to this stuff years ago...just told her to get the most RAM and processing speed she could for her price point, but she still is stuck. We went to a few stores and the Lenovas looked like the best bang/buck to me, but I don't know what their reputation is now...I just use whatever work gives me.

Anyway, she's looking to spend around $400 probably and won't be gaming on it most likely. She'll get into a Steam game like Don't Starve or something every so often, but nothing too graphic intensive. I think she wants a screen around 15".

Any suggestions?


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
The 14" one is a really good deal. Good specs, and I'm a big fan of 14" over 15.6".


Trakanon Raider
I like the smaller size of 14" laptops, but the loss of the numpad can be a pretty big downside to keep in mind.


Trakanon Raider
The 14" one is a really good deal. Good specs, and I'm a big fan of 14" over 15.6".
Thanks. Apparently the slickdeal for the first one was sold out or something, but she gave in and got a different Lenova. The ideapad 300 with an i5 6200U and 8 GB of RAM for $430. No Solid State, but should be good enough for her needs.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Quick question - laptop parts, anyone know/can recommend a reputable place to buy some? I need an Nvidia GTX770M for my laptop, the current one in there is mostly dead (Alienware 17 from 2013) and, unlike most laptops I've seen, it seems very replaceable. Dell won't sell me a replacement card so I am going to have to get one from somewhere else.

Mainly what I have seen is ebay but I am not much of an ebay user so I am leery of ordering shit from there.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
The volumes are too low to reliably find replacement parts like that, used will likely be your only option.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Need to buy the wife a laptop. Am looking at some Lenovos, a Sager and some Dells. She wants a 17" screen and won't play any games. She mostly needs it for internet and graphic design (photoshop, illustrator, inDesign).

One thing I'm noticing: it's rare to find 17" laptops that don't have dedicated graphics cards in them. Why is this? These cards only become useful during gaming, 3d development and maybe movie encoding/decoding, right?

I bought her current laptop with a decent graphics card because she said she wanted to try gaming, but she never did, so I want to avoid adding the weight, cost and complexity of a graphics card this time. Is there something I'm missing for why I'd want a graphics card?


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Pretty sure most people have gone down in screen size and basically just gamers buy up the 17" stuff now.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Pretty sure most people have gone down in screen size and basically just gamers buy up the 17" stuff now.

This. 17"s are sold with an expectation that it's a power user.


<Silver Donator>
My oldest kid's gaming laptop is about to give up the ghost after 5 years and the youngest would like to get his first. I'd buy desktops but they like to take them to friends or on the road when we travel. It's also nice to be able to put them away when not in use.

Is Lenovo reliable? They pretty good reviews from what I have seen but I don't know if that is because of Chinese hackers or legit good reviews.

I'm thinking about $1000 and the Y700 is in that range.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is Lenovo reliable? They pretty good reviews from what I have seen but I don't know if that is because of Chinese hackers or legit good reviews.

I purchased a Y480 3-4 years ago for around 700-1000. Build quality and keyboard is excellent, touch pad is solid, to this day it has been able to run every game I've thrown at it (I haven't tested battlefield 1 yet though). A few friends have purchased recent lenovos and I haven't heard any complaints.

I personally have had no problems with it, and when not using it for gaming/media center it has been hosting a FTB infinity minecraft server for the past 7 months. I have also lent it to people when they were in town and needed a loaner for a week or two.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
We use Lenovo's at work, very solid. Have had a Carbon X1 for the past 2 years without a problem. Only thought is I wish the touchpad was as good as a macs.