Oh yeah. Also, if you do go the seed route: buy the seeds, buy top soil, cast the seeds, then cover them in top soil (less than 1in.). Helps boost their early growth, helps protect them from birds, and assuming you don't pile the soil on, won't deny them the air they need to germinate. Most grasses won't take root immersed in soil or liquids, they need exposure. Once they take root though, you can cover them if desired and still see them break surface. Don't fertilize until about three-five weeks in if you use top soil, or you run the risk of over-exposing them to chemicals and getting a shit ton of weeds mixed in your grass a result. Good grass is a challenge, but totally worth it. If I didn't live in an apartment, I'd have a killer floratam lawn like I did when I was younger and living with my Father. Always loved the look and smell of good grass.