I have a very similar inquiry, but for a much different situation. My license was suspended in 2006 for failure to appear in court to a summons I wasn't actually issued, for an accident involving a vehicle I'd sold but ignorantly failed to file a transfer of ownership for. I sold a vehicle for $500 expecting them to take it to Mexico, instead it got 3rd handed to some asshat who hit and literally ran from the scene. I wasn't in a good place, moving every 2-4 months so my address wasn't up to date... Apparently the cost of the damage due is $4000. Working from home and using my passport I've avoided needing an actual driver's license for over a decade, but figure now that I have a reasonable income it's time to resolve the situation and become "legal". I hit major brick walls trying to get in touch with local enforcement and was only able to obtain the case number, with no direction otherwise...
Vehicle was sold to family, who transfered to a green card carrier, to another green card carrier, all of whom I have information on. On a scale of Nagasaki to Trump, how fucked am I?
Vehicle was sold to family, who transfered to a green card carrier, to another green card carrier, all of whom I have information on. On a scale of Nagasaki to Trump, how fucked am I?