League Of Legends


Because far too many people would take the time penalty vs a bad comp match when in a promotional series. Its a point lose normally in rank on top of the time penalty as well, so again, if it didnt make it a lose, it would be pretty shitty. Sorry for the bad random luck on your series though.


<Gold Donor>
Why the hell does dodging during a promotion series count as a loss for one of your games. It should just give you the time penalty imo. Was in my promo series, first game I go to select my champion and league stalls out where it brings up the loading bar and says something like "attempting to reconnect to servers" My internet was working great, was browsing websites etc etc, but it wouldnt let me select my champion. After time runs out, it boots me, marks it as a loss. Probably the first time that's ever happened to me too. /raaaaaaaaaaaage
I failed to pass my silver league promotion two times in a row, because I got teamed up with players, two of them at a time, who literally accounted for a total of 1:14:2 (KDA). Yes, that's half a kill and 7 deaths per player.. However, on my third attempt (which didn't take long because I immediately qualified after I failed the promo w/ a win) I went 3 - 0 and got the promotion.

Bad luck is bad.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Dear Lyte,

I love your work on the game but the community around it is toxic as hell. Please add a way to report players in champion select for their toxicity.

All too often a great game is thrown to chaos because of the people who seriously "mid or feed" or start in with the verbal harassment before the game even starts. A way to report these people with an option to get out of that toxic environment would be amazing.

Perhaps offer simple options for reporting such as:

Inappropriate Name
Verbal Harassment
Verbal Threats
Anti-competitive Behaviour
Refusal to follow ranked Guidelines

Thank you for your time if you still read these forums.


-- The people who deal with the worst in the LoL community on a daily basis.


Bronze Squire
I tend to abuse Jayce and will continue to until the nerf...then I will have to go back to the champs I actually have fun playing.


2 Minutes Hate
Been playing Yorick for a day and he's pretty fun and lulzy. Decent against some matchups but I think I have to use a more aggressive item build.

I'm surprised he's not played more often in my shitty bracket of normals.
Nami support versus a nid supporting a vayne. Not a surprising outcome. Also looks like the Nid just went ap (love that from my supports) and took farm that could have better went to the lux or Vayne.


Gogo tristana hypercarry. She is so beast late game.
I'm currently playing her ad mid exclusively if I can get it. She has a few advantages:

1) Hard counter to a few common mid picks: TF, Kassadin (at least early game), Lux (imho at least), anything that has to melee for cs, probably others. You can also safely pick it from 1st, 2nd, or 3rd pick (although I don't think she has many counters in lane). If anything, I'm looking to ban late game counters like Shen.

2) Rocket jump let's you play aggressive without having to worry too much about jungle gank. Just never use rocket jump offensively unless you know where their jungle is. You really should have very few deaths.

3) Jungle gets to keep blue buffs. I think this is a really underrated point for a lot of mids, especially after the recent jungle changes (buff mobs worth more exp).

4) Awesome late game as noted.

Of course, people do get entirely too butt hurt if you deviate even slightly from their narrow view of how the game should be played. I personally don't see how it is much different from the common AD assassins that played mid and were in *every single fucking game* until they were nerfed. 'DUR no ap gg' is all too common. Yoloq isn't lcs and people really aren't prepared to deal with it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
How does Tristana hard counter TF early game? I mean, TF should easily be able to farm up to 6 and still roam well enough. It also seems kinda crazy to get close enough to TF because of stun card. Or if all else fails the range on his Q is so huge that he can sit back and use that if needed. I've been playing TF a lot more recently and it seems even when I get "hard countered" with a diana or an ahri you're still able to sit back and wave clear since he has amazing range.


Epic Rerolled.org Grudge Match

That was a steamroll.

Yesterday I'm duo'ing with my friend. He's supporting bottom lane who get's destroyed. Later we notice that his opponent's name includes the C9 tag, but no one on their roster with his name. After the game we found out that it was their mid laner playing ADC under a smurf. It was C9 Hai and he was streaming the game on twitch. We lost by a landslide but was still fun as hell knowing we got to play against someone of that level.


It's pretty late in the game when a tf can farm effectively with q. Early game (i dunno, levels 1-8?), he has to auto on top of it, and he's usually pulling blue cards to keep that up. If he wants to pull a yellow card he can go for it, but I'm just going to walk away. A lot of the time I'm not worried about that, either, because I'm still going to get auto + e off before the yellow hits, and probably another auto coming out of it. I feel like I win that exchange every time. Usually I just end up harassing the shit out of him.

If he does roam, trist has good lane push and good tower dmg. No one can outroam tf, so you just have to ping your teammates off their lanes when he disappears and make him pay with lost cs and tower.


Trakanon Raider
I already have a pretty decent idea, but wanted some others input. I'm getting to play a little more consistently, and want to finally power out of my current division in ranked. I'm only a few games past my placement matches as I rarely play enough to not feel too rusty to play ranked. I'm in bronze, but top of my league and a decent winning streak should trigger a promotion series for silver. IIRC, I went 3-2 in my placement, one loss due to a D/C (oh well!) then like 6-2 in matches after that. When I play normals, a lot of my teammates will have gold/silver borders, so I think my MMR puts me in mid to high silver, and I'm confident I can at least get to silver 1/2 quickly enough and would be happy with that until I can get a better computer and play every day.

I want to focus on a couple champs that are OP early game to just snowball the game and aren't banned as often, preferably jungle/mid/support champs. I used to play mostly shen, amumu, malphite and blitzcrank until they got banned 100% of the time, so I started playing anivia, nasus, kennen, teemo (only if he counters the top champ), kayle, vladimir, ryze, pantheon (if I can go mid with him), soraka, sona and taric (before his big changes awhile back).

I'm already trying to get away from anivia and vladimir. Sidenote: I love vlad, but I always just seem to do 'ok' with him. Like, 4/5/10 type scores. I rarely lose lane, but even if I own lane, I seem to just die in teamfights and end up going 1 for 1 most of the time, sometimes setting my team up for a bunch of kills, sometimes not. At some point, I forgot how to teamfight or hard carry with vlad. :-/ I think I get overconfident in his heal and pool when I've owned my lane and feel more invincible then I am, forgetting that I'm squishy enough to die during CC before pooling for most of the game.

Anyway, I'd like to just focus on jungling, or support as a backup if I can't jungle. I'm thinking I'll focus on Nasus and nunu (even though I'm sure he's getting banned most of the time in ranked now, but that should free up one of my other good junglers, amumu/malphite, or blitz on support if he is). While Nasus is better late game, wither generally lets me set up some good ganks early to help a lane snowball since no one wards much in bronze. Then, I can build full tank and still do good damage if it goes to mid/late game.

I'd like one more jungler that is really good at early game, and a couple backup supports. Soraka might not be ideal for higher tiers, but I've always done good with her in lane, so if my ADC is even half decent they get fed. Silence+auto attacks to harass and heal to just stay in lane to get farm edge. I also gravitate towards supports with heals, as it's like easy mode support in lower tiers just being able to sustain in lane rather then depend on ADC to time their attacks with you correctly for a kill.

So, currently I've got nunu, nasus, malphite, amumu for junglers, + one more (thinking volibear, udyr, wukong, or maybe jarvan but I like him the least) and soraka/blitzcrank/sona/taric + one more for support (thinking alistar or leona?). I hate/suck with janna, so she's out btw. I also dislike Zyra, she feels very weird compared to the supports I normally play, but I think I could get used to her if she's powerful enough to put the time into learning. Played her twice, and started to get the hang of her 2nd game, but still sucked.

I also realize it's best to focus on just 2, maybe 3 champs so I'm better with them, and I will. I just want to have enough options at first to figure out the general bans/counter picks, have backups if one starts getting banned more, and see who I'm best with in ranked games. I'll also have shen, kennen, ryze, kayle and pantheon to fall back on if I'm absolutely forced to mid/top, plus caitlyn/ashe if I have to ADC, but those should all happen very rarely if I'm willing to play support as my 2nd role.

tl;dr:gimme some ideas for a couple OP early game champs to buy. One jungler and one support.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Unless you really, really like playing Soraka, I would drop her for any other support at this point. Leona, Ali, Nami, Thresh are all much better. For your junglers, Udyr and maybe Wukong are the closest you listed to 'snowball' champs, typically for a snowball champ you want someone who can really crush people you find out of position, which may mean more carry-type junglers (which can viable in non-pro games, still).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Soraka is pretty amazing early game though, easy to deny your opponent and you and your carry literally never have to leave lane.