League Of Legends


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ahhh...that makes sense, amumu was at about half health once shen used his ult and once shen teleported in amumu flashed away with a sliver of health. There was an ashe on both teams, ours was a much newer player, but they did pretty good once they settled in. Still, a completely game changing ult, now I'll know to back off when that happens, there is still just so much shit I don't know about this game obviously since there are over 100 champions and I just started playing. In one game my entire team got wrecked by a vi last night and I had never even heard/seen that champion before.



I think if I had played Trydamere left alone in lane the whole game top I would of single handedly won the game. Oh well.
I remember early game roaming groups happening quite often when I was leveling up too and I had no clue how to respond. When the enemy team does that, it's a farm fest for you. Take everything, including the enemy jungle. Make sure to pick up a few wards for yourself so you can go deep for farm. Your solo farm would get you levels and similar, if not more gold from team fighting. You can also come and clean up team fights when your team loses or get's pushed back and pick up some multis as the enemy team continues to push or tries to fight you.


A Man Chooses....
Just started playing this again. Why is the community so goddamn bad. Every match I want to dodge after 10 seconds reading chat before the match. Why can't you queue for a specific role or roles and have them assigned to you when it starts?

Fuck me, 90% of the playerbase is toxic.


If they allowed you to queue for a particular role, that would force a meta on the players. The meta is constantly changing and it would hurt the game to do so. The types of champs that are strong in a certain lane/role change constantly so it just wouldn't work.


Trakanon Raider
We had this discussion before, but that logic is BS imo. It's just saying what role you are willing to play. No one is changing the meta in solo q, it's duos and arranged teams that ever do something drastically different. Queueing for 'support' doesn't mean you can't play some weird champ and go for a kill lane still. The people who try to change the meta still get pushed into playing a 'role' and then they just don't do it, or do it differently. Double bruiser bot, double smite, etc.. Any weird strats you want to pull off, you still can talk about in chat beforehand. If you queued with a buddy, you do whatever you want together.

It would NOT hurt the game, it would dramatically improve the playing experience for 99% of people playing the game.


Tranny Chaser
Here's how I've always felt about it -

I don't have any interest in top lane. I don't have any interest in playing ADC or middle. I like to play support and I like to jungle. Even when I was a kid I was never the lord of twitch game play. I was then and still am the worst FPS player I know. Jungle and support don't have quite the same mechanical requirements as other roles. In those roles I can devote more mental energy to trying to be clever and I am playing against the enemy jungler or the enemy support in a manner different than the mid is playing against the mid. Maybe I predict a gank and am there to turn it around or maybe I guess right with my pink wards and deny the enemy vision of bottom or maybe I recognize that there are three top and am able to quick direct my team to dragon. Jungle and support are roles where I can have games where I feel like, at least for that one, I played like a good player. If I practiced and kept at it I feel like I could probably make it to Diamond V. I'm Gold I right now and am probably not going anywhere but backwards. When I failed my 5th best of 5 for Plat V I gave up and went back to normals. I was forced to take top lane instead of the support that I asked for by a player who intentionally fed bot lane and then mocked me about being in game five of my series. Four people on the team AFK'd.

In competitive play how after does the team's support player do something other than support? How often is the ADC player not on ADC? How often does the jungler not jungle? Sure, you may have the middle be top or there is a lane swap that puts the top player in a 1v2 bottom but lane swaps aside the members of a team always always always play the same role. Always. Wildturtle playing Xin Zhao bottom doesn't count. I don't see any value in being forced to play roles that I do not want to play. I've always been a player that needed to specialize to get better and I have no way with which to do so. I can ask for the roles I wish to play, I can hope that if my pick order is not high enough it will work out. If I am not in a series I can dodge and take the meaningless LP hit. But I'm still going to have those incredibly negative experiences where I'm forced to do something I'm not good at and get fucked in the ass for it. Solo queue should be regarded as the place that you go to practice in a series environment. People act like gigantic babies at champ select all the time and there is no ability to report them on the spot for their behavior. If someone truly only wants to play middle and that is the only role they are actually willing to play than the cost should be an increased queue time. What we have now is that cost being shared among all of the other players on the team. It sucks.


What would prevent someone from queueing for support then going mid anyways then? To enfore "rolls" in a queue system, they would have to choose specific champs for those rolls, thus enforcing the meta.

For example, I want to play top but I know the queue will be longer so I choose support on their role finder. I get into champ select, pick Lee Sin and proceed to go top anyways. It fucks my entire team now because we have no support.

The other example, where they tag characters for certain roles is that queue for support and want to play Elise support, but she doesn't have a support tag so I'm stuck playing a champ I don't want to play even though Elise is a totally fine support pick these days. Riot determines the champ pool I can play, not a fluid meta.

Who the f cares if someone wants to play Karthus jungle and is good at it, or Ezreal mid. I agree with everyone else that the toxic community is a huge problem and people trolling in champ select is a major part of that, but a role finder will not work. Either Riot enforces a very specific meta, or people troll their teams anyways.


Tranny Chaser
Well, it's not actually hard to address all of your issues. Let's say that someone queues for support and then at champ select they call mid or they say nothing and just go middle when the game starts.

You ban them. Instantly. You set aside a special reporting option just for people who try that shit and you fast track them to the front of the line and some dude for 8.50 an hour instantly reviews the case. Did the support go middle and tell everyone to eat a dick over it? Cool. You get a one month ban from ranked play. If you do this again you get banned from ranked play for the rest of the season.

Tags are irrelevant. The tribunal still exists and will still do exactly the same thing it always did. If someone takes an odd champion top and fails gloriously or is intentionally trolling with their Best Sona Top NA account the tribunal will catch them. There is absolutely no reason to also declare what champions are suitable for what roles with a Queue For Role system. If someone wants to play a non-standard support they can still communicate with their team about it, they can still do it, and if the community decides after the fact that they were a trolling piece of shit they'll smack them on the nose with a rolled up Tribunal newspaper. There is absolutely no reason to think that this system would also require role enforcement.


But again, you are still enforcing a meta that requires top lane, mid lane, bot lane duo and jungler. Why? The meta was COMPLETELY different in season 1 and has seen significant changes throughout the evolution of the game. With the continued success of ranged champs in the top lane that punish bruisers ability to farm, we may see significant meta changes even this season. Maybe we start seeing a two jungler meta or something more similar to DOTAs meta. Just because the meta has been similar for two seasons (as far as the lanes go, not the champs in them since this has drastically changed) does not mean it will stay the same. Riot isn't going to enforce one particular style of play.

And the continued use of the Tribunal? Seriously why would you want that? The Tribunal has become a ladder climbing mini game of spam punishers. It has a 99% punish rate. We need to move away from using that not rely on it more.


Trakanon Raider
The other example, where they tag characters for certain roles is that queue for support and want to play Elise support, but she doesn't have a support tag so I'm stuck playing a champ I don't want to play even though Elise is a totally fine support pick these days. Riot determines the champ pool I can play, not a fluid meta.
I think you have a vastly different idea of how a queue would work. It wouldn't lock you into a champion at all. It simply reduces the "who types fastest" in chat part of champ select, and gets 5 people who would have asked for different roles together. You can still play whatever champ you want in that spot. It'd just be an additional layer to their current matchmaking system. Queuing for support might be faster then queuing for mid, but queuing for 'all' would still be faster then anything. If you do that, you roll the dice on what everyone else wants to play. If someone does that, gets put into jungle, and then refuses to jungle.. it's no different then the current system where everything but jungle gets called, and the last guy refuses to jungle.

Seriously, every specific downside example you can think of already exists under the current system. They are not specific to having a role queue, they already happen ALL THE TIME! A role queue would simply reduce how often it happens, which is why it's an improvement.

You can also still queue without choosing a role, and it would be exactly the same as before. All it would do is reduce the random chance that you get into a game and the role you want is open. I want to add, my system would just have 'top, mid, bottom, jungler' so you are just calling a lane, not a role per se. Bottom might have a sub-system that you specify support or carry, or it would still be dependent on who is higher on the pick order, not sure really, haven't sat down and given enough thought to that scenario. But, at least if you queue for 'bottom', you have a better chance of getting your role or one you are semi-familiar with (most ADCs can play support decently and vice versa, imo). As it currently stands, you might want to be ADC, but if that gets called and your forced into top as the last open spot, you may completely suck at top and the game is a loss.


Tranny Chaser
You mean, why would I continue to use the system that Riot has vouched complete support for over and over and over again? One thing at a time.

Alright, so you want to take a ranged character top? Alright, go ahead. There isn't a single thing stopping you from taking Vayne top in a system where you queued for top. You didn't queue for tank, or bruiser, or whatever. You queued to be the player in the top solo lane. That is all you have done. That is it. What you take there is up to you. The only thing that happened in Season 1 that was all kinds of different was that we did not yet have the Euro style ADC + support bottom and there were games that didn't always have a jungler.

I submit that solo queue is not the place to innovate, change the meta, or do any other of the whacky retard shit that gets people in to trouble. I say that solo queue should be the place that players go for serious practice of established positions. If you want to change the world than you some friends make a team and show the whole world why optimal League play requires 3 middle. There are also normals where you can be whatever unique showflake you believe the Earthmother birthed you as.
The game for the most part has had the exact same "meta" for almost its whole lifespan. The only thing that has changed significantly is the type of champs you see in a specific lane/role. Top has traditionally been a solo lane (started as mages or ranges with good escapes), mid has traditionally been a solo (started with ranged ad primarily), and bot has always had the support/insert X champ here. At times that champ has been a bruiser, a mage, and then for better then two seasons its been a ranged ADC. You also have always had a jungler at max level and pro play. Once again the only difference is what archetype is played in the role. Currently the optimal setup according to OGN/LCS is a team fighting mage in one solo with either a second team fighting mage or an ad assassin/ranged adc who can split push as the other solo. Then a tanky utility jungler and the adc/support bot lane. You also have the option of running shen or malph in a solo for a tanky split pusher but this has proven to be not as effective as it used to be.

Every season of League has been running a 1-1-2-jungle in some form or other. The game at higher levels has always been this way, with one exception and even then it is a borderline one. Roaming taric/Blitz/eve was a big thing for a bit when adc wasn't relegated to bottom lane. So champs like cho, nasus, and morde used to farm as they could against the enemy bruiser/support while their support roamed around when it was safe to try and get mid/jung snowballed. Most of the time however the roamer still maintained the majority of their lane presence bot. Double jungle, trilanes or any other play style has never been played at decent levels of ranked or pro play with any consistency or seriousness.

Because waiting for a healer or a tank for 30 minutes sucks balls.
I'd rather wait thirty minutes to get my jungle or top then wait thirty seconds because our third pick who has a ten percent win rate top takes that role instead of support because "you're last pick, get fucked".


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
the best idea ive seen before is to show top played champs by each player in champ select. Like the top 3 or something, or be able to click summoner name and see some stats. Queuing for certain roles I dislike because imo teams should have communication and champ select has a lot of variables... if 1st pick goes mid lane ryze and enemy then picks a counter, it would be wise for some1 else to go mid and ryze can go top... strategies can change on the fly depending on team makeup... mid & top lanes and even top & jungle can get juggled around... and with the LCS meta sometimes you even see adc/support going top lane now...
Lane switches are nothing new Fawe. If your team is playing 1-1-2 then its just a matter of discussing who goes where. I want a system that breaks down like this.

Solo -- select archetype proficiency (ap/bruiser/assassin/ranged ad) can pick more then one so your team knows what characters you can play.
Duo lane (select carry/support etc)

Now if your team wants to deviate and put a mage with a support, etc than that is up for discussion and you can go from there. But having a baseline to start from can't be a bad thing.


Trakanon Raider
Yea.. if your team actually wants to communicate before the match, then you can always change things.. there's nothing preventing that in either system, but that's the exception rather than the norm.

The queue would just help in the matches where no one discusses anything other then calling their role. Or, in games where 4 people want mid, no one wants top or support so two people get stuck in those roles that probably suck at them. If you queue mid, pick ryze and someone counter picks your champ right away, you can still ask the top if he wants to switch to mid with the queue system. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, but that's exactly how it is currently too. That's not a scenario specific to the queue being implemented.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's a reason the tribunal is 99% punish rate: you need a lot of reports to make it that far. People go on reddit and the league forums protesting their innocence constantly and all but one example I've seen were shown to have deserved it. Any system involving literally millions and millions of people is going to have an outlier sometimes, but that person was exonerated by Riot once he brought his case forward, and the 2 or 3 people that actually are stuck at an ELO they don't belong in due to luck will just have to persevere or suck it up.

The lack of pregame and endgame chat in the tribunal is something that probably should be added to the tribunal, but considering the accuracy rate, it would not have much of an impact (it would just increase punish rate, if anything, which apparently people have an issue with).

I argued against the positional queue before, and while I still don't believe it's needed, I don't really think i'd have an issue with it if it was implemented correctly. Riot is always working on ways to improve the experience for people, and of that would do it for a majority, it's unlikely to have much negative backlash.