League Of Legends


Potato del Grande
I say that solo queue should be the place that players go for serious practice of established positions. If you want to change the world than you some friends make a team and show the whole world why optimal League play requires 3 middle. There are also normals where you can be whatever unique showflake you believe the Earthmother birthed you as.
People cry in normals if you pick any kind of odd combo. Me and my brother used to duo bot lane in normals for a little while before we started ranked and ran in to lots of haters for our picks.

As far as the change the world comment, 3 mid isn't what we need... I've always wanted to get a 5man team together to just 5man mid and get superfast wins.

Edit: I've noticed a lot of people complaining in the past 2 pages about things they were calling me an idiot for mentioning last week...
Guardian always bitches about the people he gets queued with. He's in the same boat as you, he just doesn't argue back when you call him on it. He'll just show up twice a week, complain and go on his merry way. Thats the first time I've ever seen Gilg post in this thread so no reason to respond to the stupidity if it just gets posted once.


Potato del Grande
What stupidity, though, unless you think he's lying about the promo game troll? Not saying that's why he lost all 5 of the series' but it does happen, more often in bronze than in gold i'm sure because most of those trolls probably have a hard time staying in a position to troll gold/platinum games.

You even said "I'd rather wait thirty minutes to get my jungle or top then wait thirty seconds because our third pick who has a ten percent win rate top takes that role instead of support because "you're last pick, get fucked"."

On a different note, I was having a pretty good day today until this last game I played. Won 4 in a row earlier either as ryze mid or yorick top. This time, though, had a 1/9/1 akali mid and a 3/9/2 udyr jungle on my team while I was yorick top. Annie was unstoppable at 13 minutes in to the game, she could kill anyone on our team with 1 combo from then until the game ended much later.


Golden Squire
Had a gamecasted tonightas part of the tournament that Riot is sponsoring at my work. The match runs between 18 minutes and 60 minutes in the video. It's the A-Division so each team consists of Gold/Platinum/Diamond/Challenger level players. I was the Varus and my goal the entire time was to not die to Caitlyn in the early game which I believe I succeeded fairly well at. That said, I definitely made some pretty derpy plays. The MVP of the game was the Shen on our team who rocked both top lane and team fights.

While the A-Division is all high level players, it's really weird for me since I'm in Silver V right now. So I play in the tournament and it's amazing then I go back to solo queue and it's all raging and bad plays. Not saying I'm entirely innocent of the bad plays part

Also, if you watch the second game in the recording I linked, be aware that it is a B-Division game which is Bronze/Silver players. Still pretty fun to watch though.

What does that have to do with anything I or others have called you out on? From the way you post you are that third pick.

Of course I'd prefer to get the role I want every game and would like a system that facilitates that. That doesn't however negate anything thats been said about your bad champion choices, rune choices, etc while blaming your losses on others. Even when I get the ten percent win top laner I still have a good shot of carrying my game from the jungle if I play well. If I dont then its on me.


Potato del Grande
If you have a good shot at carrying even when you have trolls, then why are you crying about trolls? By the way, most of the stuff you guys "called me out on" was people taking what I said and assuming I was complaining about something else. 90% of my complaints have been about the shit community full of trolls/retards and the fact that solo q is a random crapshoot on whether you get promoted or not (how is that negated by people in gold saying they lose promo series because they get someone intentionally feeding and bragging about ruining promo, etc?).

Unless someone can show me how the queue chooses teams and can prove that it spreads trolls evenly across everybody's promo games so that everyone has equal chances to move up, nothing has been negated. Unless someone can show me that matchmaking won't throw you onto a team of trolls/ragers/feeders 3 games in a row right after you get promoted for winning 5 straight, resulting in you getting instantly demoted back down, nothing has been negated. Maybe everyone always gets the same amount of trolls/bads as everybody else tho, at the same times in the games that mean the same and are worth the same LP (nothing like winning a game and gaining 13 LP and then losing the next and dropping 25, yay backwards progress for being 1/1).

Oh yeah, i've never said that all my losses are other peoples fault, by the way, but go ahead and keep acting like I say that any time I post something. I definitely think I should be a 100% win rate.

The Ancient_sl

There are 4 possible slots to fit a "troll" on your team and 5 possible slots to fit a "troll" on their team. If you are an above average player for your level, you'll move up. Get it?


Potato del Grande
There are 4 possible slots to fit a "troll" on your team and 5 possible slots to fit a "troll" on their team. If you are an above average player for your level, you'll move up. Get it?
Was going to type up a whole long response about probability and odds etc but deleted it because you're either a moron or a troll. That's like saying if you buy more lotto tickets than someone else, you'll win more than them.

The Ancient_sl

No it's not at all the same, idiot. Are you suggesting that the chance that a player isn't a troll is infinitesimal? If that's the case than you'll have 5 "trolls" on the opposing team and 1 good player on yours. Free wins all-day.


Potato del Grande
Go buy a 9 sided di and roll it 50 times. Come back and post the results of how many rolls you got of 1-4, and how many of 5-9. It would have to be 4/9ths and 5/9ths because you have 4 chances and 5 chances, amirite? Then come up with a way to incorporate these di rolls into a system that has varying LP rewards/costs and promotional games. It would still have to be 4/9ths and 5/9ths, right, because it's 9 chances?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Assuming you're not a troll then there is higher probability that the other team will have the troll(s) rather than your team.

It is not impossible for you to have bad streaks, though.

Over enough games it will balance out.


Potato del Grande
Of course over enough games it will balance out. That doesn't mean that "ELO Hell" aka being stuck in the bronze shitfest for a few hundred games due to other players never happens. It doesn't help the situation, i'm sure, when there is some hidden elo/mmr/goodness stat that goes in to the equation too (hello queue'ing with high lvl players and being carried resulting in you getting paired with better teams on soloq?). I'm sure that factors in to the pros doing series of "bronze to pro" smurf accounts too because they probably aren't seen as "bronze appropriate" by the time they hit level 30 to play ranked games to begin with resulting in better players in general.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You built an Athene's on Yorick in a game you lost. You didn't buy Zhonya's on Fiddlesticks in a game you lost. No Infinity Edge on Tristana(not going the dueling build either, no bork). Your runes are a mess also. You seem to carry a large portion of games with Ryze and just do whatever on everyone else. If you lose a game where you have 20 kills then it was probably your fault that your nexus died. I don't like to go snooping through other people's play history, but here you are shitting up the thread so you can whine about matchmaking when I already see a bunch of issues that you yourself seem to completely disregard as problems.

If you deserve to get out of Bronze then you will carry yourself. Seems like you're perfectly capable of doing just that if you stick to Ryze.


The most fun I ever had in league was going from bronze to gold on Master Yi in season 1. 20-kill games of destruction.

I'm with bain. You'll land where you deserve to land. Every single other person is dealing with it, but some make it to diamond, others languish in bronze. You tell me the difference.


Potato del Grande
You built an Athene's on Yorick in a game you lost. You didn't buy Zhonya's on Fiddlesticks in a game you lost. No Infinity Edge on Tristana(not going the dueling build either, no bork). Your runes are a mess also. You seem to carry a large portion of games with Ryze and just do whatever on everyone else. If you lose a game where you have 20 kills then it was probably your fault that your nexus died. I don't like to go snooping through other people's play history, but here you are shitting up the thread so you can whine about matchmaking when I already see a bunch of issues that you yourself seem to completely disregard as problems.

If you deserve to get out of Bronze then you will carry yourself. Seems like you're perfectly capable of doing just that if you stick to Ryze.
The 20 kill game with fiddlesticks I was playing support for the first 20 minutes, and it was also a 4v5. Kind of hard to carry that and I still almost did. The game with yorick is probably the one where I had a 1/9/1 akali and 3/9/2 udyr, which happened to already be over at 15 minutes in (even tho it went to 30-35ish minutes). At 15 minutes akali was 0/6 mid, udyr was 1/6 jungle and their annie had 4 items. My runes are a mess because I sold all my runes to put together a ryze set and main him but pick order doesn't always result in that happening. You saying I should just take ryze mid anyways when i'm last pick and we need a support? Would get me out of bronze pretty quickly because my account would probably be banned in 2 days or less.

I bet you've never had a positive kdr game that you lost though, or a 4v5 where you just can't muscle through the numbers advantage.

Or we could bring up the game I just lost before you go post it. We get a 3rd pick troll during champ select, chooses a second top after we already had darius top, screws lanes up but darius goes jungle. Our adc player picks an adc even tho he says all game long including the lobby that he sucks at adc and can't last hit. I take blitz as the last pick (don't ask me why he made it that far) to support. Leblanc mid goes 0/3 and quits at level 6, turning it in to a 4v5. At the same time, the troll who ruined lanes is 0/3 top with cassio. Darius was doing pretty good but had almost every kill on our team, trist was 2/1/7 at one point (but still had no clue how to use tristana obviously). We got steamrolled pretty hard, not sure if LB was trolling too but either way it was 4v5 with a troll on my team. It was all my fault tho, if only my blitz support could win every lane and stop people from leaving games all at the same time.
If I played the same game as you then I'd probably stop playing. Luckily I'm playing league and not "the world is against me".

Literally. I have never had the experiences you talk at a rate more common then once every thirty or forty games. Which is acceptable when playing an online game with a ranking system. I remember bronze since it wasn't that long since I was playing in it and I think I maybe had 1 or 2 actual trolls. Which is what I get every thirty to fifty games in silver and gold. Shitty players cane be played around if you are good enough.

I think that is pretty much the issue though. You aren't good enough to carry a game with a 1-9 Mid in your current tier. I won a game just two days ago where my mid started 0-5 (which should be an auto loss at gold+ elo) but I used my early game advantage to stall the game out for that mid to farm up a bit and for our vayne to become a factor. Then we won. Our mid still ended up 2-8 but we won. So play more with an eye towards getting better and you can carry those shitty soloes or adc a third of the time or better, which will bring your win rate up which will make you advance in ranking. I doubt you'll take this advice though like the previous ten times it was given. All you post are excuses for why others stopped you from winning.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I bet you've never had a positive kdr game that you lost though, or a 4v5 where you just can't muscle through the numbers advantage.
Actually, I've had plenty of games where I went positive and lost. Conversely, I actually recognize my mistakes and work to improve on my mistakes rather than lament my misfortune on the forums to people who don't give a shit. I lost 9 games in a row and dropped back to gold 4 during the comcast issue - where I personally played 2 bad games and had a couple of games with leavers on my side - yet here I am again in gold three just a few games after being demoted. The difference between you and me is that I know I'm not a pro and so I don't spend my entire league game criticizing my teammates and instead spend it critiquing my own play.

The Ancient_sl

I'm sure that factors in to the pros doing series of "bronze to pro" smurf accounts too because they probably aren't seen as "bronze appropriate" by the time they hit level 30 to play ranked games to begin with resulting in better players in general.
They wouldn't place in bronze to begin with if that was the case. Besides which I'm quite sure normal queue mmr doesn't bleed into ranked.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Actually, I've had plenty of games where I went positive and lost. Conversely, I actually recognize my mistakes and work to improve on my mistakes rather than lament my misfortune on the forums to people who don't give a shit. I lost 9 games in a row and dropped back to gold 4 during the comcast issue - where I personally played 2 bad games and had a couple of games with leavers on my side - yet here I am again in gold three just a few games after being demoted. The difference between you and me is that I know I'm not a pro and so I don't spend my entire league game criticizing my teammates and instead spend it critiquing my own play.
Pretty much this. Enough people have shown evidence of ELO hell not existing, and also, y'know, statistics and facts from Riot/analyzers, to pretty much sadly shake one's head at anyone blaming their persistent rating on other people. Even on Reddit and a lot of the league forums 'ELO hell' is used sarcastically more than not now. Your faulty understanding of the chance of a troll on your team vs. their team is further indicative of you not trying to understand shit and just continuing to try and belittle other people instead of thinking critically for 30 seconds.

Out of the ~1000 normal games and ~50 ranked games across 3 seasons that I've played, I don't think I've seen more than 20 hard-core trolls like you're describing. I don't have people in my games constantly raging for no reason, or just shitting the bed for no reason, and there's been plenty of games where I've come from way, way, way behind and won to even get negative when we're down by 15 kills 10 minutes in. Hell, even 4v5's aren't worth letting your 'game on' gland suicide and just moping your way to another loss, plenty of 4v5 games go to the 4.

In theory, you and I are playing the same game. Hell, I would be surprised if we hadn't had the same people in some of our matches (considering how many normals I've played, and how many baddies are in normals). Yet my game experience is nearly 100% opposite to yours. Considering the player population we interact with is statistically similar, what is the variable? Now, because of my approach, knowledge, and fairly minor mechanical skill to back that knowledge up, I've climbed from bronze (season 1) to getting placed into Silver 1 in season 3, and gone from being ~40 wins below losses in normal to being 40 wins ABOVE losses in a matter of a couple hundred games. This is all due to shit >I< did, not shit the (9 * 1050) other personalities in my games did.

You don't want to take responsibility for your actions, you don't want to man up and really look at your own approach, skills, knowledge, and interaction with players in an objective way. If you were actually good, that wouldn't matter (plenty of asshats get up to Diamond 1 and even Challenger), but... you are not good. And you will continue to not be good for as long as you see fit to blame other people for every intricacy of the game. Tons of people do this in various ways in real-life situations and interactions, and it's bad there too.


They wouldn't place in bronze to begin with if that was the case. Besides which I'm quite sure normal queue mmr doesn't bleed into ranked.
Normal MMR does have SOME impact on your first couple of placement matches. You apparently have to play 10 normal matches before you can do your ranked matches, because the game doesn't want to default you to a set number for some reason (seems dumb since 10 matches is fairly irrelevant anyway). Also, the 'test' accounts Riot just gave most of the Pro gamers to analyse various things with MMR/Player Behavior were just started at level 30 with no normals played and auto-placed in to Bronze I believe (the pros keep talking about bronze players in those games, not sure if it's just trash talk or legit commentary).