My eyes, they won't stop rolling.
That's nice. How about you actually construct an argument that disproves what I'm saying instead of claiming that the only difference between a bronze and Diamond player is how well they press their buttons. I know your whole schtick in this thread is to come in here and fling insults at people without ever actually backing up anything you say. I'm done with the Udyr argument specifically but for someone that has played in plat you have a pretty warped view of the differences between the tiers when it comes to warding, map rotations, jungler aggression, group pushing, objective control, etc. If I know my opposing jungle has a weak early game and is prone to invades then why wouldn't I and my team be warding up their jungle and lane approaches and going after them every chance we get? It's just common sense and nothing special, and its what people do at the higher ratings.
edit for Drae:
Its nice. My mids ward their side entrances, my tops ward their entrance and sometimes my buff or the enemies. My botlanes ward dragon and their entrances if I don't get a chance to, and then i'm usually dropping wards deep in the enemy jungle. Why is this so hard to believe? Watch a bronze to chall or even just the random silver or golds that stream, look at their minimap and then go watch Bjergsen or Nightblu3 and look at theirs. If you don't see a massive difference in warding then I'll eat my hat.
2nd edit so I don't double post:
I never said anyone was pro at plat five. and the change isn't automatic but it is there, especially if you want to get out of plat five or gold 6, whatever you want to call it.
You basically have two ways of shutting down farm junglers, including madstone, you can either pressure them in their jungle and set their power spike far enough back that it becomes irrelevant. This doesn't actually take that much effort. If you kill them once or maybe twice in the first 8 minutes of the game or at the very least make them base while you take their camps then you have effectively set them back by five to ten minutes depending on the rest of their team is doing, this doesn't take in to account any future pressures.
The second method is just to gank the enemy lanes like crazy and snow ball your team, even a fourteen minute feral flare udyr isn't going to do much against a 3-1 150+ farm at 15 min jinx or the mid Xerath that has great farm and multiple kills. Both methods work to shut him down and you aren't really going out of your way to do either because this is what most of the meta jungles do anyway right now.
As far as your point about group think and champs being out of meta or coming in because someone figures out something new to do with them, sure that happens. But in your particular instance madstone udyr isn't new. Its been for a couple months at this point and barring some other revolution in the playstyle (or nerfing of other things) its already shown what it can do at varying mmr's. If you had talked about playing it back when Flare was first released then I would have been encouraging you to ride it as hard as you can ( I did) because at that point it was broken and overpowerd. As of now its really niche and is entirely too dependent upon your team holding up for the 20 minutes it takes you to join the game.