They say why?Lucian disabled for LCS anyway, rito done goofed that hard.
His laning is weak (although he should beat vayne) but they increased his late game damage and also completely broke his dash mechanic with a certain build. If you get enough cdr from runes and masteries to hit ten percent, get boots of lucidity and a brutalizer then when you max your e (usually second) you can dash ~ every three seconds as long as you can proc his passive once. Unless you are ready to chain cc him he is just going to slide away and rip you apart with a ghostbladed in to unending procs of his passive which leads to more dashes which... yah.I still don't see the OPness personally but I have always been on a vayne/trist/kog when I have gone up against him so that might have something to do with it.
You know what separates bronze players and diamond players? Diamond players are better at pushing buttons than bronze players. That's it.
I don't even play this game anymore.NO REALLY GAMES ARE DIFFERENT UP HERE. No, they aren't. It's confirmation bias mixed with a little bit of The Emperor's New Clothes.