League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea I guess lane swapping him could work, if he makes it to next weekend without the PBE nerfs hitting him but the buffs still on.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
He's got 30 mana cost and 4 extra seconds of CD at all ranks for his dash on PBE, so I'm sure he'll turn back on once that goes live.
I still think its kind of absurd that they buffed his late game damage and gave him a dash that came up every four seconds at rank five if you were built for it. Not sure how that got out of testing. I mean, yah his laning phase is much weaker assuming you are going against trist/cait/kog but beyond that they just turned him in to a late game damage monster with mobility that Ezreal could only dream of.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The cynic in me thinks it's because he sells like mad and they couldn't kill the golden goose.

They are probably just incompetent though.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I remember when Lucian came out it was during the off season and people rarely played him, some even thought he was bad... I posted somewhere in this thread about that time that he would definitely be played in LCS.

And again right after the recent patch, I posted he was going to be op as fuck while everyone else was saying the laning phase would kill him.

Cookie please.


Bronze Squire
I still don't see the OPness personally but I have always been on a vayne/trist/kog when I have gone up against him so that might have something to do with it.
I still don't see the OPness personally but I have always been on a vayne/trist/kog when I have gone up against him so that might have something to do with it.
His laning is weak (although he should beat vayne) but they increased his late game damage and also completely broke his dash mechanic with a certain build. If you get enough cdr from runes and masteries to hit ten percent, get boots of lucidity and a brutalizer then when you max your e (usually second) you can dash ~ every three seconds as long as you can proc his passive once. Unless you are ready to chain cc him he is just going to slide away and rip you apart with a ghostbladed in to unending procs of his passive which leads to more dashes which... yah.


Bronze Squire
Ya, I can understand it , I guess I have just never seen it or their attempts to do it (I have seen some dash around like crazy) but I was always on a hyper carry so I just blew him up anyway.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Alex Ich has been spamming him non stop mid in soloq, you can find it in his past broadcasts. Seems brokenly OP mid.


Molten Core Raider
You know what separates bronze players and diamond players? Diamond players are better at pushing buttons than bronze players. That's it.
NO REALLY GAMES ARE DIFFERENT UP HERE. No, they aren't. It's confirmation bias mixed with a little bit of The Emperor's New Clothes.
I don't even play this game anymore.

However, you have to be fucking retarded to think that a bracket with the top 0.1 percent of the playerbase isn't substantially different than the sub 60 percent (its something like that) of silver.


Tranny Chaser
Being able to push buttons betterisa substantial difference. Have you really watched top ranked players lane? I meanreallywatched them. People like Bjergson can take a champion like Leblanc that is a notoriously poor farmer and almost never miss a CS under pressure form their opponent while also harassing their opponent, controlling space, and then being able to mash all her buttons in the exact right sequence in as fast as animations allow and not miss any skill shots to murder someone and go right back to just never missing CSandbe able to engage in all of that complex mechanical stuff with all of the other distractions present in a game. When Doublelift pulled that second quadra out of nowhere in the LMQ vs CLG game on Sunday that was 100% him being goddamn amazing at pushing buttons. The amount of players you could put in that position and have come out on top is single digit territory. It's possible that no other ADC in NA could have done what he did at that moment. He's that fucking good at pushing buttons.

It is the most important skill in the game of League of Legends. All of that other shit is tertiary at best but the community puts the bulk on the emphasis on things champ and item build. OH MAN PLAY X FOR FREE ELO. It's stupid. Everyone is always chasing the hot new thing rather than focusing on improving their mechanics. You need to start from the position that every single CS you miss is a big fucking deal. Abigfucking deal. League is a game of scraping together small advantages and building on them and you do that by pushing buttons better.

The Ancient_sl

I can agree with you that mechanical skill is the most important factor in your ability in LoL. But unless it's theONLYskill that matters in LoL you would see improvement in other mechanics as your ranked higher. Strictly from a logics standpoint.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
When I started watching that cinematic I thought it was fan made, but it turned out to be a badass video. Very good job, though the very beginning where Leona and Ahri are running in the forest still looks amateur compared to the rest.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Rengar deleting Draven made me chuckle pretty good. Graves with "yeeeesh, glad he's on my team" face was just perfect.