League Of Legends


<Gold Donor>
Well that makes more sense. Like a week ago I was a toxic ass for a 20 game stretch, so a single report could easily have easily been the tipping point.
Maybe my terminology was off. It might just be chat restrict and ranked restric or whatever now. I just know when they implemented the pop up system it was basically your last warning before they started taking punitive action against your account.


Trakanon Raider
Reggie loves his dutch?

Sources: TSM makes offer to Santorin

The move comes after a series of tryouts to find a suitable replacement for Maurice "Amazing" St?ckenschneider. While there was a respectably sized shortlist of potential candidates Larsen has emerged as a front runner to fill the vacant role following what our sources say were ?impressive? tryouts.

The offer is currently under consideration, according to our source: ?Lucas really enjoys being with Team Coast but opportunities like this don?t come along often. It?s lots for him to think about but he?s ready to make the step up.?


<Gold Donor>
Kid loses his Diamond Promos so his older brother reached out to all his favorite streamers for words of encouragement. I thought it was pretty cool.



I'm curious: What do all of you think about grinding up through ranked as a support rather than a role that can really carry games when ahead? Don't take this the wrong way - I know I'm not the most amazing player ever, but I feel like if I did as well as I do on support in basically any other role, I'd have a larger impact on the game. Right now I can help make decent/good teams look great, but I feel like I just delay the inevitable when I'm with a shitty team (or even just a shitty adc, which happens a lot in silver).


Lord Nagafen Raider
I haven't checked lately, but typically support is the most common high-ranked main role. Supports carry their teams a lot more than it feels like. People recognize it more now and it helps that support itemization has improved as have some of the new champion designs compared to previous years (Thresh and Braum make plays).

Plus if you call support your team already starts on a positive note more often than not, which is half the battle :p


I got gold as support, been winning games in gold 5 on support, primarily thresh blitz zyra xerath. Depending on their support of course. *can play 1 or 2 champs in all the other roles fairly decently ryze/kat/j4/lee etc*

Hookin wins games


Bronze Squire
I wish I actually enjoyed support as I do believe like you guys that it can carry like the rest. My problem is I enjoy blowing someone up or out playing on positioning which leads to me wanting to play mid/adc.


A Man Chooses....
People make no fucking sense, and it makes playing the game impossible to enjoy. Just had a Cho'gath who literally refused to group, all he would do is split push and die over and over and over, despite us having a massive lead. We push up a lane, he pushes up another lane, then dies faster than we can take an inhib turret. then we get an ace with just me and him and an open inhib and no nexus turrets and he goes to baron and starts soloing it rather than helping me end. Never pinged or said a word the entire game. It's just infuriating.


Bronze Squire
Sounds like me when 1 person decides to say something stupid over 1 little mistake. I then proceed to fit the "idea" they have of me to ensure they lose. I have so much more fun these days when I don't give a fuck about my LP since I will get all the rewards I want.


I wish I actually enjoyed support as I do believe like you guys that it can carry like the rest. My problem is I enjoy blowing someone up or out playing on positioning which leads to me wanting to play mid/adc.
Play xerath support and go for kills, it's fun. Surprising early game dmg in bot lane cuz no MR and you take AP runes + frost queens right off the bat.


Bronze Squire
I do play creative supports, my main problem is I expect them to do something when I do asI usually play aggressive. They do nothing we die and then lose. Either that or I take kills since I don't trust them and get yelled at that way as well.


Either that or I take kills since I don't trust them and get yelled at that way as well.
Ignore that complaint. The gold difference isn't that big and making sure they die is much better then them slipping out unless your challenger rated and you totally trust the other person to do it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
well I went 0-4 in bot lane last night, 2x as ADC and 2x as Support. Had a rough night dealing with crazy trolls and shit and I never was able to get my preferred Mid lane at all. I won twice with Gnar top though lol. I was in Gold II promos and instantly went 0-2.


Bronze Squire
Anybody know if there is any correlation with the winners bundle and the skins they are going to release? Just curious if any of the past bundles ended up being the skinned ones.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
In case people haven't seen Reddit or the main LoL forums, there's some serious exploit going around atm that can change champ's abilities.

Here's a reddit thread on it:Regarding the latest level 1 ult . It's actually an exploit. : leagueoflegends

Basically there is a list of champs that can be exploited to give 1 of their abilities to all other champs, these include:
So for example, there is a video of Sirchez playing Nasus and his Q was replaced by Ashe's Q and he couldn't gain stacks anymore.
Also another example where Azir's W was replaced with Sion W making him unplayable since he couldn't spawn soldiers.

There are also other features with the exploit that do some random shit such as:

  • Fiora: OnAttack: Instant ultimate / no duration limit / less damage / can be attacked
  • Twitch: OnAttack: Cast's W without CD except of AA
  • TwistedFate: OnAttack: Always shoots with red card
  • Ezreal: OnAttack: E particle, ways less damage, ways less attackspeed
  • Lucian: OnAttack: R particle, goes through enemies, ways less damage, ways less attack speed
  • Brand: OnAttack: Ultimate
  • Pantheon: Weird shit -Best Pantheon bug ever - YouTube[4] (thanks for the link /u/Goumss [5] )
  • Gragas: OnAttack: Ultimate with a cd of 10-15 sec
  • Varus: Uses the area Damage on attack
  • Jax: Possible to stun everyone
  • Lulu: OnAttack: Lulu AA becomes her Q and Pix also CS
  • Lissandra: OnAttack: Casts Q
  • Sivir: OnAttack: Casts Q
  • Fiddlesticks: OnAttack: Cast E
  • Ziggs: OnAttack: Passive dmg always added
  • Jarv 4 : AA -> motion of R, no sound
  • Graves : AA -> Rumble E
  • MF : AA -> R's particle, goes through enemies
  • Ryze : AA -> E's particle, no sound
  • Cait : AA -> E's particle, less dmg
  • Kog : AA -> E's particle, less dmg
  • Wukong : AA -> ending motion of decoy

Might be wise to avoid ranked, for a bit...


I had an aram game where katarina kept the R on permanently while shunpo-ing rapidly between my teamates.