In my opinion: the only real new player friendly champ here is Janna. Ryze requires rotation knowledge and smartcast etc to be functional. Ezreal is just straight up not worth the trouble it takes to get damage off. Jungle Yi is pretty niche and doesn't offer much practice outside of possibly jungle pathing. Most of the time you're farming up feral flare stacks and split pushing etc (which is a playstyle limited to maybe 2 other champs).New?
Jungle Yi
Ryze in mid or top
Janna as support bottom
Ezreal as ADC
I agree I'm 8-2 on ryze in ranked in my 39 wins or whatever. I'm just saying that he pretty much requires smartcast which might be a bit of a learning curve for new players.Ryze' rotation is pretty self evident when you read his skills, and develops pretty naturally. Plus you can go from level 1 to Challenger on him with very little playstyle variation
Just offering an alternative point of view however nonsensical you might consider it to be.Ryze is 450 IP, gets to build great items, has point and click CC, can be played in both solo lanes, and is fairly forgiving all the way around. This idea that you can minmax a new player's experience and optimize their acquirement of universal game knowledge is sperg nonsense.
From what I was watching Azir seems like a Rengar situation, you're either a god or a peasant.Sooooo...
Howabout that Azir. Seriously OP now, just wait till LCS and people see Bjergsen tearing out people's anuses.
He went from super bad to super good. I was 0-4 with him when he was released now I'm 2-0 since the latest changes. I plan to play him much more but I've had a helluva time getting mid lane recently.
He'll be nerfed for sure.