League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
Prepare for jungle Nidalee in every game. Fuck.
I was watching one streamer get murdered by a jungle Nidalee and hopped over to watch the Nidalee's stream and she's really in her own category of broken right now. Start at 5:47 -


Nidalee has the fastest clear in the game, she can solo dragon super early, and her damage is insane. I have no idea why landing a Q or something walking over a trap resets ALL her Cougar abilities. Spear, ride keyboard with face, turn back into human, point blank Q someone, turn back, ride keyboard again. It's absurd. If you know what you are doing you'll end every game thousands of gold ahead of everyone and the highest level.

Oh, and she gets to kill Scuds better than the entire cast. If you spear the crab or it walks over a trap her latest buff causes it to be immobilized for four seconds while you ride your keyboard on it. It's just free gold.


Got something right about marriage
People were talking about bruiser fizz on reddit like 2 days ago, one of the rare times I think a new build was gaining popularity before showing in the LCS.
That fizz build in particular was completely unimpressive.

Had nothing to do with UOL winning.


Lord Nagafen Raider
True. And I still think a less assassiny AP Fizz has legs, but I haven't played him since the nerf. He was one of my favorites even with only getting DFG sometimes.


Tranny Chaser
There have been a few games this season in both regions that made everyone involved look terrible and this was one of them. Alright, you are 3-manning baron while two of your teammates defend. The two defenders get engaged on and die before you even finish so you lose the buff on two people, lose a tower, lose an inhib, and then lose out on what would be your fifth dragon. If the two derps that got caught literally sat in the spawn area and waited for the rest of the team to recall Gambit might have secured that dragon and won. Lots of weird forced engages into disengages into reengages and general sloppy play.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And then GMB manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory for the third time in one game to close it out. Yep.


A Man Chooses....
Lee Sin: worth taking the time to master or nerfed a little too far for solo queue dominance nowadays? He's fun but he seems pretty underwhelming in competitive now, and in solo queue if you don't get fed he's basically a peelbot.


Tranny Chaser
He still scales proportional to your skill but overall I would find it hard to recommend him. If she's not getting banned at your rating put that effort into Nidalee.
Don't bother. Even before his first round of nerfs he never had an above fifty percent winrate in ranked. I haven't seen the percentages in a while but the last time I did he was at 46%. Every nerf for him was pretty much because he dominated pro play for so long because of having a team that could consistently capitalize on his insane early game. In solo queue you rarely get a team like that and inevitably the lee falls off a cliff since his scaling is nonexistent.


Lord Nagafen Raider

If you are a god with lee sin you can win every single solo queue game. His early/mid game power is so fucking strong it's unreal. You can start red, and invade enemy jungle and you're pretty much guaranteed first blood because level 2 lee(with Q+E skills) with red > any other jungler.

If there was one champion I was going to master it would be Lee Sin, he'll carry you to the top if you get amazing with him. Plus, let's be fair, a lot of the times in YoloQ you can go full damage (bruta, hydra, lw) and crush everything.

The only reason I don't sit down and try to master him is because I play with 150 ping, so trying to do any type of "insec" move with that amount of ping never works.


A Man Chooses....
Yeah I play with 120, so Insec-ing beyond taking your Q and flash kicking is never going to happen. I've just been playing him while he was free this week with a ton of success and I was thinking of grabbing him when I got 4800 but grabbing Nid is probably a better idea. Plus she's only 3150. I have him on my other account but I don't know when I would pick him over Vi/Pantheon/Reksai anyway.

He is hella fun though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm not sure I'd put that much time into Nid jungle right now, I can't see her staying the way she is. She's fun as hell but completely broken, I expect some nerfs.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I gotta believe Nidalee is on a short leash and will be hit hard soon:


These stats are from Champion.gg website which only looks at plat+ games.
The latest patch has made her shoot up the ranks insanely fast.
She's the #1 Jungler according to this website, #2 Top and #6 Mid.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Been really enjoying Cho'gath in the jungle recently. QEW, then max W > Q > E usually. I'll rush Magus into Frozen Heart, so you hit the cdr cap really early. His ganks are fairly good because the knock up/slow and the silence, plus the true damage ult as a finisher. Having his ult get 50% the cd when you feast a minion/monster is awesome because you can get and keep your 6 stack up so early and easily. End game you fall off a bit, but you can still either dive the enemy adc and cc him as best as you can, or just go full peel mode for your adc. I've really enjoyed playing Cho against assassins (zed & leblanc mainly)because many of them will jump in, get hit by the 2.5sec aoe silence and then can't jump back out before they die.

Last night I even went that zzrot portal item lol. The 50 armor + mr is great for cho and I thought, why the hell not, the siege potential!!!! Not sure I'd really recommend it, but /shrug, it did some nice damage to towers.


Molten Core Raider

If you are a god with lee sin you can win every single solo queue game. His early/mid game power is so fucking strong it's unreal. You can start red, and invade enemy jungle and you're pretty much guaranteed first blood because level 2 lee(with Q+E skills) with red > any other jungler.

If there was one champion I was going to master it would be Lee Sin, he'll carry you to the top if you get amazing with him. Plus, let's be fair, a lot of the times in YoloQ you can go full damage (bruta, hydra, lw) and crush everything.

The only reason I don't sit down and try to master him is because I play with 150 ping, so trying to do any type of "insec" move with that amount of ping never works.
Vimeseh's point was that most people quite evidently aren't gods at Lee Sin. You can say "If you are a god at [any champ] you can win every single solo queue game" but that doesn't make it good advice to pick up a non-scaling high skill-ceiling jungler and pray to find some God Skills.