League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
So you are owned money by the CEO of the company you work for and when you want to walk they threaten to take your mom's house away. It bothers me the most because we're talking about kids here. They don't know anything and bullying them like this is not anywhere near the same hemisphere as "alright." Were I the person at Riot with the proper authority I would drop a ton of fucking bricks on that entire organization.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nidalee is so dumb.

I haven't played the champ in over 6 months (pre-rework) but I decided to try her out again and it's just laughable how ezmode she is. Mash buttons and people just die.
I'm rusty as all fuck and I start out 2-0 with her (jungling) with a 3.33 KDA (anything over 3 is excellent in my book).
I definitely need to improve my mechanics with her, I do not think I could have carried with her being as rusty as I am, but with better mechanics this champ is a terror.


Tranny Chaser
The speed at which she can unload everything, change back, land a point blank Q that resets all her Cougar abilities, change back, and unload everything a second time is Old Rengar levels of bullshit. Even being bad and just mashing buttons she's still great. If you can properly use all her shit at max speed with the fastest rotations (hide the Swipe animation by using it during Takedown's animation, that kind of shit) and do it consistently throughout the duration of the game she's S+ tier.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The speed at which she can unload everything, change back, land a point blank Q that resets all her Cougar abilities, change back, and unload everything a second time is Old Rengar levels of bullshit. Even being bad and just mashing buttons she's still great. If you can properly use all her shit at max speed with the fastest rotations (hide the Swipe animation by using it during Takedown's animation, that kind of shit) and do it consistently throughout the duration of the game she's S+ tier.
Hah, yea, reading her abilities is like working through a novel. I knew the basic ideas of everything but when it comes to fights I found it was best just to hit any ability that wasn't on cooldown and stuff magically died.

I even fucked up hard my 1st game and couldn't kill the 1st Blue without backing and healing up first. Still ended the game with like 8 kills and destroyed enemy Shaco 1v1 multiple times.

I know more of her kit now so a few more games and hopefully I will feel competent enough to be able to carry if I have to. It was nice I had a couple decent teams where my ganks were helpful but not 100% required to win.


So WTF is with NA Fantasy giving shit-tier points. Basically everyone who went EU majority gets 300 pts a week now.

EU = Slowplay

Also why does xpecial look so pissed even if liquid wins.


A Man Chooses....
6-0 combined. My strategy of Eurofags(primarily Fnatic/SK) is glorious to this point.

Pryorability: League of Legends Tier List Patch 5.2

Stats bear everything out. Ahri OP as fuck, as is Nidalee(top 4 top, mid, and jungle). J4 is a gigantic cunt. Zac still terrible but I still crush with him somehow. The return of Leona has arrived to try and punish broken fucking Annie.


Bronze Squire
Except both of those 2 Ahri and Nidalee (as much as yall claim otherwise) get their shit pushed in if they are bad. I can't tell you how many times I have seen an Ahri/Nidalee get stomped.


A Man Chooses....
Wow, the champion with more impressive ranked statistics than Warwick at preseason this year can still lose if you're terrible. I guess Ahri is bad then.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So I hit Promos to Gold again, 3rd Season in a row where I *should* be Gold assuming I can have a successful promo. I consider this an accomplishment considering it took me about 1,500 games to get gold my first time ever in Season 3, and I had played another ~2,000 games season 2 without getting gold at all. Season 4 was like 50 games to get gold but I was placed Silver I after placements.

This Season I was kinda nervous I might get stuck in Silver. I was placed Silver IV but 21 games later I had fallen to Silver V with 0 LP after a 10 game losing streak.

Some Quick Stats:

  • Placements 5-5, Result Silver IV
  • First 3 days of Season 5 I was 12-9 (57% win rate)
  • 3rd & 4th days I lose 10 in a row, now 12-19 (39% win rate)
  • Bottom out at Silver V & 0 LP
  • The next 100 games I go 58-42, (58% win rate) to get in promos to Gold V
  • This took 15 days playing 6.66 games per day.

The Champions I played for those 100 games:

Obviously Diana carried me through all of Silver having a 71% win rate.

Now there's a bunch of Rerolled players that are Gold/Plat and even Diamond, but I feel like we have even more that constantly come here saying how stuck they are in Silver and that higher placed players don't need to deal with the bullshit. I do agree there's a bunch of bullshit in Silver. The AFKs/DCs/Quitting/Cluelessness is just at crazy levels whereas playing in Gold and higher is more about Egos and Drama and sometimes the other stuff but to a lesser degree.

But anyway, as has been proven by every higher ranked player out there, and the fact I could play ~1500 games 2 seasons ago before getting out of Silver, and now it's taken just over 100 (hopefully 103!), there's definitely more to this game then luck!

I seriously use to rage anytime something went wrong, I would make sarcastic remarks to teammates and I would even troll and pick non-meta shit if I didn't get my role. This was back 2 years ago when I was trying to carry every game as an ADC.

I've reformed since and the results are clear.

The steps I've taken are:

  • I talk infrequently, mainly a "ty" (if given Blue) or "gj" (if someone does something good) and sometimes if the team lacks coordination i'll direct an action ("push mid" / "dragon" / "baron" / etc). I keep the typing to a minimal!
  • No more raging to teammates: I keep it to myself
  • If I'm being called out specifically: I'll obviously be pissed but normally I'm being called out because I'm actually playing like shit. Accept it and try to do better. I actually don't use the ignore function too often, but will if the guy is being extremely hostile.
  • I do go into every game with the mindset I have to carry, even if I'm playing a support, however! If my team is doing great and I'm just staying even (or even losing) my lane, I'll accept getting carried. Play passive rather then taking too many risks and "throwing". Biggest problem I see are people that "I HAVE TO CARRY EVERY GAME NO MATTER WHAT". Everyone wants to be the star!
  • Play your best champs, or champs you are doing the best with: I started the season thinking Tryndamere would carry me to Gold, as he's done in the past. He probably would have if I kept playing him, but I wasn't feeling as comfortable on him and I switched off him when he was at a 56% win rate (9-7). I actually started 0-2 on Diana so I dumped her and tried going back to Syndra for a bit (most played champ in S4) but after taking Diana as a counterpick to something, and playing really well, it just clicked and I kept her rolling. The thing with Diana is she counters (or can go even with) all of the meta picks right now (ahri/akali/kat/fizz). Her counters have been nerfed or are infrequently played. Syndra was one of her main counters and now Syndra is never played.
  • Know the role you can carry from and try playing that role, but don't be drama if you can't get it. Obviously I am comfortable carrying from mid-lane, so I try to maximize getting that role by typing (just once), "mid pref". I won't say anymore after that unless I need someone to clarify their role. When it's my turn to pick I'll take mid only if it's available. With this strategy I actually got mid a lot! I've only supported ~6 times (hard to count how many times I was Vel Koz support). I also don't give up my role too easily, even if someone below me is being drama. It's always Pick Order. If someone is causing shit I don't even reply back. Just let them spew shit and shut them up with your play (hopefully).
  • Know where you suck the most: I know ADC is a carry role, and I have been able to carry hard as an ADC on many occasions, but I feel like there's way too much bullshit out there that can 1-shot you as an ADC. It's just not my comfort zone being behind the frontlines. I like to be in the middle of the action. Sometimes I consider being a support over an ADC simply for comfort, but in Silver tier I realize that me being uncomfortable on ADC is probably still better than the majority of actual Silver player ADCs. I start to support over ADC more often when I'm more sure about having a competent ADC player. If I thought my ADC play was Bronze-level then I would definitely support over ADC in silver tier.

Probably more stuff but yea, I play a fuck-ton of games and should probably be better than I am, but for now I'm just happy I am on the precipice of getting back to Gold all the way from Silver V. I was always curious about that as being Gold for so long tends to make you forget what a lower tier is like. I started this Season in games with players from Bronze. I'm also getting old (as we all are) and like to know I can still compete with the top ~10% or so. (use to be 5% were Gold+?... I think it's ~10% now).


Silver Knight of the Realm
If I'm being called out specifically: I'll obviously be pissed but normally I'm being called out because I'm actually playing like shit. Accept it and try to do better. I actually don't use the ignore function too often, but will if the guy is being extremely hostile.
Liberal use of ignore makes the game infinitely more enjoyable, I tend to ignore immediately at the first sign of rage these days.


Molten Core Raider
Good post, Fawe.

An important consideration is the math involved in ranking. Technically you'll gain rank with a 50 percent win rate, but preferably (so we aren't banished to the end of a normal distribution by RNGesus), we want 55 to 60. Every win in a series of 10 is extremely important to maintain that win rate, and I see far too often people throw away games that could have been won because they decide to go to Trolltown instead of talking their raging top-laner down off the edge.

In the 63 (38W/25L) games I played last season, at least FIVE wins were looking quite grim with a raging teammate who fed and was just wanted to rage quit.

If I had contributed in any way to those Rage Machines, I would have dropped from 60 percent win rate to 52 percent win rate. And we all know what type of statistical nightmares one can run into with a prolonged 52 win rate.

Teams can hold the line 4v5 for a brief period while the rager collects himself and repairs his morale... a team absolutely can NOT hold the line when everyone starts dogging on the guy or raging back. It goes a long way to pour a cup of shut the fuck up, bite ones tongue, and type : ("hang in there man we can do this, bot lane going well, just roam and try to get some farm..."). Compare/contrast to ("Fuck this top laner just feeds gg ff20").


Lord Nagafen Raider
Jokes are made about pro teams and "League of throws" but 99% of every match any one of us will ever play until the nexus blows up is closer than the closest looking LCS match. Us peasants, randomly assembled, don't have the skill or cohesiveness to NOT make the match super close. Keeping people from raging and feeding is probably more important than actual skills in lane.


Decided to come back to League to find myself in Silver 2. I played my placement matches and went 9-1, landed in Gold 4. If anyone wants to duo, please add "imysti''


Bronze Squire
Wow, the champion with more impressive ranked statistics than Warwick at preseason this year can still lose if you're terrible. I guess Ahri is bad then.
What I am saying is ya'll are riding nid/ahri like if she gets picked it is an auto win, I suppose I should have been more clear. They are far from easy to use and I personally see them fail more than I see them succeed but I can play both so anybody who doesn't play them at my level I consider it a fail.

That is a very interesting breakdown Fawe and I agree with you on many points. I certainly see the ego stuff with gold I think that is where I see the most "bronze scrub" name calling etc.


A Man Chooses....
10-4 with Jungle Nid and I am terrible at her. I mean played since season one yet don't even own her on my main account terrible. I always end up 3-3-15 or something. I like the Korean trailblazer into tear, finish jungle item, then finish Seraph's(you stack it pre-20 mins).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Funny 5.3 patch gives Diana another slight buff. The last buff was in patch 4.21 (Dec 10th) where her Ult resets even if interrupted as long as she casts on a target with Moonlight. Now here spheres rotate faster meaning quicker burst & shield.

Won't be long before she's deemed "worthy" again. I guarantee.

Also the Kennen buff is insane:

W now hits everyone in Slicing Maelstrom, rather than only those who'd been marked. Slicing Maelstrom also now only hits the same target every 0.5 seconds.
That's going to be crazy burst during ult.

Farsight Orb now drops a ward, pretty cool, especially since I've picked up the Farsight orb a little more often anyway.

They also fixed the AP bug preventing mages from doing much damage to inhibs. Helps all mages, but especially happy I can be split pushing as Diana again.


Trakanon Raider
Re-watched the rest of the NA LCS matches I missed this weekend. Long term, the new teams will improve the NA, because there will be more teams able to scrim. But, short term... these teams are bad. I think I'll be more selective in the matches I watch.


Tranny Chaser
I hate J4 and would totally ban him but I don't think he needs anything other than a token nerf and probably not even then. Nid might actually be nerfed depending on what exactly

WHOOPS Fixed a bug where Nidalee's cooldowns were not properly set when switching from Human to Cougar form
means. Right now if a monster or a champion gains the hunted debuff (walks over a trap, eats a spear) and Nidalee is in human form all her Cougar form cooldowns reset. It may only supposed to reset her R. Right now if you are practiced you can full combo someone, change back, spear, and combo them again in an incredibly short period of time. That may go away making her optimal rotations worse while not really changing much for us plebs.