League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
I love playing tanky if I'm with friends. I hate playing tanks in soloq. More often than not you initiate and everyone else runs away.

I really want to play TF jungle, looks fun.

Also, you guys need to try out Zyra mid. Very very strong with the new Rylais and Liandrys. I don't know what the best build path would be. The one game I played was Morellos into R/L. Felt too delayed. I think it would be better to do Tear in R/L. You actually get pretty tanky with all those hps.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Singed is pretty strong too. I bet you see more of him soon once people realize how strong he's become


2 Minutes Hate
I fed a lot with Singed the other night. I was playing against a Darius and I really didn't care about pushing him into his turret and him pulling me in. I didn't really play safe at all.

But yea, he's super strong.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Tried out AD Fizz top and also tried Singed Top last night. Both are really strong. Fizz is still shown being played primarily as AP on champion.gg but if you look at probuilds.net you see most pros going AD. I was against Renekton. Lost early game as is expected against a Renekton but then stomped later on. Trinity > BotRK > Maw/Tanky stuff > Win. Won that game.

Singed is hella fun. I lost with him but mainly a combination of my own mistakes and teammates that bitched all game long instead of trying to win. Was against Nasus/Volibear/Nautilus/Orianna/Jinx... Talk about a helluva team comp to be against, tanky+crazy shields. Once I got Rylai+LT I was able to kite them forever and did so much damage. We had a Kalista that couldn't position properly at all and would stand next to Nasus to get 1 shotted even when I slowed him to hell. I'm definitely going to be playing Singed more. He's great against tanky team comps cause of the burn and kite. I didn't get a chance to pick him again last night. Looking at his stats he went from 17th ranked top laner to 5th.


2 Minutes Hate
I love singed's play style.

So last night I had my TF jungle game. It's so strong and won that game easily. I had a decent team though and the other team's jungle DC'd 2/3rds of the way through. I also had another Zyra Mid game. God that was so good. I did as much damage as a super fed Vayne. She had 38k damage I had 36k. Zyra mid is the place to be.

I tried Yi jungle but I went up against an Udyr who actually played really really well. He invaded me constantly and won the game. Yi is way too weak early on pre-sated. I was on a crappy team and no one reacted to the invasion, but it didn't matter. I'm taking Yi off my list.

As an aside, I now operate off a list of champs to play so I don't go all over the place and force myself to practice champs:





I only play Katarina when am I playing for fun and not tryharding. Yorick is on the list just so I remember to try him out. I haven't had a chance to play him since the new Black Cleaver came out. He'll probably come off after a game or two. I also have Vlad on there. I really want to learn him, but I haven't had good luck doing so. I also play him mid too.

I don't know why, but I never play Nidalee even if I'm decent with her.

Alllso, anyone interested in the new Gangplank? I think he might be actually decent now.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
New GP looks cool, yea, he'll probably be decent. Seems like the key will be how well you can use his kegs.

No ADCs on your list! Very interesting list for sure, it's kinda everywhere. Many different "styles" being represented there. 12 different champions! I suppose it doesn't matter though if you aren't playing to rank up.

You could play TF/Annie/Kat as mid, too, but I guess you prefer not to? I'm going to have to argue against TF being a strong jungler. Kikis used him that 1 time in LCS but like... yea... no way man. TF will get destroyed by any meta jungler.

Definitely try out some Singed though. He's so troll. I've seen some Singed players that start out Proxying at level 1 but I needed to shake off the rust with him first so I didn't start Proxying till about level 4 (and I was never killed when proxying). I'm not sure how worth it is to proxy so early. I've seen Singed players get killed several times early, but they eventually comeback strong later. To me it just doesn't seem worth to donate those early kills.
You proxy level one against gnar, lulu, and vlad. Don't worry about doing it against anyone else aside from ryde who is permaban anyway. Just make sure enemy jungle is starting at opposite buff and recall after your first two waves. You shouldn't be killed that way as long as you don't show until first wave is coming.

Fawe, you should watch the edg vs ss game from the lpl that happened this weekend. Match two had the most obscene Dianna I have ever seen.


2 Minutes Hate
New GP looks cool, yea, he'll probably be decent. Seems like the key will be how well you can use his kegs.

No ADCs on your list! Very interesting list for sure, it's kinda everywhere. Many different "styles" being represented there. 12 different champions! I suppose it doesn't matter though if you aren't playing to rank up.

You could play TF/Annie/Kat as mid, too, but I guess you prefer not to? I'm going to have to argue against TF being a strong jungler. Kikis used him that 1 time in LCS but like... yea... no way man. TF will get destroyed by any meta jungler.

Definitely try out some Singed though. He's so troll. I've seen some Singed players that start out Proxying at level 1 but I needed to shake off the rust with him first so I didn't start Proxying till about level 4 (and I was never killed when proxying). I'm not sure how worth it is to proxy so early. I've seen Singed players get killed several times early, but they eventually comeback strong later. To me it just doesn't seem worth to donate those early kills.
I will only play ADC if I'm last pick and ADC is left. If that's the case I'll usually play Jinx. It's my least played role and least favorite. As far as 12 different champions, I usually have two for each position that I'll play and one experimental one that I'd like to practice. So Top right now I'm in to playing Darius and Singed and maybe Vlad on the side. The Yorick there is to remind me I'd like to try him out again since I haven't played him in a while.

TF is on the jungle list right now because I would like to mess around with him and see if I like his play style. I've got one practice game in on him already and it was a fun game. TF jungle gets destroyed like any other devourer jungler early on if you get harassed. Plus I play on Bronze/Silver level. Who really cares what meta is what.

Proxy singed only works if you're either good at it and don't get greedy and no on reacts to you. Usually if you play against a devourer jungle you could probably get away with at least 2 waves before you execute yourself. A good strat that I've seen with singed is take a camp, get level 2, TP to lane and just bum rush your lane opponent. Your AD is strong at level 2.

Do you think I don't know that TF/Kat/Annie can be played mid :p? I don't really like playing Katarina in the first place, I just find it entertaining as a support when playing with some buds. I do sometimes play annie mid, but I rather play other champs mid. TF is just a new champ I'm messing around with. I wouldn't play ranked at all right now.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You proxy level one against gnar, lulu, and vlad. Don't worry about doing it against anyone else aside from ryde who is permaban anyway. Just make sure enemy jungle is starting at opposite buff and recall after your first two waves. You shouldn't be killed that way as long as you don't show until first wave is coming.

Fawe, you should watch the edg vs ss game from the lpl that happened this weekend. Match two had the most obscene Dianna I have ever seen.
Ok, just watched that game (LGD vs SS), fun game to watch! Diana is the perfect counter to that SS comp though. They had Fizz/RG Ezreal/Nidalee... Diana counters all 3 of those champs pretty hard. That was a feast for her. I love going against team comps like that. When Diana gets ahead like that it's so damn fun. Only champ she couldn't 1 shot was nautilus lol. I can get to that point in my Gold games but doing it at a pro level is damn impressive. Rushing Nashor's is somewhat questionable, but I think it was for the split pushing.

Nashors lets Diana split push like a beast. Also, he was able to time his passive very well, much better than I do. The rest of his build was fairly similar to how I go since the AP update: Abyssal > Dcap > Zhonya/Void/Luden. I've phased out Luden's as 2nd item since they lowered the AP on it. Dcap & Void staff are stronger buys early imo. Nashor's isn't a bad buy at all but is a bit weaker for team fighting. It's good for 1v1 and split pushing, which is what GODV focused on early that game, then once he got Abyssal+Dcap he was destroying team fights & 1-shotting people.

I was trying to find a recent game where I 1-shot the enemy ADC but gave up looking for it. Diana is strong though and GODV gave a good performance as to why. She will be lackluster when behind and also against certain comps, but that poke comp was perfect to pick into.

I had a game last night where I was against a Karma mid and was camped by jungler Lee Sin and I had one of my worst starts in a long time: 0-6 after 15mins. Yea, it was bad! Ended up winning the game anyway and had 14 kills by the end, lol.


Lord Nagafen Raider
New Fiora update makes me kinda super excited. That looks way closer to what I imagined when she first came out compared to what she ended up being. Her ult AoE heal seems kinda random but something about the glory and accolades of winning the duel or something.

Surrender at 20: Champion Update: Fiora


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Fiora update is awesome. I'm lovin these new ideas. (Gangplank's powder kegs being the other neat new mechanic). How they go about the "weak spot" mechanic is very elegant imo. This Fiora update looks super strong. Riposte is huge that it can counter ALL spells/dmg for a split second instead of just 1 autoattack. She has like 2 slows and a stun now? Also true damage and %health damage. And she can create a healing field, wtf?

She will still suffer the same weaknesses as every other fighter/assassin, and she won't have a stupid untargetable AoE ult anymore, but she seems primed to be a good tank buster and 1v1 duelist/split pusher for sure. Probably will lack in team fights unless she can insta-gib an ADC and get her healing field off. Will probably need to be played like any other Assassin and wait till the enemies are softened up a bit before entering the fray.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Between new Fiora, Gangplank, and Yasuo being generally stronger top compared to mid, I think I'm migrating back to top lane from mid


2 Minutes Hate
It would be way too OP, but that dash should have two charges on it so you can get your ult off. I have no idea how often you'll be able to get a full four quad ult off. That's a lot of movement and auto attacking while your target is not standing still.

I wonder how long you get to try to hit all four spots.

I think I might try to practice Nidalee tonight if I have time. I really just need to practice her mechanics with her first clear.
The one thing they talked about fawe was how godv was timing his q ult in order to pop two in the space of two autos. not sure how he was doing it though given the CD of the two skills. Does it work like you do the akali q stacking where you can get the proc just before the next CD comes up and then hit it again? I was just super impressed by the damage. Especially the jungle fight where she got full shield charges off on their whole team and then hit them with a q. Was just pure aoe melting.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The one thing they talked about fawe was how godv was timing his q ult in order to pop two in the space of two autos. not sure how he was doing it though given the CD of the two skills. Does it work like you do the akali q stacking where you can get the proc just before the next CD comes up and then hit it again? I was just super impressed by the damage. Especially the jungle fight where she got full shield charges off on their whole team and then hit them with a q. Was just pure aoe melting.
Hey, funny thing about this is I heard them say the exact same thing and had to rewatch the fight 5x to figure out wtf they were talking about and my conclusion is the casters were just making shit up. Assuming we have the same fight in mind it is here:Team Snake vs LGD Gaming | Game 2 LPL Summer 2015 Week 8 Day 2 | SS vs LGD G2 W8D2 R2 ENG - YouTube

The casters say later "He Q'd --> Flash --> Melee --> 2x Lunar Rush. Which is NOT what happened at all. He actually Q --> W+R --> MISSES E --> R --> Flash + Attack. And it looks like he tried attacking after each R but missed because his 3rd auto didn't proc passive.

This is perfectly normal and actually had a missed ability (E). The casters might not realize R resets from Q? idk...

Anyway, I am pretty sure you can't Q , wait, then R+Q+R+R. The lowest Q cooldown is 6, with 40% CDR it's still over 3 seconds cooldown. The debuff lasts 3 seconds. So it seems like the debuff expires JUST before Q cooldown if you have 40% CDR. Unless a rounding thing makes it exactly 3 second cooldown but timing that perfectly would be insane.


2 Minutes Hate
Played a random Nid game tonight. Started jungle as 4/0/1 and the all my lanes fed. Could not carry. Forgot how squishy Nidalee was when I ran into a 6/0/1 Darius. Oops.