League Of Legends


Blackwing Lair Raider
You know you are in for an interesting murder bridge when the other team has shaco/nidalee/teemo/caitlyn its like screw it I am not trying to walk anywhere it's all a trap.


Bronze Squire
Can you do this in-game? You might have just changed my life.
Yes you can flip it to the left side. I did it last night then quickly realized I already like it on the right side now so swapped it back lol. It is under interface options. It is a little check box somewhere to flip the map.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well it was a pretty good demonstration of how to play Tahm about as effectively as he can be played. He is a good champ if you are good at the relentless poking jabbing type play style and his Nom Nom power does some pretty sick damage vs tanks which he was using to good effect.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, Bjergsen was as timid as eff. Those constant ori ults gave him some serious jitters.

edit: and as Kobe said, they probably wouldn't have even had the opportunity for that if Bjerg had flashed ulted along with Lustboy's Tibbers.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Incarnation has had some really impressive games since Hai came on, straight up bullying opposing mids. You can see the talent is there now that he's getting more comfortable.
Incarnation has had some really impressive games since Hai came on, straight up bullying opposing mids. You can see the talent is there now that he's getting more comfortable.
Well he was supposed to be the European version of faker or apdo. Obviously he isn't that but maybe without having to worry about shotcalling he can get to a pawn or rookie level.

Yup lasch. An ult and lazer on top of that three man tibbers would have won them the team fight. Maybe he has been playing too much ezreal and kog lately. Forgot how to play non poke mages or something.