League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
TSM drafted like shit and I can see Loco getting fired if they do this shit in Worlds. That was horrendous.

Dyrus on Nautilus 2 games? Really? He just proved that he's a monster on non-support tops.. Olaf was available game 3 and he goes Naut again.

Bjergsen on Yasuo twice in a row? Yea, he's a hyper carry and they got railroaded game 1 with Zion on Yasuo but it wasn't really Yasuo carrying. (Hello Viktor) No idea wtf they were thinking. CLG mindfucked them so hard.

Turtle was the only one doing damage those games.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Their ban phase wasn't that bad tbh. They banned Kalista all 3 games, Trist 2 games, Alistar 2 games, Ashe 1 game & Olaf 1 game.

Dlift is a god on Kalista where as Turtle isn't that great on her, plus Kalista + Aphro is insane since Aphro is their shout caller and loves using a playmaking support. Eventually TSM starts banning out Trist (cuz double owns on Trist as well) as well as Alistar (except the game they fp him) I actually think the team composition for TSM was better in games 2 and 3 but they just fell behind so far so early that they really couldn't do much. They did hold on for quite some time though but CLG was just making much better rotates/groups/teamfights. Santorin really sucked...liked always. The couple times he'd go top to help out Dyrus CLG would always capitalize on that and get early dragons.

I would like to see Dyrus get back on some more carry support roles though. He use to play Singed, Vlad, Jax etc etc and did well. Not that those guys would work out too great in this meta but I'm sure his Fizz, Riven, etc etc can't be that bad.

I"m glad CLG finally won, I've been their fanboy since probably season 2, about freaking time!

They probably could have banned or picked Viktor though in game 3 just to force Pobelter on something different though.


Bronze Squire
It is good for CLG to win as maybe it it will be a wake up call for TSM. It was a combo of CLG playing better than they ever have and TSM failing hard. In the end none of it fucking matters because it might as well be just China/Taiwan/Korea at worlds as they are the only relevant regions. EDG and SKT are looking stupid good this year.


Trakanon Raider
CLG with #1 seed has a decent chance of getting out of groups with the right selection. TSM getting 2nd just puts them out of their misery in groups.

West wont win worlds ever again. (as long as lol is relevant in Korea or China).

Origen as 3 seed has to hope they get TSM or CLG in their bracket.


2 Minutes Hate
I finally remembered to test my ping to the new servers, and I might get 23ms ping? Ohshitwhat That's huge coming from 90ish ping.


I finally remembered to test my ping to the new servers, and I might get 23ms ping? Ohshitwhat That's huge coming from 90ish ping.
Kenosha WI and ping is 20 ms if the new server's hold true to the ping test. I climbed to Gold from bronze and might actually hit Plat with this new godmode they are giving us.


Molten Core Raider
So I've been playing a lot more lately to get better at the game. I've been working on masteries on a few champs - got jungle Rammus and Sona mastered.

Working on jungling Yi and I just had a game where I thought I was doing well, however the enemy team also had a jungling Yi and that guy was super fed comparatively. We surrendered at 27:45 in the game, and I was level 14 and at 8/4/3 - most kills on my team, least deaths, and an ok amount of assists. Comparatively, their Yi was level 17 and 19/4/4 with 16.5k gold compared to my team high 9.4k gold. I'm still new to Yi, but I'm stumped - the dude had 3 levels and nearly twice the gold in the same amount of playing time. My guess is, I should have played more aggressively in lanes instead of jungling, but it's hard with Yi to gauge when to roam and gank, compared to farm, since he's so squishy that getting out of position on a gank is a surefire death it feels like.

Anyway, anyone have experience with Yi in jungle and have some advice? How soon do you leave jungle to gank? Usually I wait until 6 since his ult is so good, plus by 6 you have enough gold to buy Enchantment: Devourer


Trakanon Raider
Watch some cowsep videos. He mains yi on the Korean server. He goes ham and doesn't give a fuck and has fun. He will do random Yis such as tank yi, crit yi, etc etc. He always builds sated and attack speed. As a Yi you need to know when to just split push, this will help you gain more gold over the other jungler. It will just help snowball you. Gank tax on the lane is 100% for yi. Pretty much if you gank anyone, push the minions to the tower. It fucks the other team out of exp and gold.
His streamTwitch


2 Minutes Hate

From ~90 to 32 on Verizon in NJ. Shiiiet.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
just played a game with ~37 ms from 89 and.......... didnt notice much of a difference
Did win the game though!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea thats what I figured...I was also on Volibear whom could be played just as easily on 500ms ping. With Assassins Im sure Ill notice a difference.

The game I just played was crazy team comps. We were against: Garen/Yasuo/Skarner/Mordekaiser/Syndra(Support). Like holy hell the Juggernaut comp, lol. We won kinda easily though, Volibear shits on Garen and I got so tanky I had a couple key Homeguard+TP plays that plowed through the enemy team. Our comp was pretty good too, just no Juggernauts. Volibear/TF/Yi/Jinx/Nami.

I did 2nd most damage in the game (TF #1, Voli #2, Yi #3).. Titanic Hydra is OP man. I also tanked the most damage by over 2x of next player.


Trakanon Raider
59 ping from Orlando. I'll take it. Not as good as LAN server 20ish, but I haven't noticed a difference at all. So I moved all my accounts back to NA. Gold 2 account is in a promo(guess 1 game play. If I win it will place me in whatever) and my test account was silver 2, and is placed in Bronze 3 Promos lol. I am sure I will jump higher than bronze when I win my promo.

I don't care what people say about the talent pool of LAN. If you can play there and win while people play shit like Udyr support or some other retarded match up, you are an LCS pro.