League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
Well if you aren't queuing for mid (sorry Wizardhawk) then you get filled like once every twenty games or so from what I've seen. That isn't really bad at all.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I dunno. Autofill is the most retarded system i've ever seen in any video game. I have 60+% winrate in mid this season but I get autofilled into support so that someone can get my main role who picks a champion they have no idea how to play (or they blatantly are feeding/trolling but watching her seemed more like she was just terrible and had never played zoe once before). I'd much rather sit in queue for 15 minutes and not get autofilled into a role I don't want with people who get my role and suck than sit in queue for 3 minutes and then waste 45 playing a game that ends 77 to 9 on kills and offers less than zero enjoyment.

You might already do this but always, always, always re-queue if someone dodges. It’s like the system goes into a panic when you’re placed back into queue after a dodge. I rarely get auto filled since adopting this policy.


Trakanon Raider
Morg mid feels pretty good right now, been playing her when I can't get zoe or in bad zoe matchups. I've always liked morg mid so that might be part of it but it's good damage vs tanks that are popular now from liandry+rylai and good kite vs champs like nasus/illaoi/etc. while also being able to melt squishies.

61% winrate on zoe atm with 82 games and 77% on morg with 35. 99/81 win/loss so far, almost in gold promos (hopefully if I keep up the high winrate I can start skipping a division maybe so I won't have to be 200/100 to hit plat).

Morg is fucking aids mid. The twenty minute spell shield (seriously it lasts way too long) and free damage everytime W/comet is up makes me a sad panda. Oh and the hit box on her Q is twice as big as the damn graphic.

In summary, fuck morg.


Trakanon Raider
Well if you aren't queuing for mid (sorry Wizardhawk) then you get filled like once every twenty games or so from what I've seen. That isn't really bad at all.
When I'd queue as top/jung or top/mid, id get auto filled every 6-8 games, and then you are protected for a few. Depends on how in demand your main role is. If you are going mid/x, you will get auto filled a lot more.
Also, if you don't mind support every so often, then go preferred role/fill to get credit for 'auto filling' support instead of picking it. 9/10 times you'll get put into support but then be guaranteed your main role for a few games after.


Trakanon Raider
btw: anyone watch LCS this week?
Echo Fox has turned out to be quite good, which I'm very happy about. I was so rooting for that roster to work out, Rick Fox is the best owner. Dardoch is really getting a chance to shine on that team.

C9 looks great. Licorice has turned out to be a beast, which is good for NA as a whole. Need more home grown talent to be good. Svenskeren also seems to be reinvigorated, which I thought might happen. There's something about TSM, maybe its Bjergsen, that takes aggressive junglers and slowly steals their mojo. He would do well in solo queue, he still had good mechanics and game sense, but didn't look good within their team structure anymore.

Team Liquid (forever 4th) might just end up 4th this split, which cracks me up. The curse is back baby! They finally showed some flaws playing against the top teams of C9 and EF.

TSM is turning things around from that poor start, but they still don't look nearly as good as C9/EF/TL. Hopefully they get it together by end of split and are a well oiled machine for summer. I want the competition to be the closest it's ever been so whoever emerges is actually a worthy competitor at worlds. Would like to see us make semi-finals for ONCE, ffs. If Worlds happened tomorrow, that'd most likely be C9 or EF, if anyone, though. At least SKT is having problems, amirite? :)

GGS, FLY, OPT all look like what we thought they'd be. Though, FLY did look much better now that Fly is actually there. Still don't really see any of them making playoffs, though.

Pretty sure it'll be C9, EF, TL, TSM, 100T and CG/CLG in playoffs. FLY might sneak in and edge out CG or CLG, but that's about the only 'upset' i see happening. I know, I'm basically following the current standings, but i think they are fairly accurate right now. No team has had an overly hard or easy schedule overall, so the records are a fairly accurate representation of how strong they are right now. Especially comparing the top 8 to bottom 2. Optic and Golden Guardians are definitely not playoff teams. There's a little bit of grey area between 100T, CG, CLG and FLY, but not a lot. TSM is TSM and often starts off rocky in spring. I'd be astounded if they don't finish top 4. They are motivated to be the best, they will practice like crazy to get there.


Doer of Things
Morg is fucking aids mid. The twenty minute spell shield (seriously it lasts way too long) and free damage everytime W/comet is up makes me a sad panda. Oh and the hit box on her Q is twice as big as the damn graphic.

In summary, fuck morg.

Yet people in my shit ELO still question why I always ban that bitch...


Potato del Grande
Spent a week or so hovering around 0-30lp in gold 5, lose 8 in a row or so saturday night and sunday morning, get demoted. Climb back up to gold last night and this morning, first game in gold 5 again and I get a retarded mid and top who spam chat all game about how they have 80% winrates and silver 1 mmr is trash while they both feed and take retarded fights etc.

I swear to god they have something in their matchmaking code that allows the biggest retards to hover around gold 5 and silver 1 because that's where I was getting all the 43cs at 20 minute vaynes etc. too.


Trakanon Raider
I keep wanting to get back into this game. However, all I've played is ARAM for the last couple of years. I think the last time I did Summoner's Rift was before they added the free trinket wards or whatever. It's daunting because I don't want to go back to SR and be the reason my team loses, so any time I get the urge to play, I just go right back to ARAM.

Edit: WTF they completely changed Swain...
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Spent a week or so hovering around 0-30lp in gold 5, lose 8 in a row or so saturday night and sunday morning, get demoted. Climb back up to gold last night and this morning, first game in gold 5 again and I get a retarded mid and top who spam chat all game about how they have 80% winrates and silver 1 mmr is trash while they both feed and take retarded fights etc.

I swear to god they have something in their matchmaking code that allows the biggest retards to hover around gold 5 and silver 1 because that's where I was getting all the 43cs at 20 minute vaynes etc. too.

Gold 5 is a dumping ground because it's where you get end of season rewards.
I somehow breezed through to Gold 4 and am a few wins from Gold 3 promos... was 1 win away but had a 4 game lose streak recently.
Look at your ranked division and you see ~100 in Gold 5 and then afterwards its like less than 50 until Plat V.
Gold I has like 10 people in it in my Div.


I keep wanting to get back into this game. However, all I've played is ARAM for the last couple of years. I think the last time I did Summoner's Rift was before they added the free trinket wards or whatever. It's daunting because I don't want to go back to SR and be the reason my team loses, so any time I get the urge to play, I just go right back to ARAM.

Edit: WTF they completely changed Swain...

This was basically me last Season. Played maybe 100 ranked but was so rusty I typically just did unranked games and it was a lot less stressful. So, my recommendation is do some unranked and if you feel good, jump into Ranked.

Also, everyone is shit and everyone flames, if you don't have thick skin then you may as well stick with ARAM.


btw: anyone watch LCS this week?
Echo Fox has turned out to be quite good, which I'm very happy about. I was so rooting for that roster to work out, Rick Fox is the best owner. Dardoch is really getting a chance to shine on that team.

C9 looks great. Licorice has turned out to be a beast, which is good for NA as a whole. Need more home grown talent to be good. Svenskeren also seems to be reinvigorated, which I thought might happen. There's something about TSM, maybe its Bjergsen, that takes aggressive junglers and slowly steals their mojo. He would do well in solo queue, he still had good mechanics and game sense, but didn't look good within their team structure anymore.

Team Liquid (forever 4th) might just end up 4th this split, which cracks me up. The curse is back baby! They finally showed some flaws playing against the top teams of C9 and EF.

TSM is turning things around from that poor start, but they still don't look nearly as good as C9/EF/TL. Hopefully they get it together by end of split and are a well oiled machine for summer. I want the competition to be the closest it's ever been so whoever emerges is actually a worthy competitor at worlds. Would like to see us make semi-finals for ONCE, ffs. If Worlds happened tomorrow, that'd most likely be C9 or EF, if anyone, though. At least SKT is having problems, amirite? :)

GGS, FLY, OPT all look like what we thought they'd be. Though, FLY did look much better now that Fly is actually there. Still don't really see any of them making playoffs, though.

Pretty sure it'll be C9, EF, TL, TSM, 100T and CG/CLG in playoffs. FLY might sneak in and edge out CG or CLG, but that's about the only 'upset' i see happening. I know, I'm basically following the current standings, but i think they are fairly accurate right now. No team has had an overly hard or easy schedule overall, so the records are a fairly accurate representation of how strong they are right now. Especially comparing the top 8 to bottom 2. Optic and Golden Guardians are definitely not playoff teams. There's a little bit of grey area between 100T, CG, CLG and FLY, but not a lot. TSM is TSM and often starts off rocky in spring. I'd be astounded if they don't finish top 4. They are motivated to be the best, they will practice like crazy to get there.

TSM had a terrible weekend, I'm really thinking they won't even be top 5 this split. They have some issues, maybe this was the offseason Regi actually fucked his team. Maybe they didnt need such drastic changes. Or maybe it'll pay off in Summer.

But a lot of teams are looking pretty strong which is nice to see. More competition is good and not seeing TSM at the top is a breath of fresh air.

Would be pretty funny if a non-TSM team is the first to make it deep at Worlds.
I don't know if Bjerg is the problem tbh, I think like any team, it's a combination of factors, primarily cohesion. Some teams can click, some can't, and no amount of practice can fix it imo. Practice can hide some issues, but a championship caliber team needs an "it" factor.

I think Regi did good in the past by finding the right "personalities"... but he may have goofed this time by going for the "super duo" (skill over personality).


Trakanon Raider
Since game 1 TSM this season has played their worlds' "sit back, fail to react, and scale" strategy. It is mind boggling that a team so consistently drafts to scale, but still wins lane, and yet losses the game.

They have a new coach and 3 of the 5 players were replaced, so I have to assume it is Bjergsen that shotcalls them into a coma.
Not that Hauntzer has done much beyond try to pad his cs numbers this split. Dude would previously roam mid and/or port bot all the time. Now it is only port back or ult toplane.

I'm not officially worried yet, but holy fucking shit, do something at some point. And maybe actually try to counter draft the other team at some point.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, I was still holding out hope that they were just taking time to work out the kinks.. but after this week's performance i finally threw in the towel on them being a top team by end of split. Which, probably means they go undefeated from here on out.. but whatever.

It's impossible for us to say exactly what the problem is without seeing behind the scenes, but I'm guessing there's too much responsibility on bjergsen and he falls back into 'safe mode' when he's got pressure on him to shot call too much. Hauntzer has been passive, but I'm guessing that's a factor of the team's shot calling and personalities. Maybe he asks 'should i setup a roam mid?' and bjerg is replying 'wait a minute, not ready' more often, or zven/mithy are. Who knows, but from watching their play it's definitely evident they are playing without confidence. It might also just all be MikeYeung's fault, or that sven was the one pushing these plays before. Like, he's not confident and it rubs off on the team in terms of what plays they are setting up. When you want a gank on your lane opponent and the jungler is 10secs behind in timing, it can throw you off. That may be what's happening in every lane, even in practice, so they've decided to fall back on 'late game/team fight' comps to take advantage of everyone else's skill.

Of all the possibilities, I think the most likely is that one, that it's all stemming from MikeYeung. Not that he's bad, just he's not fitting with this team well. Same way Sven is suddenly a god again on C9, they just need a different jungler. Since it has to be a domestic one, I'd say contractz or dardoch would have been the best options. Dardoch finally being back to form with a beast like Huni on his team is what I envisioned would happen if he ever went to TSM.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Huge patch coming, going to really mix up the meta.

My favorite is trying out the new items, and nerfing a lot of problem champs, and most importantly: Eve getting some buffs.

I'm sitting at 60% winrate with her even after nerfs, 47-31 record atm. (1 win away from gold 3. Been climbing pretty quick with Eve).

I just really hope she doesn't become a perma-ban again.

New items might make Diana viable again, will need to try her out.
Especially new Morellonomicon, looks like a good replacement for the old-Abysal which was a staple on her. Now this item grants the magic pen+tanky.. with bonus of Grievous Wounds.

When Abyssal got changed to Mask and became mostly a tank item it really f'd Diana.

New Spellbinder item looks really great as well for a Diana build. Gives her move speed and the active is crazy, increase move speed +100 AP, crazy.

Spellbinder probably good on Eve too.
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Potato del Grande
Jesus they put zoe in the dirt. I see literally no reason to play her any more, they might as well have just said "Zoe removed from game because lots of people cried about her".
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<Gold Donor>
Not sure how I feel about the Voli changes, feels more like a lateral change than a buff. The knock back on E is almost inconvenient, I probably need more than just one game to really decide though.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Jesus they put zoe in the dirt. I see literally no reason to play her any more, they might as well have just said "Zoe removed from game because lots of people cried about her".

The "LS" kid says Zoe's nerfs are "fair" and she's still good.
But who knows, eh?

Lots of Voli changes which is hard to digest right now. I basically just wait to see how everything shakes out. What is "good" also depends what happens to the meta and what champions rise/fall into the meta.

But overall i'd say Voli was buffed.


Doer of Things
I look forward to continuing to be that guy who plays Fiddle support.

Now with faster E's and more Surprise Parties.


Potato del Grande
"LS" kid?

They took almost 50% off her q damage, that's insane. Ezreal Q hits harder than her Q now, lol. Also, after having played a lot of zoe games this season, there are a literal fuckton of counters for her, way more counters than there are for plenty of the popular meta picks who everyone agrees need nerfs. Champs like shyv barely get touched, though.

The other changes to zoe i'm fine with (no tele from minion waves, was nice but kinda op rng) and cleanse stopping drowsy and no cdr refund on e.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
"LS" kid?

They took almost 50% off her q damage, that's insane. Ezreal Q hits harder than her Q now, lol. Also, after having played a lot of zoe games this season, there are a literal fuckton of counters for her, way more counters than there are for plenty of the popular meta picks who everyone agrees need nerfs. Champs like shyv barely get touched, though.

The other changes to zoe i'm fine with (no tele from minion waves, was nice but kinda op rng) and cleanse stopping drowsy and no cdr refund on e.

LS = Last Shadow, some dude that does analysis and crap, has done stuff with pro teams I think, and makes Youtube vids.
Reddit thread with link to his review: (Zoe Review at 46:00)
LS Patch 8.4 Rundown - Riot hit a Grandslam. Best patch League has had in years. • r/leagueoflegends


Potato del Grande
Well, I just played a game with her after choosing not to for my first few and I can confirm she's dumpster tier now. Can't cs or wave clear any more (lol max range q with 300 ap doesn't even 1shot ranged creeps). Gank ability is gone due to not being able to wave clear and doing laughable damage. Only thing she's good for now is getting picks with long range Es over walls (angles and ranges that morgana or lux wouldn't be able to q someone from).

I've never played her support but same things apply there, no reason to take her over morg or lux or anyone else unless you feel like you'll be able to abuse her extra summoners from W.


Trakanon Raider
If you haven't watched today's games, don't read

Yea, I was still holding out hope that they were just taking time to work out the kinks.. but after this week's performance i finally threw in the towel on them being a top team by end of split. Which, probably means they go undefeated from here on out.. but whatever.

Rofl. While it's not 'undefeated' they won against the best team in the league once I finally gave up on them. Figures.