League Of Legends


Buzzfeed Editor
Surprised not more theory crafting on the new hero, best leaves/item build etc. On paper looks pretty disruptive but I hadn't had the honor yet not playing much.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm unable to figure out what leaves are supposed to be, but I think for once people are waiting to see how he plays out. The couple games I've seen him in on my team he's been great but much like Thresh and Bard it depends heavily on the player knowing when to do what. Nomming an ally at the right time can win fights. I've seen him in support more than any other lane and that seems to work ok, although he doesn't get super tanky there, he still does his job. Obviously you want health, CDR, and armor/MR on him, almost any other stat is wasted (mana is always handy on any mana champ and IAS is arguable because of his passive and the passive damage from his ult).

I haven't played him myself (waiting for 6300 IP price) but I don't really see varying his build much from standard fatass tank. I'd love to try Wit's End or Nashor's on him given the right team comps but I suspect both are underwhelming, and both are DEFINITELY pointless until like 2nd or 3rd full items at least.

Edit: Also haven't seen people bitch about Tahm getting picked or used at all, maybe the trend of complicated (but amusing) champions has given people a change in attitude towards new champs and how they're played the first week. Or I'm just lucky~


A Man Chooses....
Surprised not more theory crafting on the new hero, best leaves/item build etc. On paper looks pretty disruptive but I hadn't had the honor yet not playing much.
He's like bard in that he's annoying but he can't fight for shit. So he's obnoxious then team fights start and you crush him team 5v4. Hence the 38% winrate.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Im surprised his win rate is so low. He doesn't seem that bad as a support. As top laner or anything else he seems to suck terribly. I played him twice so far, once top which I lost and once as support which I won. I've also been on winning teams with Tahm support. I never found him to be that bad. The Devour is a really strong ability.

If I recall, Bard also had a low win rate initially. I think Tahm will improve.

Tahm's main weaknesses are his lack of cc and he doesn't have an ult that's useful for team fighting. He probably does suck a lot and I've just been getting lucky. Most supports need 2-3 forms of cc these days, his CC is to remove a champion from a teamfight, which is super strong, but might not be enough.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Part of his winrate being bad, besides being new, is probably due to the fact people are playing him all over the place. I've seen support, top, and jungle, and support is the only one that's seemed good. I dunno if he has the abilities to sit in top or jungle. It makes his ult less good if you aren't bringing someone with. It is a very strong ult though, it's even effective in ARAM :p being able to take a tank into the back line with you or get yourself and your carry to an objective or fight that's breaking out is amazing.


I just suck at adc really. Went on a 5 game losing streak today lol. Playing jungle now and I'm back into promos. I cant decide if I like kayle or shyv better right now. both are strong as fuck.

Kayle I feel like I get better early ganks with slow and speed up and ranged attacks, and shyvs early ganks feel really weak. But I love how shyvana becomes a late game terror. Kayle does too but is more susceptible to being blown up.


A Man Chooses....
Im surprised his win rate is so low. He doesn't seem that bad as a support. As top laner or anything else he seems to suck terribly. I played him twice so far, once top which I lost and once as support which I won. I've also been on winning teams with Tahm support. I never found him to be that bad. The Devour is a really strong ability.

If I recall, Bard also had a low win rate initially. I think Tahm will improve.

Tahm's main weaknesses are his lack of cc and he doesn't have an ult that's useful for team fighting. He probably does suck a lot and I've just been getting lucky. Most supports need 2-3 forms of cc these days, his CC is to remove a champion from a teamfight, which is super strong, but might not be enough.
Bard got major damage buffs and QoL buffs and he's still sub 49%. Tahm is 38% in support only, he's sub 33% everywhere else. He's a dogshit champion for solo queue, pretty much period.


2 Minutes Hate
His kit is kind of dumb. To make any plays with Devour you need to hit a champ with 3 autos or your Q and 2 autos. Good luck with that being slow. You have no mobility other than playing taxi. But you're a super tank with your E. Basically you just get big and get in the way and hopefully you live long enough in a scrum to swallow someone.

He was only good when they first released him on the PTR but that was because his damage values were ridiculous. They essentially cut them in half then added a little bit on top.

He can make plays though. Saving a team mate with devour. Use your ult to escape or flank a team fight with someone else. The only thing is that it has a lot of set up time. He's kind of fun if you stick the sated devourer on him. But only fun in custom games.


Devour should not require stacks for enemy champions, stacks should increase the damage & duration.
1.0 Sec basic Devour, 0.4 sec more per stack (up to 2.2 sec)

This way you either Devour ASAP to protect your ADC (like monsoon/tornado/headbutt/pulverize) which are not affected by Tenacity.
OR try to land 1 2 3 attacks for extra peel & dmg.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Devour on an ally is going to be better like 9 times out of 10 anyway. It's Kalista's ult that you can use to save any squishy you want. Devour does do a shitton of damage but it's low duration on enemies and the power of saving an ally is just going to make it the worse option even if it was easier.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
What a crazy situation with the Instant Recall bug. Shutting down ranked for 12+ Hours. Apparently a fix is in and being tested atm. Can't view status page cause it's getting hammered but the top Reddit note claims the fix will be in soon. Apparently this bug has always existed but it is easier to pull off (or was just so obscure nobody found a 100% way to reproduce it till last night). Saw a Skarner vid where he used Ult and insta-recalled back to base (not in a real game). Funny shit, would have been so gamebreaking lol. Can still be used in Normals if you want to try it out.

League still #2 on Twitch even with ranked down. Crazy imo.

Duo'd with Penalty last night for 2 games in Normals @ Bronze, pretty fun getting ganked by level 3 Sejuani when I'm level 6 Akali...


A Man Chooses....
3 games since ranked came up:

For my team:
First pick Lucian(second lowest rated ADC)
First pikc Aatrox(died 16 times)
First pick Zed(I expect I know how this story ends)

Edit: yup, full AD comp with Zed. People are incapable of using their fucking brains.

Edit: Yup, 0/7 renekton top and Zed was useless after 12 minutes when Xin and Malph could 2v5 with their frozen hearts.

Edit: and now an 0/5 quinn afk adc. God I hate human beings.


2 Minutes Hate
Devourer is easy to counter though if you actually try for it. Invade the shit out of them. Actively take scuttles. Prevent dragons. Shyvanna and Yi are both very weak early on. Just abuse them with whatever champ you want. The longer you delay their power spike the more likely they are useless later on. If you can do that, they won't become Sated until like 25-30m.


A Man Chooses....
Devourer is easy to counter though if you actually try for it. Invade the shit out of them. Actively take scuttles. Prevent dragons. Shyvanna and Yi are both very weak early on. Just abuse them with whatever champ you want. The longer you delay their power spike the more likely they are useless later on. If you can do that, they won't become Sated until like 25-30m.
Yi maybe, shyv no. She clears so freaking fast it's hard to stop her from getting sated, and she's manaless, and she can invade your jungle with impunity once she hits 6 because she's very, very hard to kill and she will merc your camp in 3 seconds. I played two games of it last night and I ended up two levels ahead of the entire other team both times. It feels stupidly strong.


Trakanon Raider
Decided to dust off ol Soraka. Shit is like freelo as long as your team can survive the first 20 mins. I've tried tank, support, pure ap and a blend of anything. Going full ap with a frozen heart mixed in is just like complete heal in eq. Sitting with a 14-5 record on her and can say only 2 of the losses I just shit the bed in and couldn't be effective. I threw the 2 games while warding areas where the other teams jungler showed up and I had expected them to have gone back to base or were on the other side of the map (I love warding the enemy jungle). Such a pain in the ass when people still don't even attempt to ward or upgrade their trinkets.