League Of Legends


Buzzfeed Editor
What kinda of build was folk using on AP sona a while back? Finally bought her as I didnt have any supports I liked. Ended up being like 2nd in kills and mega high in assists S+ on my first game since I first started.

Think I ended 9/2/21, the zed carrying from mid was like 12/3/8, then the rest had a few kills but lots of deaths too.

I went ruby sightstone, ionian boots, regen chalice thing, frostfang, ludens (I dont know it was on suggest and in a mobafire guide), and think i never finished 6th.

Felt like I should have had even more ap crammed in. Wander if I should do a different gold item or skip it altoghether. (Some of my build perhaps bad as I wouldnt always be getting so many kills.) The chalice for mana seemed neccesary as without it was oom a lot. Imagine Dcap over ludens? (Ludens proc wasn't very visual or seemed to be working odd) after dcap the magic pen 70 ap stick? Change something else? I warded like crazy but if trying to be mega ap sona skip the sightstone?

Djevel Innenfor

Golden Squire
If you are going AP sona with max CDR then lichbane is mandatory. The procs are brutal, especially on a Q empowered auto. I wouldn't skip stone, and would definitely build at least a first stage gp5 item. I prefer the dagger. You might consider skipping ruby SS and building AP sooner. Dcap > Luden's imo, pen being something for later. I've never gone AP sona except in ARAM so YMMV.


Trakanon Raider
LB Sona is a huge cunt. When I play AP support Sona, if we get first blood I get an AP item building into sheen first. If you get first blood or you and your adc kill both of them, it can be close to lane phase over. Good chance you can get sheen your first back then get SS your 2nd back. You will wreck them hard.


My last 4 games have had:
Support Shaco
Triple Smite
someone with 25 games on Syndra who has a 15% winrate and .75 kda
and a 4v5 from level 2.

Solo queue, it's a high quality experience.
I just do ARAM, 1/3 are automatic losses, 1/3 are automatic wins, 1/3 are insane 30-40 minutes games.
I really wish they implemented more "retard modes" i miss 5v5 in ARAM, 6v6 Twisted Treeline, URF, ULTRA-BOTS
"Ascendant" was really MEH, "Give_Enemy_Champs" kinda sucked because it was on a 5v5 Map.

I think the most fun i had in LOL was URF AP Malphite & 5v5 Blitz.


Buzzfeed Editor
LB Sona is a huge cunt. When I play AP support Sona, if we get first blood I get an AP item building into sheen first. If you get first blood or you and your adc kill both of them, it can be close to lane phase over. Good chance you can get sheen your first back then get SS your 2nd back. You will wreck them hard.
While I didn't sheen, that's basically what happened, double kill in first 5 mins vs an ashe/soraka. Pretty terribad. And yes ARAM. Grinding to lv 30 or whatever for ranked with as little as I play taking forever.


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah, standard Sona build for Support Carry is Lichbane/Rabs/Void/Zhonyas/SS/Boots - Boots can be CDR or Sorc boots depending on what you want to do. Or if you're carrying hard, fuck the sightstone and just upgrade your yellow trinket at level 9.


Trakanon Raider
I just do ARAM, 1/3 are automatic losses, 1/3 are automatic wins, 1/3 are insane 30-40 minutes games.
I really wish they implemented more "retard modes" i miss 5v5 in ARAM, 6v6 Twisted Treeline, URF, ULTRA-BOTS
"Ascendant" was really MEH, "Give_Enemy_Champs" kinda sucked because it was on a 5v5 Map.

I think the most fun i had in LOL was URF AP Malphite & 5v5 Blitz.
I have lots of fun with the other game modes also. much less stressing from other people.

many many years ago i had fun playing dota DH(non-tft) in which all champs were given 3 random skills and a random ult at the start of every game. made for some truly hilarious and overpowered skill combinations.
Would love to see them put a mode like that in just for a weekend or something.


Buzzfeed Editor
Tahm free to play for those that havnt bought him.

Fuck these solo que bitches. Blind lock heroes dont even pretend to call a lane.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Back from vacation and trying to push to Plat. Had a few fun Diana games last night where I got super fed. Decided to highlight some moments:

2 Highlights here, both from the same game which got me into Gold 1 promos:
(No sound cause of twitch copyright stuff. )

Ended up going 0-2 in promos (Diana banned 1 game then had shitty 2nd game as Diana top). Next game I redeemed myself though, got really fed. 1-shotted a super-fed Draven (he had more kills than me and ended 12/6/8, I ended 11/6/12)


Started playing fizz top to see what it was all about and holy shit does he put out some ridiculous damage. You pretty much burn people down to nothing with just triforce and botrk, and add in all his escapes and ult and its pretty fun to play.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Been playing a few Warwick games. Shit is silly in my shithole elo.
Yea Warwick has been in my elo too since Devourer. He's so damn annoying lol.

Started playing fizz top to see what it was all about and holy shit does he put out some ridiculous damage. You pretty much burn people down to nothing with just triforce and botrk, and add in all his escapes and ult and its pretty fun to play.
<3 the AD Fizz too. Everytime I get stuck with top lane he's banned though. I don't particularly like playing him AP, but he still wrecks.


Buzzfeed Editor
No one messing with the event? Play black market brawlers? Worth farting around with? I more than assume after event over gangplank would be back. (not that I care.)


Molten Core Raider
I played a few games last night. It seems like once you figure out what to do with the minion upgrades, the only real difference is that champs with good wave clear have a huge advantage over those that don't. There's probably a little bit more to the minion mini-game that you could use to win, but it's new and people haven't cared enough to figure it and use an overall team strategy.


Bronze Squire
The Ironback minions are OP imo. Buy anything else and you lose if the other team knows that is what I have seen so far. Other than that, nothing really to report.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ending of KOO vs KT game 2 just now was insane!

Edit: Video is up, I would recommend watching it starting from here (4h 36m 47s)

38 mins into game, KOO is 5k Gold ahead with 4 drags to 0, KT on their back foot.