League Of Legends

All that is true. But dynamic queue made ranking up a joke. That's the plain and simple of it for me at least. I was laning against guys who were adc mains and couldn't trade or break 150 CS in 20 mins. Look over their match history and they win when with their four or five stack. Lose whenever they go solo or duo with their support buddy. Its a complete farce.


Silver Knight of the Realm
People are shitheads in general in most video games, but the way league is designed specifically pushes people to be extra asshole-ish. If you want to work together, you are tryharding. If you die, you are a scrub. If you have a good score, you are KSing or not helping the rest of your team enough. No matter what you do or don't do, someone will be an asshole to you about it at some point in league. We put up with it for a long time because the game was so much fun on it's own, but it's become played out now.
My biggest issue is the time investment when you get one of those assholes. If it's ranked you're stuck for at least 20 minutes, usually way more, and by the end you're wondering why you're willingly subjecting yourself to that nonsense. I think one of OW's biggest strengths in pulling people from League is the quick match time, if you get a prick you're only stuck for 5-10 minutes.


The game is still solid, high stakes pvp match will always be long lasting. BUT the game focuses on teamplay more than individual skill now, so when you can't hard carry as good, it's not as fun. Dynamic que just compounds that, and riot is just driving the nail into the coffin. As a solo player this isn't the game for me anymore. If I had a team of 5 guys, I'd be having a blast.


So I haven't played this game in like a year and was wondering if I should give it another shot.. and then I read the last 10 posts in this thread. Guess it's still cancer - i'll pass.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Looking for another Platinum-level player in NA interested in duoing to push for Diamond. Add me: Teekey


A Man Chooses....
I hadn't played in like 2 months, been back a couple of weeks. Jungle is fun at the moment. I feel like the game itself is in a good place, but the community is having issues.


Molten Core Raider
New PROJECT skins for Ashe, Ekko, and Katrina. Fuck.




Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Awesome skins, I want them just to dick around with in Normals and Special Game Modes, but no time for League anymore... nooooooooooooo.
Might come back eventually, game is still good. Maybe I can craft them

Love Ekko but suck with Ashe and Kat and I have a million skins for Ashe/Kat already.


Molten Core Raider
I refuse to play LOL because of the stupid fucking point and click bullshit but I have been watching matches on the other monitor during weekends etc and holy fuck CLG vs Liquid; i wish i could show that game 3 end to every fucking cunt that trys to surround 10 minutes in Smite. They were getting destoyed for a solid 30+ minutes and then won a game deciding team fight 5-0 and won the game. Fucking nerds these days have never played a real sport in their life; so fustrating playing with people who quit the second they are losing.

TSM losing to Phoenix 1 was always pretty funny to watch to break their undefeated streak.


Molten Core Raider
I'm finally good now right? I can quit?

Gratz, homie. I've slowly crawled up to mid- Gold III jungling in 90% of my games. I've been on a pretty solid winning streak using mainly Nautilus, Trundle, and Amumu. Hopefully will get up to plat again (haven't gotten out of gold last couple seasons).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Today was last day of games before playoffs. TSM looking very strong!

2nd TSM match today involved Teemo.

OG are going to relegations.

I was rooting for FOX to do well but they ended 1-17.
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God is dead
Rooting for those that were routed? I laughed at the teemo game.

FOX deserves to get relegated. Holy shit was that team a clown-fucking-fiesta.

The Teemo game was amazing. It was a giant fuck-you to NRG. Massive show of disrespect since the game meant nothing to TSM.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

Promotions/Playoffs Schedule:

Promotion, Round 1 (Bo5):
Aug 4th: FOX vs TL Academy

Promotion, Round 2 (Bo5):
Aug 6th: Phoenix1 vs TBD
Aug 6th: NRG vs C9 Challenger

Promotion, Round 3 (Bo5):
Aug 7th: TBD vs TBD

Round 3 is the 2 losers from Round 2. Winners in Rounds 2 and 3 make it into LCS 2017.

I really hope FOX makes it back to LCS, but damn were they bad. I want to see the team revamped a bit. If they get relegated that would be quite a blow to professional League. Might deter other high profile investors from joining in.

It will be very interesting if TL Academy or C9 Challenger make it through since afaik an org can only have 1 team in LCS. They would need to splinter off and create a new org & team name, unless rules have been changed.​

Playoffs, Quarterfinals (Bo5):
Aug 13: C9 vs NV
Aug 14: CLG vs TL

Playoffs, Semifinals (Bo5):
Aug 20: IMT vs TBD
Aug 21: TSM vs TBD

Playoffs, Finals(Bo5):
Aug 27: TBD (Third Place)
Aug 28: TBD

Probably going to have an IMT vs TSM final. 1st place automatically goes to worlds. 5 teams are vying for Worlds, here they are with the points from Spring​

CLG: 90
TSM: 70
IMT: 50
TL: 30
C9: 10

Points available for Summer:
1: AQ
2: 90
3: 70
4: 40
5-6: 20
7-10: 0

There are a lot of options but obviously TL and C9 have the worst odds. If CLG bombs out then it opens up the door for TL or C9 to make it. It's very unlikely IMT and TSM don't both make worlds and since CLG has the 90 points from Spring, it's most likely they make it too. CLG just needs to get 4th or better to guarantee Worlds. IMT only lost to TSM this split and TSM only lost once to Phoenix. A colossal collapse needs to happen for either to not make it, and both are guaranteed 4th at worst right now.​


Promotion, Round 1 (Bo5):
Aug 4th: ROC vs MIL

Promotion, Round 2 (Bo5):
Aug 5th: S04 vs TBD
Aug 5th: OG vs MSF

Promotion, Round 3 (Bo5):
Aug 7th: TBD vs TBD

EU such a disappointment this year. Really surprising to see OG in promotions. They had 70 points in Spring (2nd) and because of promotions they have to forfeit those points and won't make worlds. It really skews the math for the other teams, opening up a lot of possibilities.​

Playoffs, Quarterfinals (Bo5):
Aug 13: GIA vs UOL
Aug 14: H2K vs FNC

Playoffs, Semifinals (Bo5):
Aug 20: SPY vs TBD
Aug 21: G2 vs TBD

Playoffs, Finals(Bo5):
Aug 27: TBD (Third Place)
Aug 28: TBD

Who would have guessed that Splyce is 2nd seed. They were dumpster tier in Spring. Looks like G2 is the only one you can count on. Of the top 4 teams from Spring, only 2 will make top 4 this split (G2 and H2K or FNC). Crazy!​

So the points so far for EU without OG included, also no VIT whom didn't make playoffs either.

G2: 90
FNC: 50
H2K: 30
UOL: 10
GIA: 0
SPY: 0

Again, 1st place in playoffs automatically qualifies for worlds. Assuming that's G2, it means ALL of the other teams have a viable chance for Worlds.

FNC performed terribly and could easily lose to H2K. If that's the case then even GIA and SPY have real chances to make Worlds, which would be insane imo.​
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Trakanon Raider
Relegation: I'm not getting my hopes up, but if C9C somehow can't qualify it would really make my day.
I think Fox will beat Piglet and friends, but then go on to lose to P1.
NRG will beat C9C, but C9C will beat Fox in the 3rd round.

Playoffs: TSM wins, IMT from points (they meet in the finals). And C9 winning the gauntlet.

Europe Playoffs: G2 wins, H2K points (*not meeting in the finals), and Giants winning the gauntlet. Europe was fucking weird this year. I don't know if it was the best of 2 vs. the best of 3, but it was a struggle to watch most of the teams play in Europe.

I have no idea about their promotion scene; I haven't watched any of their challenger teams, except for two matches of Misfits just shitting on their opponents.
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