League Of Legends


Bronze Squire
If you are having trouble with Kass you could always start crystal flask 3 pots....build in to a RoA>Zhonya. You should end up with your RoA fairly early because you will either push your opponent out of lane and farm or you should be looking to roam to pick up kills.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Meh, she's no Corki. She's just new and different/scary so everyone is crying foul rather than actually learn how to lane vs her.


Got something right about marriage
Meh, she's no Corki. She's just new and different/scary so everyone is crying foul rather than actually learn how to lane vs her.
Riot isn't in the habit of nerfing new champions after one patch. So if they are changing/nerfing her already it's fairly obvious even they feel she's imbalanced.


Potato del Grande
If they nerf her at all it needs to be a very very very small nerf. Otherwise she'll join the ranks of all the other ADC who never get picked and it'll still be the caitlyn ezreal vayne show.

Also, hasn't Riot nerfed new champions after 1 patch for like the last 8 champions released? Maybe not Lucian, don't remember if they nerfed him. Hai2u lets wait til everyone finds out a champion isn't subpar and is fun to play, collect all that money, then when nobody is buying her anymore we nerf her into the shitstack with the rest of the neverpickeds.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Lucian hasn't been nerfed, he got all that on the PBE. There's Lucian buffs coming iirc, as he's kind of a shitpile right now. But yea, Riot isn't exactly afraid to nerf champions right out of the gate, and they've even issued hotfixes days or hours after a release that contain nerfs.

Jinx is really fine though, better than the low-tier adc (lucian, ashe, mf etc), not as good as the top of the pile (corki, vayne, etc). She's a no mobility, no escape adc with close to the lowest attack range in the game for most of her lane phase (maybe the lowest in gatling?), but people see one or two zaps chunk a support from a fed Jinx and get their panties in a twist.

The nerfs to zap are token at best anyway, but the 50% mana increase on chompers is going to be a huge kick in the dick. Means you have to basically avoid trading at all costs for the first 5 levels lest you be too low on mana to actually try and use it to get away if a gank comes.

And they REALLY need to clean up the rocket/gatling switch. It feels so amazingly clunky right now with the way the IAS works (ie, doesn't) on the rockets and the CD it has.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Lol, poppy. I may have seen her once or twice in 500 games of ranked. It's sad how much dust some older champs have gathered. It makes me worried about Sion. Last remake I heard about him is they're turning him into a bruiser and I`d rather just see him as an easy to play AP.
The last 2-3 days I've played with or against a poppy 3-4 times and actually played against a Sion just yesterday. The Sion player had over 800 games played as Sion and he actually carried his team. I was mid and Sion was top, he went full out atk speed & lifesteel, building 2 PDs, Bortk, and BT. We probably would have won the game but our bot lane was terrible and cried all game. They went 1-15 or some shit. I won my lane with Diana and almost got us back into the game but we lost when Sion was able to split push down our turrets/inhibs. He couldn't be killed 1v1 and required more team effort to take him down, thus setting us too far behind.

I found it really strange to see so many poppy players lately. I only saw 1 poppy actually do well but only because my team were morons. I played against her as Tryn (whom poppy should counter actually), I beat her handily in lane and was way ahead in kills/cs/etc. Eventually poppy roams and lands a successful kill or 2 on some of my dumb teammates until before you know it she has 20+ kills and wins the game. My team was winning so hard early that they thought a few deaths didnt matter and they just roamed, never grouped, and kept getting caught out.

I feel like Jinx is in an ok spot but also not. A fed Jinx is the most dangerous ADC imo, even more dangerous than Vayne. Jinx is a superb kiter. I played Jinx top lane vs a Garen and won the lane. Bruiser's really can't touch her. You're practically required to have an assassin on your team to deal with Jinx, otherwise it will be a very tough game.


<Gold Donor>
Just started LOL yesterday. Never really bothered with MOBAs before, except when I played DOTA for 2 matches 5+ years ago. Oh and I did Beta that piece of shit DC MOBA, for all of 5 minutes. I have steered clear of these games because they just didn't interest me, but I have a a buddy that started playing a few months ago and he has been hounding me to try it.

My first impression was I am surprised by how much I liked it. Decided to pick up Garren with the free RP, because he seems to fit the style I like to play in most games, Melee Damage that can take a hit. Trying to watch as many tutorials as I can to learn everything quickly, seems like the biggest mountain to climb is knowing all the Champs and their abilities. I am sure getting knowledge of all the champs can only be learned by hours put into the game.


2 Minutes Hate
Having been in your shoes 5-6 months ago, I would suggest doing this in order with one caveat. The end of the Season is almost over and there are some pretty big changes coming in terms of jungle, items and jungle/support gold. This is probably going to mean little to you right now, the basics of the game are going to be the same. So when you read guides/tutorials or watch videos just be aware some things will be different.

1) Pick a lane and a role. ADC, Support, Mid, Top, Jungle.
-- I suggest picking up support first as it will give you a more passive role to play. You don't have to worry about last hitting. It'll get your feet wet with the game, and you'll have more time to observe the ebb and flow of the gameplay because you're not concentrating as much on things.

-- Expand to other lanes and play some free champs, get a feel for the rest of the game and how it's played. Do this for the next 25 levels or so. The more you understand the map at large, the better you will become. The more map awareness and knowledge of mechanics the better you will be in the mid to late game.

2) Don't spend any IP on champs. Save all your IP for runes. You can buy T1 runes to fill out one or two basic pages. Then save everything for T3 runes at level 20.

3) If you don't mind spending 5-10 bux on the game every once in a while, buy champs as they go on sale. Don't pay full price unless you really don't care about spending an extra $10 on something.

4) Once you get comfortable with the game and you decide to play a specific lane for a while, go into a custom game against the AI and just practice last hitting with the champ you like. Get used to the animations and how much damage you can do. Last hitting is very important because it's the difference between a very very good player and a meh one. 10-30 cs difference is a huge power divider as you transition between phases. 30 cs is a kills worth of gold.

What I still do when I have internet access but can't play the game is watch videos of pro streamers. It's really the only video game I enjoy watching people play. Best channel in my opinion is the Miss Fortune and Miss Fortune RED channels. There's also ProFanBOI. Just type in a champ and watch gameplay. You'll be able to watch how people use their skills, their positions and gold/item flow throughout the game. Then play the champ a few times, and if you like them, go watch the videos again.

This game is really fun with friends. I hope you enjoy hit. Add me to your friends list if ya like "Mr Razorface"


<Gold Donor>
Before I get all invested into LOL what is the better MOBA? LOL or DOTA2 or fillintheblank ? Better being more popular, more $for e-sports etc. I want to get paid DOLLA DOLLA BILL YALL!


Got something right about marriage
Both have very big pro scenes and the tournaments for each pay out fairly well. LoL is much easier to learn (i.e. noob friendly) but both are very hard to master. I prefer LoL because it's easier to get into and out of and I'm very casual. They play pretty drastically differently so it really depends on what you like.


2 Minutes Hate
Oh that DOTA2 vs. LOL thing. Here are some facts:

LOL is bigger than DOTA2 as far as population is concerned.
LOL has a bigger internet footprint.
LOL is more popular.

DOTA2 gives you access to all champs (they call them heroes) at the beginning, you can pay money for ascetics.
DOTA2's map is bigger.
DOTA2 champs have a turn speed. You will see your champ turn to attack a target. Unsuspecting LOL players will say they are experiencing "lag" but it's your champ physically turning towards their target.

Generally DOTA2 players will say DOTA2 requires a higher skill cap. DOTA2 players also look down on LOL players. Here's their argument.

DOTA2 has something called denying. This means you can kill your own creeps, denying your opponent CS. DOTA2 players say this adds an extra layer of skill. LOL players will say that you can deny CS in LOL through zoning and other methods. You can argue that this leads to more exciting play/trades and duals which leads to more exciting game play. Personally, I think can argue both ways, and the whole denying thing is just more busy work/tedious gameplay.

DOTA2 has a death penalty. You can actually lose gold if you don't spend it and you die. There is a mechanic in the game where you can send out a donkey or whatever to buy things for you and bring back to lane. This creature can be killed. This adds an extra layer of complexity.

DOTA2 terrain can be destroyed. Also you do more damage with higher altitude.
DOTA2 has "hidden" jungle shops that you can only buy certain items from.

There are some nuanced differences. DOTA2 people like to say the game has a higher skill cap, but I think it just has more stuff to do. League of Legends tends to have a faster pace to it. It has taken out some of the complexity that some argue doesn't need to be there.

Each game has a collection of fanboys that thing the devs of each game are better. I don't touch that fight.

On esports, LOL just had their world finals in the fucking Staples center in LA with like 8 million people watching it live during the broadcast from around the world. That shit is crazy.

Also, DOTA2 players are kinda like hipsters.


2 Minutes Hate
@Fawe, I need to see this AD Sion build in action because I've seen some Sions that irritate the shit out of me. I can only find good AP Sion videos.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
With ad scion you can actually build a few different ways.

You can be near straight AD and rely on your ult to provide the atk speed / life steal. ( in building pure ad you often pick up a bit of crit / lifesteal etc )

You can build more crit oriented his e gives him more dmg than a bf sword at max rank. With the crit you can use the ult to get the lifesteal building crit might not allow for.

All in all AD scion is a monster that much like jax/ nasus / tryn if you leave him alone for 20 mins he will be a monster that you CAN NOT kill 1v1. He can afford to build straight damage because at 20 - 30 mins with ~250 cs he has a free +1000 or so hp. He is a sustain monster and can easily go from ~2% to ulting you and stunning you and being 100% again. Not to mention he is also hard to kill if he can escape you due to the stun and even the shield that can take some abuse from any DoT's he may have on him.