League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
What were your R/M? I just got done with a Leona support. I just stacked armor and 30 defensive masteries. It was lulzy. I'm trying Taric next.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Think I was just running AD Reds, Armor Yellows, MR Blues, Movement Quints, and 9/21/0. I'm sure those runes aren't the best setup for him but /shrug, it's standard enough and did fine and as for masteries tank tree is just so strong atm, especially for any top laner. I'm sure just running 0/30/0 on him would be strong as well. I also ran TP/Flash. Go Ignite if you want kills in lane, nobody expects their armor to go to 0 that early. Although even without ignite I still managed to 1v1 Jax a few times. It's just fun to tell your support/adc to ward deep and TP behind the bot lane. Taric from the bush!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I had one with 5 cho'gaths and we were against 5 Leonas. 5 Cho'gaths is fun but the only problem with all for one is you end up getting lots of people on your team who have no clue how to play the champion you get.
This is why I dislike the mode. I guess I'm just too competitive, but I hate the duo queue that insists on going X champion (who I know will be at a disadvantage if enemy doesn't go a 'fun' pick), and then they do god awful with them and feed relentlessly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Would be better if it was in Howling Abyss, so everybody gains gold/xp/levels at the same rate for the most part.


2 Minutes Hate
Fucking Taric top is hilarious.

5/25 masteries. CDR/Minion and then whatever in DEF. I started shield, but flask might be better. Rush Iceborn Gauntlet then Ninja then Zhonyas. I ran with MV/hybrid/arm/mr but I also tried normal ap mid runes too.

Just did a regular normal and went 7/1/4 and the only reason why I died once was because I got greedy for a 2v1 gank and almost won, but died to a Garen ult. Taric is stupid top. Garen would Q->E into me and I would just stand there, wait for it to finish and then I would just stun, w, and trade with him or kill him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
TheOddOne did a subscriber All For One Howling Abyss. His team was 5 Jayce. Two gates side by side covers the width of the bridge. Then listen for the pew pew.


Tranny Chaser
All in One is an amazing mode for queuing with friends but often completely terrible for queuing solo. Be Annie vs Ez, up all game, take inhib, take another inhib, team stops doing anything together, eventually lose. I don't know why people bother to put in all the good effort to get ahead and then decide that rather than win and move on to a new game they would rather act like fucking retards for 20 minutes and lose.


Tranny Chaser
With the reduction of exp in the jungle combined with the nerfing of every jungle item the bush is a pretty rough fucking place these days. Having to do an extra camp on someone like Rengar to get to level 3 is a big goddamn problem and the reduction to Smite's damage means you get hit 2-3 extra times by Lizard Elder before it goes down. The kickass junglers can get by alright still but the mid card all got kicked in the fucking face.


Golden Squire
So every single game I've been in today as jungler, top lane refuses to abuse Relic Shield. Like what the hell? Do people not want to win?


Potato del Grande
How do you abuse relic shield in a solo lane? Unless you want him to build it strictly so he can push lane to give you a couple cs on ganks?


Lord Nagafen Raider
With the reduction of exp in the jungle combined with the nerfing of every jungle item the bush is a pretty rough fucking place these days. Having to do an extra camp on someone like Rengar to get to level 3 is a big goddamn problem and the reduction to Smite's damage means you get hit 2-3 extra times by Lizard Elder before it goes down. The kickass junglers can get by alright still but the mid card all got kicked in the fucking face.
I don't get why Riot hates junglers so much.

S1 Jungle was the best thing ever. Fun, exciting, good gank opportunities, strong early game pace maker. Good jungler would really bring his team a win. Now it just feels like shit.


Golden Squire
How do you abuse relic shield in a solo lane? Unless you want him to build it strictly so he can push lane to give you a couple cs on ganks?
Top lane isn't a solo lane. As the "jungler" you stay top and just take/help with buff when needed. You generate so much extra gold it's ridiculous.


Tranny Chaser
I don't get why Riot hates junglers so much.

S1 Jungle was the best thing ever. Fun, exciting, good gank opportunities, strong early game pace maker. Good jungler would really bring his team a win. Now it just feels like shit.
I've heard how they want to open up the jungle to more characters every season and all that happens is the pool of quality junglers shrinks relative to the size of the cast. The S4 items are just of no fucking help in that department.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Top lane isn't a solo lane. As the "jungler" you stay top and just take/help with buff when needed. You generate so much extra gold it's ridiculous.
Most junglers aren't doing this. I am usually top-2 in gold on my teams jungling normally. Been playing Eve a lot recently. Targon's can be very helpful but I wouldn't say it's necessary at all. I actually think it's not very good in SoloQ. It seems like supports that buy it don't know how to use it at all.


2 Minutes Hate
You can go read Xelnath regarding Jungling:

Jungle vs 2:1:2
We like that players are experimenting with the game. However, we want to make sure that whatever meta changes occur have clear trade-offs. Once Relic Shield is adjusted, we'll continue comparing jungler and non-jungler comps and make sure that there's a clear reason for doing them. Jungle should bring a distinct, clear advantage and risks, just as 2:1:2 brings its own advantage and risks.

Again, thanks for working with us to understand the preseason.


"I am a jungle main. I don't intend to allow junglers to disappear. A cursory analysis has shown that you get substantially more XP in jungle than sharing a top lane. Similarly, you get very competitive gold and very strong map pressure which forces lanes to play a certain way.

I'm not sure that 2:1:2 is as strong as people perceive it to be. This implies that players may be enjoying this because its new, novel or perhaps has some strengths that we don't clearly understand. Thus, it warrants further analysis, not brutal murder."