League Of Legends


Vyemm Raider
This is what League of Legends is:

Want to play mid?

You entered the room:
You: mid
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
You: already called it
TeamPlayer 1: Yea, called it cunt pick something else
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
You: Fine, I'll support

Summoner1 did not select a role, you have been returned to the que.

Game 2:
You have entered the room
You: pref mid
Somefuck: mid or top
OnlyPlaysTop: top
HotShit: adc
Somefuck: Okay then I'll jungle
LateComer: Already called it
You: When did you call jungle?
LateComer: LateComer has entered the room. LateComer: JG Somefuck has entered the room. OnlyPlaysTop has entered the room. topHotShit has entered the room. You has entered the room.
Somefuck: I can't play support.
LateComer: I can't play support.
You: Don't play support, play whatever you want just go bot.
Somefuck: fine.
LateComer: okay

Summoner1 did not select a role, you have been returned to the que.

You give up and just offer to support at the start of the lobby?

You have entered the room.
Somefuck: mid or top
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
OnlyPlaysTop: top
You: Support
Somefuck: okay mid then
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Somefuck: already called it.
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
You: I'll fill
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Cunt32158564: mid or feed
Lurker auto locks Ahri.
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
lurker takes smite
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
You: Cunt he's jungling
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Somefuck: I'm going mid then.
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Lurker changes smite for ignite.
Lurker: mid
You: Fine, all mid.
OnlyPlaysTop: I only play top.
You: All mid.
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed
Cunt32158564: feed

Cunt32158564 goes 20/0 and the team still loses.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Are you playing Draft pick? I'm low bronze and this rarely happens anymore. It really started improving when Riot backed up pick order.


Tranny Chaser
They need to go one step further and have each pick happen separately. Then it would be about as good as it could be.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm just waiting for the captain thingy for normals. At least I'll get to practice new champs in the lane I want. I wouldn't mind waiting 5 minutes to do that.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
A repost from private messages, regarding how to build MF. I figure others might want to chime in. My way might not be the best but it works for me

So i guess my questions regard gearing atm. I have been either starting building boots, then going blade of ruined king then infinity edge. I have also tried starting with relic shield, but im not sure yet which way will usually get me more gold more often. I have also played with getting MR items, as many of my deaths seem to be due to magic damage, i live a little longer, but my damage is low. I think im figuring out to hang back and snipe until i get to 10 or so, when i can start making a difference.

Thanks for all your information.

Starting items:
Doran Blade + 1 Health Pot is optimal.

Relic shield doesn't give you more gold and it hinders your last hitting ability. Relic Shield donates gold to your support. It is not a bad idea to buy relic shield IF you want to help feed your support, but just know you gain no extra gold from the item. Relic is a support item. It basically means both players get gold from a last hit.

I would recommend being selfish and buy Doran Blade.

Next items: I normally rush Bloodthirster next. I try to save up for BF Sword but if Im getting pressured Ill buy Vamp Scepter and then BF. If I have extra gold Ill buy boots but normally Ill avoid buying any boots until after BT. Normally Ill buy Berserker Greaves after BT.

MF's passive means she is already fast without needing boots right away.

After BT & Berserker Ill then determine what Im facing against and build appropriately.

Normally I build Phantom Dancer & Last Whisper next. The order in which to build this items is dependent on the game. If you are grouping as a team and team fighting, build LW next so your Ult does MAJOR damage.

If you are still in laning phase than build PD since the opponent ADC has minimal armor and attacking faster means you trade better and sustain better.

At this point I have a really solid build: BT, Berserker, LW, PD with 2 item slots to spare.

One item should be defensive, and can be bought 5th or 6th depending how you're doing. If you are dying a lot buy defense as 5th item. GA, Banshee Veil or QSS would be ideal defensive items. GA is great most of the time. Banshee Veil helps counter certain assassins and mages. QSS is necessary when against a team with Warwick, Skarner or Malzahar.

The last damage item is kinda preference.
Normally Ill build a Black Cleaver for even more penetration for my Ultimate.
BotrK is nice to help kite from bruisers and also provides even more sustain so you can 1v1 nearly anyone. (BT+BotRK is TONS of lifesteal)
Stattik Shiv is OK, but normally you either build PD or Stattik and I prefer PD for the crits. Going Stattik is fine if you like it.
Hurricane is just a wtfbbq fun item that I only buy if I know my team isnt going to lose. My first Penta Kill was after buying a Hurricane, but I was also really fed and my team was way ahead in the game.
A 2nd PD is always good for even more damage, a 2nd PD is usually my 7th item, though, Ill sell boots and buy it if it's REALLY REALLY late game.

My final build is typically:

(Sometimes Ill not buy a defensive item and will get both BC and BotRK).


As ADC, especially as MF, positioning is key.
Your ult has awesome range, stay in the backlines and try to land a good ult, once the targets are softened up than go in and clean up.

The key to dominating with MF is to use your Double Up to refresh your auto attack. This allows you to attack 3 times while the enemy adc only attacks 1-2 times.

To do this, once you get off an Auto Attack than immediately use your Q (Double Up) on the target, click the target again to Auto Attack again immediately after the Q. You'll burst down targets rather fast, all the autos+Q will proc lifesteal, too.


To add:

I completely forgot about IE. I rarely build IE tbh. My build focuses on MF's ult for team fights, the ult can't crit, so IE doesn't help as much. Armor pen helps tremendously. IE actually does help her ult do more damage due to the AD though and you could forfeit attack speed (PD/stattik) in favor of a pure damage/armor pen build going something like:

BT/LW/IE/BC/Boots/Defense or PD or BotrK

This was a very common build when MF was being used in LCS. Basically you are an ult bot. Due to minimal attack speed you rely on team fights and landing a good ultimate.


Potato del Grande
Yeah I was buying relic while playing ADC when it first came out but after they nerfed it I no longer purchase one. Not worth the early hit any more IMO. When it first came out tho I just played slightly safer at lvl 1-5 (or whenever my first recall ended up) and by 20 minutes i'd have donated 1500+ gold which was nice with a kill lane support who could use that gold to help steamroll the lane/game.


2 Minutes Hate
Leona is just broken. I tied my best score with 40 assists yesterday. I also played a normal with a level 10 friend of mine; carried that game with a crazy K/D ratio. I think I had something like 14 kills.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Leona is just broken. I tied my best score with 40 assists yesterday. I also played a normal with a level 10 friend of mine; carried that game with a crazy K/D ratio. I think I had something like 14 kills.
Leona and Taric are my 2 support picks if I ever get stuck supporting. I haven't picked Leona yet in preseason though but went Taric 2x and just manmode the whole game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
His armor shatter should get nerfed soon imo. It's so stupid when you build sunfire/randuins/frozenheart and your W is pretty much a 70armor AoE Shatter. Shatters Armor, Gives AD To your team, point and click stun, point and click heal (that scales with max hp). Into the ground you go Taric! You no-skill support! Either way, he is really strong at the moment but he really has no weakness, so I see them doing something to him soon enough.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Leona is just broken. I tied my best score with 40 assists yesterday. I also played a normal with a level 10 friend of mine; carried that game with a crazy K/D ratio. I think I had something like 14 kills.
If you can get leona rolling and somebody who pays attention and makes good use of all leonas passive procing she is a wrecking ball. Now that she can fully gear up and actually get the full potential of max cdr and strong armor/magic resists she is just such a goon who just poops all over the opposing team.


Potato del Grande
Just ran in to the most toxic player i've seen in over 15000 games of MOBA style between HoN DoTA and LoL. I really hope Riot actually bans people heh.


Potato del Grande
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks is the best fiddle tho.

2/2 on toxic teams today now, this one having a feeding lissandra jungle last pick, a toxic riven and a feeding caitlyn adc. Combined with the 4/4 toxic troll teams I had yesterday, i'm on a fuckin roll.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Decided to do Mystery gift 3 more times tonight because it's the last day.

Got Magnificent Twisted Fate (Legendary Skin, woot!) Although, have Underworld which is amazing so /shrug
Got Pentakill Olaf (would have prefered Brolaf but this one is 2nd best imo)
Got FrostFire Annie (It aint no Panda Annie!)

Pretty big success with mystery gifts for me though, did it 9 times total. So spent 4410rp, but got a total of 10385rp. Now, I'll probably never use Surfer singed (cuz I prefer Augmented) and will probably not use Magnificient (cuz I prefer Underworld) but still, a good success imo! I also have Bewitching Nidalee but both that skin and headhunter are amazing so I'm fine with having 2. Either way TF is my favorite AP in the game, so having his legendary is pretty awesome. (even though that skin has nothing special about it lol)

Emerald Taric ----- 520 (? Not available anymore)
Surfer Singed ----- 975
Headhunter Yi ----- 975
Arcade Sona ----- 1350
Blood Lord Vladimir ----- 1820
Headhunter Nidalee ----- 975
Magnificent Twisted Fate -----1820
Pentakill Olaf ----- 975
Frostfire Annie ----- 975