League Of Legends

Asians pick him constantly and people are sheep.
This would be my only problem with worlds. It is bad enough when someone sees something in the LCS, but not as many people watch and the mania doesn't stay around as long. However when you see asianbot5000 go 6-1-X with a champ then its every shitty mechanical player is trying to pull it off. Jayce and Rengar are the major offenders right now with a little bit of Rumble and Ryze thrown in. Rumble not so much though, I don't know what it is about that champ but people on the NA servers really don't like him. Aside from Balls, that little midget loves that robotic lane bully.


Umm. New sion doesn't feel like old sion at all. That said. He is monstrous. Flashed over the wall when they were turtling, ultd into the group. Blew up shield and slowed/stunned a couple of them with e/q. He is retarded. I build him tanky with the revolver for lifesteals. Doubt that is optimal but I love that item.
Gunslinger sion ahoy!


I could be wrong, but I've been watching Bjergsen a lot lately and for the last four days he's been duo with Zionspartan who has pretty much only been playing jungle. TSM Zionspartan incoming?


Molten Core Raider
I have no idea why anyone would desire to be a pro in this game. It seems equally as lofty to just desire to be a top streamer... and top streamers:

1) Work from home.
2) Pants optional.
3) Make substantially more $.
4) Set their own hours.
5) Play solo queue instead of LANs.
6) Fuck around smurfing with viewership instead of doing anything stressful...

I could probably keep going. I know not everyone is going to turn a cam on and be nightblu, but tolerating months and months of super stressful scrims and tournaments to MAYBE get your ass handed to you by a Korean team for a shitty salary is just dumb as all hell. What am I missing here? I realize money isn't everything, but even if a NA team wins Worlds... how much fucking $ does each player see after everyone (including Uncle Sam) takes a bite out of it. Compare that to spending that same fucking year building a twitch viewership which might even follow you into new games (see: Kripparian).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It's much harder to be a successful streamer than a LoL pro actually.
Unless you have tits.

Just being a LoL pro will boost your streaming revenue tremendously, but even then it is still hard! The majority of LoL pros get shit viewership (~500 concurrent viewers average or so). It's really really hard to reach that top echelon of streamers. You always see the same ~10 or so streamers rotating around the clock with the monster viewership.

Not to say you couldn't do well with a mere 500-1k viewership, but then is the money actually better than being a LoL pro? I don't know that answer.

The LCS is going to have 10 teams per region now, 20 total teams = 100 players.
There's many more "spots" to be a pro then being a top streamer. I can't imagine the 100th ranked streamer would be making equiv money to a LoL pro.


Trakanon Raider
Gunslinger sion ahoy!


I could be wrong, but I've been watching Bjergsen a lot lately and for the last four days he's been duo with Zionspartan who has pretty much only been playing jungle. TSM Zionspartan incoming?
I have watched all their games since worlds except for early yesterday (past broadcasts and fastforwarding through queue) Zion has been playing a lot of top, jungle, and support as a fill. But yeah, their duo'ing is why I brought up him as a possibility as a temp jungle replacement before moving to top when dyrus retires.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The ward looks kinda cool but not 640 RP cool :p Shyv skin is fine too but I already have like 2-3 of those from mystery gifts and all her skins are decent.

I haven't gotten to jungle sion too much more, but I kind of disagree with the pure tank build. It feels like you accomplish way more getting 1 offensive item in there somewhere (I like hydra). For lane Sion I would probably rush it first if possible, for jungle I make it like 3rd or 4th item, not a big priority, just to keep from totally falling off between cooldowns. Varies by team makeup obviously but it helps vs. super mobile enemies where half your shit is going to miss anyway.

Edit: If Atma's didn't suck so hard it would be awesome for him. That crit chance is so bad though. Replace it with CDR or spell vamp or MR rito pls


I would love for atmas to have an activatable darius pull, make it stack up and upgrade like the tear items.


<Gold Donor>
Last night I was watching Bjerg stream and he was duoing with someone called Gnage or something close to that. For some reason they decided to queue for a normal blind pick and Bjerg went Lee Sin mid, holy shit I have never laughed so hard at a non-Trick2G Stream. It was so funny to see/listen to him troll the enemy team jungle Kha by stealing his buffs with a Q. I hope that it was archived somewhere because it was really fun to see the lighter side of Bjerg.


Trakanon Raider
Last night I was watching Bjerg stream and he was duoing with someone called Gnage or something close to that. For some reason they decided to queue for a normal blind pick and Bjerg went Lee Sin mid, holy shit I have never laughed so hard at a non-Trick2G Stream. It was so funny to see/listen to him troll the enemy team jungle Kha by stealing his buffs with a Q. I hope that it was archived somewhere because it was really fun to see the lighter side of Bjerg.
TSM_Bjergsen - TSM Bjergsen - SoloQ for days! - Twitch

~9:40 in (and during a sound blocked portion)


Doer of Things
Just got trolled hard by Riot. Buddies and I created a new 3's team, went flawless in placements beating two gold teams and placed Bronze 1...wtf.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
In the 3 years I've played LoL now... I've never joined or played a single team match: 3v3 or 5v5.

I've always been wanting to casually play some 5v5 team games though.

Anyone else want to? I just created a team last night when ranked was down, but I'm the only member

My issue with team matches is trying to get all 3 or 5 players on together. I know personally that I have shit playtimes that might not match others too well.. usually I can be on 8PM EST - Midnight EST. Enough for ~4 SoloQ games before bed.


Did ranked threes last night went 4-1 in placements with 2 other Gold 1+ MMR friends, got dumped in silver V. Previously gold last season in 3's. *Sadface

Blitzcrank jungle OP in 3's


2 Minutes Hate
I played a drunk league game last night with Amumu. One the game pretty handedly. I was sober enough to quit while I was ahead.