Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


Vyemm Raider
So far I'm also feeling like it's a lot like BOTW but with different powers. I've been having fun with the building stuff, but I'm only a little after the intro sky island. After getting launched to the sky by the first map tower I spotted another one... decided to go there to get more map, but it's circled by spiky walls... found a stash of planks and trunks and started to make a huge Fortnite-like shoddy tower to climb up the barricades, took me like half an hour to get it so I could climb it and not get hit by the spikes (plus it fucking rained and made everything slippery), then finally I could hop over the spikes only to realize 10 seconds into the moblin camp there was a ramp on the other side of the hill.

Took me another hour to get this moblin camp done with 4 hearts and wood weapons, several black bokoblins, a black moblin, an armored bokoblin and a boss... I think I've mastered the art of launching explosive barrels at stuff.

Having a lot of fun so far, it's so rare these days to find a game where you can just have pointless fun without getting anything meaningful done and don't feel like you're wasting time.


Trakanon Raider
I am old and feel like BoTW/ToTK are more magical than any of the previous games, but I'm never one to keep eating the member berries.

I definitely fall on the efficiency spectrum of things so you'll never see me making some ludicrous mech like contraption, but the fact that you can do things like that is so amazing to me. Being able to play it in whatever way suits you for combat/problem solving is huge.

I spent like 8 hours underground yesterday which I will say is kind of a weak addition. Maybe there is more to it tied to story, but I've done none of it yet so can't say.

But after 30ish hours I'm still finding random unseen shit practically everywhere I go and I've have not touched like 80% of the combined lower/mid/upper map yet which is pretty nuts.


<Gold Donor>
I really, really want to like this game. I felt the same about BOTW and could never get into it. Made it to the end of the first beast.

Bought it today and have just finished the great island and made it to the surface. Right now it’s just feeling like just like BOTW for me.

I’m sure I’ll be in the minority but I don’t enjoy the gimmicky abilities like fuse & great hand building.

Maybe I'm just getting old but the older Zelda games always felt more magical. Even when I replay them now. Skyward sword was the only other game I couldn’t get into.

Going to dedicate my game time to this for a week and hope I get into it.
Feel same way, but will play through on emu to see if it changes. Every time I play a game on switch I wish it was on ps5 or pc. 30fps pixelated games are just hard to play these days. Interestingly, reviewers are cumming themselves over this but say nothing about technical shortfalls, but AAA pc and ps5 games get shit on constantly for technical shit.


Potato del Grande
People buying Switch games know they won't be getting great graphics or FPS.
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Molten Core Raider
So far I'm also feeling like it's a lot like BOTW but with different powers. I've been having fun with the building stuff, but I'm only a little after the intro sky island. After getting launched to the sky by the first map tower I spotted another one... decided to go there to get more map, but it's circled by spiky walls... found a stash of planks and trunks and started to make a huge Fortnite-like shoddy tower to climb up the barricades, took me like half an hour to get it so I could climb it and not get hit by the spikes (plus it fucking rained and made everything slippery), then finally I could hop over the spikes only to realize 10 seconds into the moblin camp there was a ramp on the other side of the hill.

Took me another hour to get this moblin camp done with 4 hearts and wood weapons, several black bokoblins, a black moblin, an armored bokoblin and a boss... I think I've mastered the art of launching explosive barrels at stuff.

Having a lot of fun so far, it's so rare these days to find a game where you can just have pointless fun without getting anything meaningful done and don't feel like you're wasting time.
Yeah I'm kinda doing the same thing, think my favorite part of these games is not feeling pressured to really do anything specific and just explore.

It helps that every 4 shrines gets you an extra heart so it always feels like you're making progress.

I did the pirate area in Lurelin at like 6 hearts and it took me probably 3 hours and 15+ attempts since I was getting 1 & 2 shot, was so much fun though!
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I really need to go back and play ocarina of time. I never have replayed it. I’ve beaten A Link to thr Past about a dozen times. I’m afraid it will look like absolute ass though. Maybe I can hook my GameCube up to my CRT and help it.

I would simp for a remake straight up for Ocarina.
  • 1Smuggly
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I really need to go back and play ocarina of time. I never have replayed it. I’ve beaten A Link to thr Past about a dozen times. I’m afraid it will look like absolute ass though. Maybe I can hook my GameCube up to my CRT and help it.

I would simp for a remake straight up for Ocarina.
Water Temple was no joke as an 11 year old. Especially in the time before the internet as it became in the 00s.

Also I am forced to play this game on my TV. Switch does not seem to support ultrawide monitors.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Also I'm having a great time building stupid vehicles to accomplish shit. Woman and kid getting a little confused when I keep shouting "WITNESS ME!" at the TV.
  • 9Worf
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Also I'm having a great time building stupid vehicles to accomplish shit. Woman and kid getting a little confused when I keep shouting "WITNESS ME!" at the TV.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I keep forgetting I should always fuse my weapons. I am thinking it's time to do the 1st dungeon so my last save is right where I believe that will start. Stocked up on all the food I could muster and going to make all my fused weapons before going in and keep those stocked.

It's very easy to get distracted :p I see a shrine and I always have to go. I have a total of 6 heart health now so I am thinking the next upgrade will be stamina, then 2 hearts, then stamina, 2 hearts, etc.
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Trump's Staff
I spent the majority of the day yesterday teleporting back to the wake up spot and jumping in different directions to unlock map towers, new entries to the underground, etc., with shrines along the way. I think that's kinda how the game is meant to be played Ut. Enjoy the distractions.
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Avatar of War Slayer
IMO they should have just called this a DLC or xpac - still charged whatever they want, everyone that would buy it will buy it, its Nintendo, its Zelda.

The things that are like "Its a new game! its a sequel!" are what annoy me... it would have been, to me, better to have it be an expansion so it can keep everything before. And heck, charge 50$ and have it need BOTW? that would net you more $$...

Story stuff irks me, but zelda story in general irks me because it is always a press button restart. That is what ticked me off the most about Skyward sword. Even this... it would have been a great scene at the beginning here to have it be the end of WindWaker, not some entirely new setup, with yet another new whatever that is pulled out of someones butt.

But I am just starting, I am sure I will get over it while making mad max cars.
  • 1Picard
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
IMO they should have just called this a DLC or xpac - still charged whatever they want, everyone that would buy it will buy it, its Nintendo, its Zelda.

The things that are like "Its a new game! its a sequel!" are what annoy me... it would have been, to me, better to have it be an expansion so it can keep everything before. And heck, charge 50$ and have it need BOTW? that would net you more $$...

Story stuff irks me, but zelda story in general irks me because it is always a press button restart. That is what ticked me off the most about Skyward sword. Even this... it would have been a great scene at the beginning here to have it be the end of WindWaker, not some entirely new setup, with yet another new whatever that is pulled out of someones butt.

But I am just starting, I am sure I will get over it while making mad max cars.
Restricting it to only owners of botw and charging less $ would net them more money? The fuck?

This is way bigger than any DLCor xpac. I don’t really know the full size of the game yet but with the three layers of the map and the size it appears to be, overall it is way bigger than botw and significantly changes the main world layout. I’m not sure how they could have just added this as an xpac while destroying the layout of the botw map.


Potato del Grande
Story stuff irks me, but zelda story in general irks me because it is always a press button restart. That is what ticked me off the most about Skyward sword. Even this... it would have been a great scene at the beginning here to have it be the end of WindWaker, not some entirely new setup, with yet another new whatever that is pulled out of someones butt.
The Zelda games are not linked.

An internet autist put together a fan theory timeline and one of the devs said "yeah I guess", and now it's out of control.

It's designed so that whatever the last Zelda game you played was, you can imagine THAT is the tale of the ancient hero told in the latest game.

It's too vague and contradictory, are you saying that in ancient times multiple god-like builder races and councils of sages built 100s of shrines and temples which geologically drift over time and only a handful emerge for any given crisis?

It's a LEGEND being retold differently by each storyteller.
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Trump's Staff
IMO they should have just called this a DLC or xpac - still charged whatever they want, everyone that would buy it will buy it, its Nintendo, its Zelda.

What do people expect sequels to be these days? This game is massive holy shit.
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