I haven't played much this week, might not get my weekly vault to 10.
I watched more than usual of Mogwai and Swim and both seems to agree that Hecarim needs a nerf. I think both find Mark of the Isles a bit too strong too. Control seems pretty dominant in this meta. Riot expected that since their watchlist after the patch was Fearsome decks and Control, both of which are popular right now.
We still have a few weeks before the next patch, and people seem to find new decks to be competitive almost on a daily basis so there's a lot of decent viable decks out there.
I expect we'll see some type of nerfs to the Ezreal and Karma decks since both are kind of not interactive in the end. Ezreal last turn for example is usually a OTK doing around 16 damage that cannot be stopped since it's almost all burst spells being played.
Aside from a few decks, the meta is pretty interesting really with lots of viable stuff.
Troop of Elnuks might need a nerf, it's probably the most RNG card in the LoR, and if you get nothing(extremely rare) it's a bad card, but if you get at least 1 Elnuks it's pretty good, 2 Elnuks or more is just insane value as 4/5 is a decent body on the board.
My take so far on LoR is that it has a decent meta, and it seems Riot will be doing a lot to keep it interesting with balance patch. It doesn't need a lot of changes to shift the meta drastically as they've shown with their first balance patch.
I 'm hoping to get to play more starting tonight again. I'm still awaiting the mobile version which will most likely be on a new iPad as my loyal iPad Air 2 of 5.5 years is starting to die. It still runs great but battery life is much reduced, and since this weekend, the connector to charge it fails to recognize the charger most of the time and it fails to charge randomly.
I still wish more people were playing on twitch, I really like Mogwai, my favorite by far right now but doesn't seem to stream when I can watch. While Swim is very good at explaining the game and strategy, he's a bit annoying...and needs a fucking haircut. I haven't found anyone else that has a good personality and explains well what they do. I watched LoR on twitch to learn tips and tricks mostly.