I just restarted playing in time for new event, new champions, new cards and new balance path. Good times ahead.
So quick look at some of the card...
Stress Testing: I think it’s a very strong card in the right deck, lIke with Pick a Card. Might also see use in discard decks. I like the dual effect when you play it or whether it’s discarded. Gives it some flexibility.
Troll Gifts: Granting Regeneration could be pretty strong on some cards, grant +2/+2 if it’s has Regeneration already is also very strong for 2 mana. The issue with all Grant effect is Hush, even with the nerf it will still see play. The more buffs you add to the game the better Hush is. This mini expansion has 3 cards granting buffs so Hush will still see play.
Flurry of Fist: Nice combat trick, with again 2 options which I really like on cards...so biased a bit for all of these.
The Fangs: Seems really good, an invoke card with lifesteal, like Targon needed more healing.
The Veiled Temple: Not sure about this, it says refill 2 mana, not spell mana which could be pretty strong. Landmark are usually tempo loss when played, but this offers the possibility to gain tempo each turns afterwards. Probably a bit too complex for me to truly evaluate this early one. I think it’s going to be on the weak side, but could end up doing some really crazy stuff.
Wild Claws and Molten Strike: Expansive slow spells that seems to have too many ways to be countered.
The rest I don’t have an opinion on yet other than being mostly unimpressed.