I am really liking the looks of Shurima so far, here's my initial impression, starting with yesterday's cards:
Note: Looking at the Lore, Shurima has at least 4 Ascended Champs: Renekton, Nasus, Xerath, Azir
Cute but doesn't really fit in a Poro deck since you typically don't run (or level) champions.
Buried Sun Disc / Restored Sun Disc:
So looks like Shurima is being built around this landmark. It's only 1 mana and if you're mono-Shurima you draw it at the start of the game. If you can restore it, you draw 1 of all your ascended. That's all really great stuff. The big negatives are that 1.) It's a landmark that is doing nothing for a very long time and 2.) there is a lot of landmark removal already in the game... like a TON. 3.) To be most efficient, you want to be mono-Shurima (but maybe this won't be the best way to go).
Shurima is going to need some way to protect landmarks for this to really work imo.
The Sun Disc deck will definitely be interesting to try but it feels VERY VERY slow. And you are going to play a lot of support cards that help restore this, but otherwise also contribute nothing to the board state.
Esteemed Heirophant:
Literally a vanilla 3/4 that helps restore the sun disc. It's probably required in a sun disc deck, but it's going to feel terrible working toward that restore and then your landmark gets a comet to it.
Devoted Council:
For a healing card I think it's great, and it also help block some things. But of course it doesn't heal at all if you don't level a champion. This card seems great in a Soraka deck, but of course that deck can't lose Tahm (I think). It's only going to work in a deck that can level something quickly, like Soraka.
Golden Ambassador:
Works great in the mono-shurima deck that Sun Disc requires, but 4 mana 3/2 is horrible and slow. Continuing the ultra-slow playstyle of Shurima so far. It might be required so you get your champion which can then level up and progress your sun disc. Hopefully you're not dead by turn 5.
Voice of the Risen:
If you can get a leveled champion quickly, I think this card is great. Again, put this in a Soraka deck which typically lacks offensive power. Could be really great. Soraka is a very easy champion to level, I'm struggling to think of another. Maybe Shurima will give us one. If you are playing champions that can't level before turn 5, I think these types of cards become garbage. Ideally you want to be able to drop this turn 4 and have it do something. Otherwise it's a 4 mana 3/4 do nothing.
Ascended's Rise:
OK, so this might be the card that actually makes Sun Disc work. Put at least 3 Ascended in your deck, then cast this and there you go. Can be played turn 4 at the earliest. I think this card is definitely required in a Sun Disc deck. Good out of necessity. But of course it's slow. Also, since you restore the Sun Disc instantly, all of sudden you draw 1 of each champion as well that same turn. They will also be level 3 from the restored Sun Disc. So this is like 7 mana Restore the Sun Disc, Draw 3 level 3 Ascended. Seems good man.
He seems good. Especially if getting the level 3 form isn't super difficult (Ascended Rise!). That 2 Damage on Block/Attack is INSANE plus 10/10 overwhelm, for 4 mana... what?! Going all in on Sun Disc + Ascended Rise seems worth it if you can play a level 3 Renekton. A level 2 Renekton is still pretty good too. But I honestly think he becomes super average if you can't get him to level 3.
Ruthless Predator:
Burst Speed Vulnerable seems fine. It's nothing terribly great compared to what currently exists. Like Shakedown is still better imo since it can target 2 and it's cheaper. The +2 attack seems negligble.
Bloodthirsty Marauder:
Seems like probably the best card here so far. 1 mana unit that can block Fearsomes and doesn't lose that 3rd attack. Seems excellent.
Baccai Sandspinner:
Garbage card. I can't see this being used anywhere.
Raz Bloodmane:
EXPENSIVE. Great stats, effect, etc but matches up with a lot of other 6+ cost units with great effects that NEVER get played.
NOTE: Focus is the new keyword that replaces "Gem Speed". (it can only be cast when not in a combat phase or in response to something).
Card looks excellent. Cheap & makes favorable trades. Great.
Yikes. Garbage card imo. Slow speed, follower only. Yes it's cheap but useless so often.
Excellent card. Good vs Elusives, Tough, Overwhelm, Augment decks, etc.
Rite of Dominance:
This card is great. This shits on aggro decks & wide board decks so hard. Also punishes wide open attacks. Great card auto-include.