This card reveal has a lot of juicy stuff. I'm liking it a lot. Not saying any of this will see competitive, but anyway...
Dragon Chow:
1 mana draw 1 and give your dragon +1/+1. Nice little card that can be considered for dragon decks. Allows you to try and level Shyvana faster too.
Towering Stonehorn:
Nice text but it won't be very impactful. Ruination, Vengeance, Freezes, Obliterates all still work. Shouldn't see play.
Lost Riches:
Treasures now possible in decks that aren't Deep/Sea Monster. I feel like this card actually sees play, especially since Bilgewater / TF decks are everywhere, maybe they do a 1-of just for the late game treasure.
Loaded Dice:
Meme card kind of but for Nab decks I feel this card definitely sees play. It can be abused with Karma to possibly mill the enemy. Might see a deck built around this card.
Ancestral Boon:
Tough to see it really. Nice powerful effect when enlightened but those types of decks don't have too many units in deck to take advantage I think.
Spoils of War:
Looks bad.
Startipped Peak:
Not being able to pick the celestials makes this a bit weak. I don't see it.
Destiny's Call:
Oh boy. This card could become toxic really fast. Allows you to prepare a unit in hand to use as an Atrocity target. Or throw on 1 mana elusive, fizz, or on any card that duplicates itself. Could see some play in very specific decks. Using Battle Fury was already a card that served a similar purpose, but the advantage here is that it's a Targon card and you can play it in advance so you still have full mana when the unit is dropped.
Sea Scarab:
I love this for trying to power to Deep. Not sure how good/consistent, but looks worthy of trying. And in Deep it's a nice 2 mana 4/5. Deep decks won't turn down a little early game help, so looks good imo!
A bit too average I think. Maybe it finds a spot. Comparable to getting a 4/3 off Cursed Keeper, except this has Fearsome and is 1 more mana. That 1 more mana is a big deal. Looks too awkward in a Cursed Keeper/Butcher deck where you need enough tokens to sac.
Shadow Apprentice:
Doesn't look competitive but maybe I'm missing something.
Field Musicians:
Looks like a nice Draw Engine + mana. Looks very comparable to the Targon Landmark except instead of +1/+1 you get a card, and instead of +2 mana you get +3 spell mana. I doesn't look bad at all.
Crimson Bloodletter:
This is the 2nd 1 drop this expansion that's a 1/2 and can gain infinite power. It's effect is really nice for Vlad decks & perhaps other situations. Looks good.
Shrieking Spinner:
Grant attack for spider decks, it's a thick body too. Looks good for spider aggro.
Strength in Numbers:
8 mana in an aggro deck? Yikes. Though aggro does make less use of Spell Mana, so you do this Turn 5 for 2 marauders and when they attack they become 5/4 each. A legion marauder deck does sound funny. I'll be surprised if it ends up working.
Production Surge:
Funny card. Could potentially fill your board with turrets. It might be comparable to Harrowing, except the units stick around and you have a bit more flexibility in how & when it is played. Could actually be a very viable card for any deck in P&Z. Can be a card you play on either offense or defense.
Concurrent Timelines:
And now we've reached full Hearthstone.
This card has insane potential for a number of reasons and I actually think it needs some nerfs NOW.
First off, the mechanics as confirmed by Riot devs work as such:
The unit you play will trigger it's play effect, THEN you are presented with 3 cards to transform it into.
That means:
1.) Ledros will present you with Dreadway 60% of the time and will threaten to end the game on the spot.
2.) Corina, same as Ledros, except might not end the game on the spot, but does up to 10 damage.
3.) Having any 0 mana card will 100% present you with Butcher / Cask / Specter. So 0 mana 3/2 will always happen.
4.) Just having insane flexibility every single unit played is INSANE.