As previously mentioned, these are kind hard to evaluate as we've never had a deck that plays like this. Lots of Landmarks that you don't stick around or that you'd want to remove yourself.
Taliyah: She will obviously be limited to Landmark based deck, but she should be pretty good. It looks like she'll be fairly easy to level up in those kind of decks which is good because I feel there's a massive difference in power level between her base form and her leveled up version. Once leveled up with a Landmark in play she will be very hard to block effectively. I hope we see some cheap Landmark that you'd want to remove in other region to help her a bit. She looks fun though.
Stoneweaving: I think it's awesome as a Signature spell for Taliyah, not just for synergy with her but in the type she'll be in. It's also a cool concept that what you'll pull will vary with what you can afford(which I am guessing is Mana available). You could potentially cast something else before casting this to limit the pool of Landmarks that it's pulling from to try and target something you want.
Shaped Stone: Excellent combat trick, 1/1 for 1 mana is good, meeting the requirement for it to be a 3/1 for 1 should be easy and make it into a great card.
Ancient Hourglass/Stasis Statue: I agree with
this is a great card, possibly the best revealed so far in this expansion. This type of card will make dipping into Shurima for some decks worth it.
Rock Hopper/Rolling Sand: This is pretty interesting card, 3/1 for 2 is decent enough. Can block fearsome, or apply some pressure. The really interesting part is the Rolling Sand as this could in some cases act to slow down your opponent from playing something if they don't have a cheap ally to summon first.
Unraveled Earth: Mixed on this, the Rolling Sand is a neat Landmark as mentioned before it will often act a way to slow down your opponent from playing something they want to not be vulnerable. It also draws card which is nice.
Sai Scout: Bad stats even with the Elusive keyword which you only get if you choose a Landmark from your Prediction which somewhat limits it. I doubt it will see much play.
Desert Naturalist: Weak stats but destroying a Landmark by itself usually comes on cards that cost 3/4 mana so getting a body on the board on top of it could be pretty nice. The option to summon a 5/4 if you destroy one of yours is pretty good as this amounts to a lot of stats across 2 bodies. I think this will be a good card.
Hibernating Rockbear: Interesting card, the ability to summon a 5/4 that cost 5 mana for only 2 mana, but that comes out in 3 turns might seem slow but with Taliyah copying a Landmark on entry or with Promising Future it could be interesting you could get a lot of value from it. The dream play being this on turn 3, into Promising Future on turn 4, and copy it with Taliyah on turn 5 to get 4 5/4. on turn 6
Salt Spire: Similar to Hibernating Rockbear except for 4 mana which just makes it worse that Hibernating Rockbear, not sure 1 countdown less and +2/+2 makes it worth it. At 4 mana it's just too slow and make any combo with it come out way too late.
It's an interesting reveal so far, I find that a lot of what has been revealed so far to be very focused on very specific deck building, more than usual anyways. I do like that Shurima seems to be trying a lot of very unique things.