They buffed Lulu...BEST PATCH EVER.
Nothing too surprising really, a lot of these were expected in some form. It should have a pretty big impact on the meta.
TF will still be viable but less dominant. The +1 card draw with Pick a Card reduced to drawing 1 less will make it significantly harder to level up, he is still very strong if you do level him up. It's a solid change I think.
Aphelios will be in a similar situation, the sheer versatility of his Moon Weapons will keep him viable I think, but their increase cost makes them less efficient than before. I think he may end up in a good spot, really in a few decks rather than always good.
Veiled Temple is interesting, buffing the attack without buffing the health is a HUGE nerf, having a 10/3 for example is so easy to remove compare to a 10/10. The strength of the card now will be tilted way more to it giving back 2 mana providing really good tempo after it's played.
I don't think the nerf to Fiora will do much, she usually has a lot of protection.
Jarvan 4 has better stats, not sure it will make him that much more viable though. He still low health for a 6 mana, so the main issue with him remains I think.
Shyvana, I like this change It make sense thematically at least that she has fury. She should be a bit better now, not sure it's enough for her to be viable. I think Dragons are missing a 3 cost dragon, although I am not sure a baby dragon would fit really.
Lulu, not enough but she's my favorite champion...or rather the Support mechanic is one of my favorite so by extension I love her. GO PIX GO PIX GO PIX.
Pick a Card: The change of mana from 3 to 2, and draw 2 instead of 3 means the card is fundamentally the same as far as draw mechanics...except it nerfs TF which was a the goal. So a good change in my opinion.
Wiggly Bubblefish, much needed nerf. It was too easy to reduce it's cost and it gained way too much value at zero mana.
The Dreadway, I don't understand why they allowed the combo in the first place, even if the deck is not great it was totally garbage combo to allow. Concurrent Timelines is now possibly no longer Toxic.
Shadow Assassin and Fae Guide, I worry anytime Elusive or card that Grant elusive get buffed. Elusive can be so unfun to play against. Some of the worse meta have been elusive meta. I still think they need to introduce a keyword that allow blocking of elusive without them being elusive themselves. It would give them so much more flexibility when designing Elusive cards.