Patch Notes 2.9 are out and do basically nothing to actually fix the meta.
Riot started so well with regular and significant balance every 4 weeks that had major impact on the meta. Since about the same time they switched to the Expansion model of smaller but more frequent expansion, they have significantly reduced the quality of their balance patches.
I think because new cards are in more often, they want to wait a bit more to see their impact before making big changes. The end results though is that bad oppressive meta last much longer than before.
These patch notes are a perfect example of this. There's a few(a lot actually) of streamers and content creator that seem to be reevaluating their commitment to LoR which is kinda sad.
I still believe that the fundamentals of LoR make for one of the most fun CCG, but I struggle to play these days since if you don't play a counter to Azir/Arelia you will get destroyed often since the deck is so prevalent, and if you do run a counter, you will often still be destroyed because the deck still has a good winrate against a few of it's counters.
If the deck goes away, then Lissandra/Trundle with Spectal Matron into Watcher will come back and be the oppressive deck since it's a control deck that basically makes all other control deck obsolete as if you don't win by turn 8, you lose.
That's not speaking of Thresh/Nassus which has been a dominant deck for a long time. Although personally I prefer playing against it than Azir/Arelia or Lissandra/Trundle with Matron. I don't find it as oppressive, just a really good and consistent deck.
I guess we were spoiled early on. I hope Riot reacts to the backlash they are getting from patch 2.9 and go back to their old ways of doing balance frequency, quantity and quality.