Legends of Runeterra - Card game by Riot Games


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I've always wondered if a hybrid ranked mode where basically you need to have 3 decks made of 6 different regions to queue into ranked with 1 ban.

It wouldn't be a tournament, just regular ranked. Face someone, choose 1 deck to ban out of 3 and then play and that's it.

Would it work? Would it be fun? Would it solve the meta issues? I honestly don't know.

If one game could do it, it's LoR since their business model isn't based on selling cards and they are so generous with cards. A new player could easily pick like 3 different pre-made decks out of a large pool of pre-made decks.

I wouldn't want to remove ranked entirely. Bo1 still needed for the pickup & go crowd.
For determining the absolute best, and for a change, there should be a tournament mode, is all im saying.
Forcing 2 matches + having a ban phase would add so much time. So ranked Bo1 needs to always remain.

LOL. Not sure if I should be mad or not but they broke LoR on IPads. Seems to be only the iPad pros though. I know it’s not working on mine right now. I get a black screen.

Sucks. Works on my android phone though. I don't have an iPad to test.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Response from the LoR dev on reddit about the feedback they got from 2.9. I guess it was pretty overwhelming since they answered so quickly. Makes me hopeful for the future.

Hi everyone! Dovagedys here with some news on card updates in Legends of Runeterra.

Tl;dr - More Updates Are Coming in Patch 2.11.0

We know there has been a lot of conversation recently on the topic of live design updates, and folks are… less than satisfied with the changes patch 2.9.0. First off, in patch 2.11.0, alongside the release of our next expansion - Rise of the Underworlds, we will be releasing a large batch of card updates, including updates to both older champions and non-champion cards.

Second, we’re going to be spending time re-evaluating our current live design philosophy and plans for the future. We don’t have any specific details at this time on exact balance cadence, but we know this issue is important and we will communicate our new plan once it’s finalized.

Before we get into it, I think it’s very important to call out that we thrive on the feedback we get from all of you. Our plans and actions change constantly due to the feedback we see from the community. Sometimes it takes time for those changes to be realized in balance patches. We have one of the most amazing communities I’ve ever seen in gaming and I think we should all work hard to protect the special community we have built together.

We want you all to know that the reduced number of live design changes over the last few months has been primarily due to our team being focused on making awesome things for the future. For example, the next champion expansion, scheduled for July on our roadmap, will launch very soon after the Rise of the Underworlds expansion, and many of the same designers who work on game health have been working on that champion expansion. There are also new things coming that I won’t go into detail on just yet, and you can expect another roadmap with more detail coming in late July. We slipped into a pattern of being focused on the future and deprioritizing the present. We made a mistake and we hear you.

We know that players want to see more balance changes as we move forward, so we’re taking that feedback to heart. Our team is re-evaluating live design cadence and the scope of the changes that we’re willing to make, in order to make that possible.

On Blade Dance - Power, Fun, and Frustration

Regarding Blade Dance specifically, we’ve seen strong feedback on how frustrating it is to play around the mechanic, and felt dissonance with the team when patch 2.9.0 released without significant nerfs to the archetype. To clarify our stance, we know that there’s a healthy tension between a decks’ ability to win, deck popularity, how fun a deck is to play, and how frustrating it is to play against. We want Blade Dance to sit in the middle of all those factors, where it has the ability to win (as any well-refined deck should), but where it's not winning by an unhealthy amount. It's fun to play, but also not toofrustrating to play against. It can have a sharp feeling when playing against it, especially when it has a particularly strong curve. Right now, Blade Dance is extremely popular, and decks being popular is a good thing, but when a small number of decks are overly-popular, it can accelerate the feeling of a “stale” meta for a number of players. It’s also too powerful. We want to maintain its popularity while hitting some of the most problematic aspects of the deck, so we’re keeping a close eye on it for our 2.11.0 changes.

Understanding what elements make a deck popular is extremely important, because it helps us create future content that’s fun to play, while learning to avoid negative play patterns. The really great thing about LoR’s format though, is that we’re not justrestricted to new sets & expansions; we can always go back and apply these same learnings to existing archetypes, and that’s what we’re doing now.

Organic Metagame Development vs. Keeping Things Fresh

Keep in mind, we still value allowing metagames to evolve and change over time without direct live design updates. We think that’s something special about our genre and rewards exploration and innovation, and there will be times when the metagame is diverse, even when we might have a few patches without card updates. The answer may not always be live design - it could be a new expansion, or just time to discover new, impactful decks, but live card updates can be a powerful tool to help when necessary to keep the game feeling fresh and exciting.

Thank you to everyone that has given us feedback in a positive and healthy way. We hear you loud and clear, and we’re making changes. Thanks for helping to keep our amazing community special and healthy.


- Dovagedys


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Response from the LoR dev on reddit about the feedback they got from 2.9. I guess it was pretty overwhelming since they answered so quickly. Makes me hopeful for the future.

Hi everyone! Dovagedys here with some news on card updates in Legends of Runeterra.

Tl;dr - More Updates Are Coming in Patch 2.11.0

We know there has been a lot of conversation recently on the topic of live design updates, and folks are… less than satisfied with the changes patch 2.9.0. First off, in patch 2.11.0, alongside the release of our next expansion - Rise of the Underworlds, we will be releasing a large batch of card updates, including updates to both older champions and non-champion cards.

Second, we’re going to be spending time re-evaluating our current live design philosophy and plans for the future. We don’t have any specific details at this time on exact balance cadence, but we know this issue is important and we will communicate our new plan once it’s finalized.

Before we get into it, I think it’s very important to call out that we thrive on the feedback we get from all of you. Our plans and actions change constantly due to the feedback we see from the community. Sometimes it takes time for those changes to be realized in balance patches. We have one of the most amazing communities I’ve ever seen in gaming and I think we should all work hard to protect the special community we have built together.

We want you all to know that the reduced number of live design changes over the last few months has been primarily due to our team being focused on making awesome things for the future. For example, the next champion expansion, scheduled for July on our roadmap, will launch very soon after the Rise of the Underworlds expansion, and many of the same designers who work on game health have been working on that champion expansion. There are also new things coming that I won’t go into detail on just yet, and you can expect another roadmap with more detail coming in late July. We slipped into a pattern of being focused on the future and deprioritizing the present. We made a mistake and we hear you.

We know that players want to see more balance changes as we move forward, so we’re taking that feedback to heart. Our team is re-evaluating live design cadence and the scope of the changes that we’re willing to make, in order to make that possible.

On Blade Dance - Power, Fun, and Frustration

Regarding Blade Dance specifically, we’ve seen strong feedback on how frustrating it is to play around the mechanic, and felt dissonance with the team when patch 2.9.0 released without significant nerfs to the archetype. To clarify our stance, we know that there’s a healthy tension between a decks’ ability to win, deck popularity, how fun a deck is to play, and how frustrating it is to play against. We want Blade Dance to sit in the middle of all those factors, where it has the ability to win (as any well-refined deck should), but where it's not winning by an unhealthy amount. It's fun to play, but also not toofrustrating to play against. It can have a sharp feeling when playing against it, especially when it has a particularly strong curve. Right now, Blade Dance is extremely popular, and decks being popular is a good thing, but when a small number of decks are overly-popular, it can accelerate the feeling of a “stale” meta for a number of players. It’s also too powerful. We want to maintain its popularity while hitting some of the most problematic aspects of the deck, so we’re keeping a close eye on it for our 2.11.0 changes.

Understanding what elements make a deck popular is extremely important, because it helps us create future content that’s fun to play, while learning to avoid negative play patterns. The really great thing about LoR’s format though, is that we’re not justrestricted to new sets & expansions; we can always go back and apply these same learnings to existing archetypes, and that’s what we’re doing now.

Organic Metagame Development vs. Keeping Things Fresh

Keep in mind, we still value allowing metagames to evolve and change over time without direct live design updates. We think that’s something special about our genre and rewards exploration and innovation, and there will be times when the metagame is diverse, even when we might have a few patches without card updates. The answer may not always be live design - it could be a new expansion, or just time to discover new, impactful decks, but live card updates can be a powerful tool to help when necessary to keep the game feeling fresh and exciting.

Thank you to everyone that has given us feedback in a positive and healthy way. We hear you loud and clear, and we’re making changes. Thanks for helping to keep our amazing community special and healthy.


- Dovagedys

Honestly, the game is in the worst place I've ever seen. Watcher decks and Irelia decks are both fairly broken. Expeditions also allow Irelia/Azir WAY too often. I think every expedition where I've had both is a fairly easy 7 win run. I've basically taken a break from serious play since the middle of May because it's just not very fun. Bilgewater is still the best release they've had and nothing since has come close. It makes me wonder if they can keep this up.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I barely managed to finish the event. For one thing, there was a bug that prevented me from playing on iPad Pro that lasted a week, I wrote a ticket to Riot and they gave me some XP in the event for the time lost so that wasn’t too bad…although it was less than I would have made. The real reason I barely made it is that this meta just plain sucks. If not for the event I probably wouldn’t have played at all.

I think I’ll take a break until the next balance patch or expansion.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
oh woops, thanks for the reminder. I wasnt even checking the event. Had the last 9 things to open.. wonder if I would have lost them if I didn't open them.
I got Masters a couple days ago using Liss/Trundle. The meta is unbearable. I am dicking around with a homebrew Zilean/Nasus/Go Hard deck that isn't great but I enjoy it so whatever.

I can't see myself grinding up to qualify for the tournament... if it happens then it happens.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
It's starting...new cards reveal. :)

New trailer.

New Keyword.


New Cards.

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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Lurk looks well packaged. There are some Bilgewater Lurk cards yet to reveal, an 8 cost and a 1 cost for sure (can see the top part of the card in Rek'Sai reveal vid).
It's theorized that Pyke will have synergy with Lurk as well.

Even without the future cards, what we see here already looks very viable.
It's really hard to say how strong the deck will be. The synergy & units all look individually strong. You lose tempo by playing Rek'sai before level-up.
Finding the best ratio of Lurk/Draw/Predict will be the main challenge.
I think what's nice so far is that while the deck almost seems auto-build, I feel it won't be so simple.
It's reminding me of Deep a lot where at first everyone threw in every Deep card and eventually the deck settled on like 6 sea monsters+Nautilus, cutting a ton of excess Deep cards in the process.

My first impression is that it's certainly a well built-out mechanic but my excitement isn't quite there yet. I am looking toward Pyke to up the excitement a bit.

I really hope Ekko brings something truly unique & fun for this next expansion.
Lurk deck feels like it might be another Azirelia deck. Very high synergy/good deck that becomes overplayed immediately. I was hyped for Irelia but the fact she slotted in so perfectly with Azir and became overplayed just ruined the excitement.

In a way, these mini-expansions might continue having this issue since so few cards are released.
Having new stuff more frequently is nice, but might not be the best path for the game.
More space between expansions & more balance patches could be a better way to go.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I’m going to wait on Lurk, it looks pretty good but hard to evaluate since it’s fairly unique.

That said I agree that these expansion being split into 3 smaller ones doesn’t seem to be that great in practice. I sounded great in theory but didn’t work out in my opinion. Until the 3rd one everything seems incomplete.

I did hear though that both Shurima and Targon were actually designed as regular expansion before being split into 3 and starting with the next one they are designed from the ground up to be delivered in 3 parts. We will see I guess.

I’ll be honest in saying I’m looking forward to balance change more than new cards which says a lot about the current state of the game.

I haven’t played since the event ended, and only played the event because ocd prevents me from missing it, but I honestly burned out on it as I didn’t have much fun. My issue is that the game is too fast now, I enjoy when midrange decks defines the meta with a few aggro and a few control deck mixed in. I always enjoyed midrange the most, than control and pretty much despise aggro in general since I feel it’s often limits what can be played too much, and requires less skills usually you play on curve and ignore what the opponent does which I simply hate.

I hope this expansion and balance change is good or I feel I’m just going to lose interest.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Field promotion
Abominable guardian
Heavens aligned
Astral fox
The twisted treeline

Starlit epiphany
Fabled poro


Garbage/ uninteresting
Thorned blade
Defiant dance
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The deck should be good. There are some immediate weaknesses. It looks like it will get steamrolled by aggro. It also has the most RNG components of any other deck to date. I gotta believe it'll be a very viable deck but these 2 weaknesses could prevent it from being S tier.

I hope it's not a reenactment of Azirelia and becomes solved & S tier day 1.

I'm still not super excited about this style of deck. It looks to play like an aggro deck but every attack you're praying to RNG gods. Pyke is a really cool payoff though.

I hope Ekko brings something to be a little more excited about.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

I don't care how memey it is, Glorious Evolution and the previously shown Starlit Epiphany are 2 cards I want to build decks around. I'm much more excited for these than Lurk.

The elnuk card could bring elnuks back. A Yeti/poro/elnuk deck is even looking more attractive.

Burst speed barrel has a lot of possible implications but I doubt it will really be used.

Reavers Row is a strong support to 1drop decks but might be a tad slow.

Boom baboon is made for jinx/draven. Strong card.

Treasure seeker seems good. Hard to say how well it'll compete with dunekeeper, adding a resource to hand can be good discard fodder. It's another decent 1 drop for shurima... maybe fits in a reavors row deck.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I guess we’ll see Ekko tomorrow, looks like he will work with Predict and do some time related stuff if we go by the card names, nothing too surprising really. I hope he’s interesting. Not being a fan of Lurk mechanic, this has been a rather disappointing reveal so far.

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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I guess we’ll see Ekko tomorrow, looks like he will work with Predict and do some time related stuff if we go by the card names, nothing too surprising really. I hope he’s interesting. Not being a fan of Lurk mechanic, this has been a rather disappointing reveal so far.

View attachment 360149

A lot of attention was put into Lurk, which overshadows a lot of these other cards, but I do have a lot of interest with these reveals so far.
I want to do a Tech deck with Glorious Evolution and I'm certainly going to try Elnuks. That Practical Perfectionist seems perfect for the Elnuk deck along with the previous new elnuk reveal.

I enjoy the predict/value playstyle, which is why I played a lot of zilean this last expansion. Ekko seems to hit that same theme, so I definitely see some promise with this new set.

I'm thinking Glorious Evolution in a Poro deck. "GE" is expensive, but it's a spell, can be played at turn 7, and gives every card "augment" so you chain a bunch of 1-drops and they all buff each other... There's also the card where all techs share keywords. So as of now it's the card I look forward to playing with the most.