its been before that, til about 2009, his big hits were Pixar films, then he made huge hits with Tangled and then Frozen and then Wreck It Ralph. which are Disney animation flicks and not just Pixar, around that same time Pixar started churning out sequels like Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc 2 and Cars 2 or mediocre shit like Good Dinosaur and Brave. there is a distinct drop in quality in Pixar films. thats not to say these are all bad Pixar films, you could say Cars 2, Good Dinosaur and Brave are pretty fucking lame. the others are just ok to good. Inside Out is probably the last GREAT Pixar film. but nothing since UP! i would consider a classic.
the Metoo stuff has never been confirmed or proven, but i assume it happened but not as serious as it was made out to be. maybe he grabbed some chick's ass or talked about grabbin some ass and it was overheard by a karen. not enough to tank your bilion dollar studio over, but hey, this is Disney they got enough pedos already and one top exec who is into adult women and brags about it is far too much to tolerate.