Camerous said:
Why don"t you all just give her a fucking break already. This is no longer funny. It"s like beating on a small child. I mean for fuck"s sake chill out with all this shit. My taxes are paying for her disability. There you no longer have to worry about your taxes going to her.
You guys know as well as I do I am usually first in line to kick people in the head but damn this is a little much.
Actually, what Aychamo is ranting about does seriously touch on a nerve with me a bit as far as the disability issue is concerned. Let me explain.
Recently, I applied for disability as a means to more easily receive government assistance in paying for my medication. I am an epileptic, I have been since I was 16, and after 2-3 weeks without constant medication that comes at a hefty price tag each month (almost as much as Shelley"s trailer investment), I WILL have a seizure, and depending on what I"m doing at the time I could die. I"ve nearly died while taking a shower and endured numerous injuries while doing things as simple as trying to cook for myself or play video games. Thankfully, I"ve been responsible with my medication for the past 3 or so years, and am basically a fully functional adult, although at a fairly high cost.
Up until last year, I was included in my dad"s health insurance which he paid, and thus had low co-pays for my medication. Unfortunately he died rather unexpectedly and I had trouble keeping up with paying for the rather costly insurance. After a few months, I missed a payment because I had to spend money on books for law school and so now I have no health insurance. Note that my medicine full price is actually cheaper than paying the insurance bill, but not much, and I"m kinda shit up a creek if something happens.
So, having in mind that I"m basically living off loans going to school full time, and that I"m only functional because of the very vital medication that is becoming very hard to pay for... I applied for disability, just to make it easier for me to qualify for government healthcare programs... Of course, when I went through the red tape, I was HONEST about my predicament and stated that I could lead a functional life alone with the aid of medication. Without it, I could very quickly lead the life of an invalid, losing my legal right to drive, severely hampering my ability to go to school or work, or any other normal of things that normal people do not risked with the chance of spazzing out and collapsing into the floor in a fit of convulsions.
I was declined disability status in either full or part, for my current condition or from when I was younger and we couldn"t find a medicine regimen that controlled the seizures. Know what? Because I"ve done my best to lead a normal life despite my situation and by going out, struggling, and getting my ass kicked in going to college and later to law school, I"ve counted myself out in the government"s eyes. So even though I have a life-long incurable neurological disorder that renders me vulnerable to sudden, largely unpredictable complete losses of bodily control, I am not classified as disabled.
But Shelly, who can"t work more than 4 out of 8 hours because she had foot surgery, is disabled. The government subsidizes her ass.
Galiem, who has fucking assburgers, has disability. Because he can"t work because he"ll get angry if people are mean to him.
In short, fuck you both you fucking wastes of skin, you know nothing of the true horror that a crippling disease can bring or what it means to be a decent fucking human being and roll with the punches. And fuck you too for bringing spawn into this world to draw on tax dollars. It"s people like you that make it so goddamn retarded hard for people like me to get legitimate government assistance because LOL NO HANDOUTS DERP. FUCK.
DoW2: Retribution just got here. This is golden! Can you guess what the campaign I just began revolves around?