Long full disclosure


Lecia said:
Is that a mortherfucking twilight themed browser to top off all this crazy bullshit? Bwhahahaha, man, this can"t get any better.
Yes, I have a twilight theme that my sister pull on my web browser/ She loves twilight and she"s just 13.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
GaliemVaelant said:
Fuck, this is only going to turn worse. I think I"m done here. Have fun with Shelly, fellas, she"s my gift to you.
Oh no you"re not, you need to atone for your sins, buddy, which includes sucking the period blood out of a retarded midget. Jesus Christ.


Shelly1989 said:
When I was on my period, he wanted to suck my blood. Honestly, I did let him sometimes even though I thought it was weird and nasty.

Aychamo BanBan

I claim it for my sig!

Shelly - PLEASE tell us more about the vampire stuff. You said that he does not sparkle, that he sucked your period blood, and that he wore a trench coat and hid in the shade.

What else did he do? Please feel free to write as much as you want. Did he ever believe that he was flying around the room? Did he ever shapeshift into a bat? Or did he climb a tree really quickly or battle a werewolf?

Did he ever try to convince you to become a vampire? And were you scared that when he sucked your period blood that he would turn you into a vampire? What if you miscarried when he sucked your period blood and the fetus turned into a vampire?



GaliemVaelant said:
So sorry,doctor.Jesus Jumping-Jack Christ, could you be any more of a narcissistic douche? Okay, so explain to me which part of this you actually have embraced: that you think you can diagnose me over an internet message board or that you think I will open up enough about the inner workings of my mind that it would even be possible? Life events are one thing, but that"s something else altogether.

But no, again, I"m sorry your fucking majesty.Obviouslythrough a handful of message board posts, you know better than two neuropsychiatrists, three psychologists, and can distill better results from these internet exchanges than God-only-knows how many hours of tests developed by countless professionals over a number of years. No, nothing narcissistic about that...

No, no, youmustbe right. Am I using sarcasm effectively? I hope so, because I doubt your one-size-fits-all litmus test for mental fitness to hold a career trumps the established modes of diagnosis. What? Should psychiatric patients merely be asked to write a paragraph, and if it can be comprehended then they get sent on their way?

You"re a self-righteous prick, and I hope you choke on a dick.
I just want you to Youtube yourself drinking bleach. I fully understand that there is no hope for your pathetic ass.

Oh and just so you know even if I did choke on a dick, I could still look up with my cum cover face and say at least i didn"t fuck Shelly.


GaliemVaelant said:
Fuck, this is only going to turn worse. I think I"m done here. Have fun with Shelly, fellas, she"s my gift to you.
Wait so you can walk away without going off on an internet board but can"t bend over and take when your betters tell you to?

God damn it Galiem you are starting to make feel sorry for Shelly. You pathetic fuck!


The Big Mod
Shelly1989 said:
Yes, I have a twilight theme that my sister pull on my web browser/ She loves twilight and she"s just 13.
shelly i think the best way for you to get back at jeremy is for you to take hot sexy pictures of yourself and post them here so we can all see what jeremy missed out on

Aychamo BanBan

I think it"s hilarious that Shelly comes in telling us how he"s a bad dad or a cheater or whatever, and we don"t give a shit about any of his moral turpitude, but as soon as we find out he"s a vagina sucking vampire-wannabe, it"s all over!

I wanna know *everything* now. Shelly, those giant walls of text, please tell me the entire vampire diary.

Aychamo BanBan

kegkilla said:
shelly i think the best way for you to get back at jeremy is for you to take hot sexy pictures of yourself and post them here so we can all see what jeremy missed out on
It"s hilarious how appropriate the text under your name (buy the cow...) is in this situation!


aychamo_aycono said:
I claim it for my sig!

Shelly - PLEASE tell us more about the vampire stuff. You said that he does not sparkle, that he sucked your period blood, and that he wore a trench coat and hid in the shade.

What else did he do? Please feel free to write as much as you want. Did he ever believe that he was flying around the room? Did he ever shapeshift into a bat? Or did he climb a tree really quickly or battle a werewolf?

Did he ever try to convince you to become a vampire? And were you scared that when he sucked your period blood that he would turn you into a vampire? What if you miscarried when he sucked your period blood and the fetus turned into a vampire?

I wasn"t pregnant at the time I had my period. When I was pregnant, he did claim one time that I supposedly pulled energy from him. I gave him a weird look and said no. Then, he said may be the baby did it then. He claims when he is full of energy he can run faster than anyone and look like a blur. He claims everyone can see people"s aura. He can supposedly pull energy from anything living including plants. He believes he can pull so much energy from people that makes that person sick or very tired. He supposedly has "super" strengthen that can kill people in a heart-beat. He said that his wife knew he was an energy vampire because she was supposedly a witch and casted a spell to bond them together. He has never told me anything else. He has told this to several of people like his friend Cowboy and Cecil, exes: Mary and April, and my friend and my husband: Michelle and David. I never saw anything that he claims and believes.


The Big Mod
Shelly1989 said:
I wasn"t pregnant at the time I had my period. When I was pregnant, he did claim one time that I supposedly pulled energy from him. I gave him a weird look and said no. Then, he said may be the baby did it then. He claims when he is full of energy he can run faster than anyone and look like a blur. He claims everyone can see people"s aura. He can supposedly pull energy from anything living including plants. He believes he can pull so much energy from people that makes that person sick or very tired. He supposedly has "super" strengthen that can kill people in a heart-beat. He said that his wife knew he was an energy vampire because she was supposedly a witch and casted a spell to bond them together. He has never told me anything else. He has told this to several of people like his friend Cowboy and Cecil, exes: Mary and April, and my friend and my husband: Michelle and David. I never saw anything that he claims and believes.
do you know if he"s reached the first level of super saiyan yet?

Aychamo BanBan

You gotta love the guy who guys off about quantum physics believes he can summon fictitious energy sources. Too bad he can"t pull energy from people and sell it back to the electricity utility companies!

Shelly - thank you for that information!

..... now I"m going to go visit that vampire forum and search for all of his old posts!


The Big Mod
aychamo_aycono said:
It"s hilarious how appropriate the text under your name (buy the cow...) is in this situation!
haha yeah but in this case i think the cow has mad cow disease


kegkilla said:
shelly i think the best way for you to get back at jeremy is for you to take hot sexy pictures of yourself and post them here so we can all see what jeremy missed out on
I don"t want to be with a lying, cheating, abusive, dead-beat father, that does nothing for his 4 kids, whom really believes he is an energy vampire.