Why the fuck even bother? And if that"s the melee, what the fuck is the AE like!?
Because its new stuff, new bosses and old gets boring.if every single mob up to rallos zek wouldnt drop loot top guilds would still be in the elemental planes by now,in fact they dont drop loot topguilds can use, only very very few loot.
The problem furor described goes for the entire expansion, they simply made loot more rare,if you look at it from DKP values they will just shoot up and the single player in the guild will get less loot.Is that good and wanted from verrants side?
I do not know if its a good idea to balance it like that,the game is just gettin old and i was disappointed from pop if you look at it from the numbers point.
I was hoping for 15k hp tanks, for loot rain for 50 bosses each zone for fast respawn and for a challenge.What do we find in Planes of power?
Just look at plane of disease, deserted place.Such a waste and 1 real boss mob, and he drops really really bad items.Same goes for all bossmobs, just gods have actually items some people can use.
Look at bastion of thunder, nerfed to hell.The minibosses at the start rarely drop something, the bosses in the towers for the key to agnarr are nerfed in a way nobody ever does this content.Its totally wasted.If you want xp in planes of power?We have plane of valor,where everyone goes.Then crypt of disease for good xp but..
You go to crypt of disease and do 1k HTing 600ish hitting mobs who drop ethreals and 0 armor molds,then you go to the rat camp and see stuff like traps triggering 6 500ish hitting mobs at once, unresistable slow aes hard hitting mobs and they drop...
ethreals.. and sebilis loot.
Then set your alarm clock, 8 am woo 4 hours sleep may be i get one of the good camps.You wake up run to.. Fortress of Zek ! omg!The only nice camp in the game,you zone in praying
*man hopefully i can get a camp today where i can get xp and small upgrades and spells, yea those sebilis days back then were great*Duh, 2 groups pnp"ing eachother in the arena in fortress of zek, every mob that spawns is being pulled within seconds nonstop 7 days a week.
Now you think
*damn will verrant give me more camps like the good old days , 1 interesting camp in the whole expansion sucks*
What will they do? They will nerf the damn arena, they will nerf that you can actually get within 1/2 days a shot at a piece of armor and they will nerf us being able to get 65 spells in under 6 months.Dont get me wrong, this is a wonderful game.The graphic engine is old but the strenght of this game is this pendantic love to details.Verrant been slacking on these details in planes of power and people conquering this expansion begin to realize it isnt all that great.
Here my ideas :
Plane of disease, more minibosses.More content better loot on grummus.
Plane of innovation, the prototypes suck.Remove their ability to banish.Fix the despawning of behemoth,the loot seems okay for me and fix him warping around.That would make him alot easier so you could make him abit harder.Seriously it sucks when a mob is tough because you didnt code him right.
Crypt of disease, wonderful dungeon.I did at least 80aa+ there.The rat camp is tough and fun, the undead camp is very nice.Too bad caprin ruins the camp.
The loot of the highpriest-caprin script is a joke.Upgrade the hp of the bosses a little and upgrade the loot, its .. again... sebilis loot from 1200 ish hitting 5k hp lifetap proccing mobs.Upgrade this joke loot and upgrade the drops from the nameds, we dont need 25 hp mana legs with 11ac from 600 ish hitting mobs.
Make these drop runes from named,the loot should be upgraded as well.13/22 piercer from this.When i was looting the piercer in cod the first time i was lmao, then shaking my head and giving the weapon to a pet.Then i got bitched at because the enchanter had a better pet weapon ready, from solusek B.
Plane of tactics could use another xp camp then arena,the black ogers and elites are too hard to xp with nicely.
Tallonzek should either be linked to eachother so you have to deal with each wave at once or make tallon hit way harder.Its soo boring when we single pull that damn demi god to a corner.Its like xping with the guild basically,people go afk even while killing this god.Are you kidding me? people go and cook and afk and watch tv while we do one of your boss encounters.Tallon and rallos are nicely done imo.
bastion of thunder,overnerfed.The Bosses up in the towers, yellow con to level 65 are way too nerfed.They used to drop loot, alot.Just check how many guilds go there to actualy raid this zone beside agnarr to get flagged and you see the succes of your nerfs.
The level 65 minibosses in the first part of the zone are nice tho,they could drop a tad more loot/runes.
Halls of honor,got like 4 times nerfed forth and back and almost nobody xps there anymore.Give the nameds in the shrines, the animated armor nameds, a real loot table.They should drop a rune OR an armor mold and always one of each.Quit making us say*YAY a named pop* and then we kill it and we are disappointed.And the armor mobs, the undeads yellow to 65 and the wrulon guards with the feeblemind ae could be toned down a tad meaning make then easier single pullable for example.Make it so they are easier to get too,if 1 group can farm them comfortably many people would actually consider farming for small balanced upgrades there.HoHb needs more rune drops.
Tower of solusek ro.............
Such a wasted zone, first of all make the red mini demons drop a rune much more frequently.We did the whole first part of the zone with 35 and it took ages.We got like 1 rune in the whole time as well, overnerfed.This zone should have an xp camp with the sebilis concept.The bosses are too easy as well,rizlona is like ragefire.Such a joke boss.The boss are simply to easy, way too easy.
Runes should drop, armor molds should drop and xp should be good and you dont even have to make new models or change alot but upgrade the drops on the red looking mini demons.That would be a great adventure for 1 group.
I wasnt yet in the elemental planes but furor is usually right with the balancing issues, if you draw a line from the start of this expansion to the end you can see there needs to be more loot simply put.
I got tons of aa and the only thing left in this game is the love to the details, everquest is no doubt one of the games with the best balance.You have monsters reacting right, you have intelligent hatelists and well done class balancing.This is the only edge everquest has over other games.The graphics suck and get old and everquest has to make up for it.
But i see first flaws in it and i am loggin on way fewer then i used to.For someone with alot of aa there is only 1 camp and if the bosses in bastion are up i can drop them with 3 people and hope for a rune or an armor mold but beside that?
I dont want simply loot for no work,it has to be balanced or everquest burns out.They know that, we know that.And dont dare to nerf arena in tactics, dont dare too.
Its like they gave us kunark and only 1 camp in sebilis got spell drops and armor upgrades and nice xp.Just imagine that, then you have planes of power.Give us more fun camps with proper balancing.
if i can write this and find out it isnt balanced, everyone can.Its not hard