Loot situation POP quit dicking us around

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The loot in PoP seems to be getting all your spells, lord knows EVERYONE loves camping mobs for the ultra jesus rare drop for your 4th copy of your lvl 65 root spell.

The itemization was done using the "lets put the good armor behind the eon long cockblock encounters" system, then once they realized that people might defeat the cockblocks, they went and nerfed any drop rates on anything, except for the endless flow of sub tov quality loot, which is of course plentifull in the encounters requiring ssra+ geared people.

Another great success from VI, I hear the next expansion you have to complete a "flag" quest in order to zone the fuck in to the FIRST city zone, so that people feel the sense of belonging they get from having to gather to key someone who decided to have a life instead of log on and get the key, woops, I mean flag. Since VI "removed" the key camps everyone complained about. Read: renamed.



There"s my 2 cents. My 10 cents is free.
dumbass you have it backwards

and furor is owning everyone in this thread like its not even funny

yes eq is a game, we choose to play this game and socialize with other people in the game, achieve feats in the game, acquire trophies of notarization in the game. Do you look at cool_highschoolkid_01 in his mustang and say, "Boy what a loser spending all his time on his car and only talking about cars" no suddenly that little shit is your fucking butt buddy and your god. Now please, let us be you dickless fucks.


this going to be the first expansion FoH isnt done gearing up on before the next one pops on your heads?

ill go back to my twink k thanks.


Seriously, the whole "youre a big geek IRL because you play EQ for "x" number of hours a day" is really getting old...

Like that Worthless fellow said, what makes EQ different from any other hobby? Most hobbies cost money, and time to be invested. EQ is one of the cheaper hobbies to be exact. I don"t know many muscle car hobbyists or skydivers that can get by on $12.95 a month..but oh wait..theyre cool.

Let me tell you about my "hobby". My father and I breed labrador retrievers. It costs a kilofuckton more than $12.95 a month, and probably requirs more time (shows, health tests etc.)...but no one calls me a geek for doing that. Hell, we barely have 1 litter per year...and the last litter"s price tag could pay for about 15 years of EQ.

Sorry for the rant there, but hobbies are hobbies people..time to wake up and smell the clue.


so everybody just...

[emrok] Aradune why have a dragon that requires 24 people to kill but only 5-6 items on it?
[Aradune] emrok: to keep the items rare and to make it such that even being part of a dragon raid is cool in and of itself

..follow me

sorry i am bored

damn furor why cant you be happy killing the tier 4 bosses, it should be "cool in and of itself" ya baby

Brad McQuaid IRC LOG 4/5/00

[emrok] Aradune; are any new planes being planned to be added with kunark?
[Aradune] emrok: nothing specifically, but we"d love to do more planes
[Aradune] planes are cool -- you can get soo creative and off the wall

[emrok] Aradune; are you going to rape us and charge us for velious when you realize you forgot to add that continent too? =)
[Aradune] emrok: yes -=)
[Aradune] these guys making these zones, well, they want to be paid for some reason
[Aradune] so we have to charge money
[Aradune] i mean, who would have thought!
[Aradune] emrok: no guild house for you!
So what happens after FoH hits Time and kills Zabalphabet? I mean, if the tier 4 shit hits so damned hard, the mind-boggling melee dmg the crap in Time is gonna spew forth...I can see it now...

You have been HIT for 9000 damage!
Furor tells the guild,"Oh, for the love of fucking christ..."
X_l33t_mob shouts,"You will not evade me, Furor!"
X_l33t_mob executes a FLURRY of attacks!
You have been HIT for 15,000 damage!
You have been HIT for 15,000 damage!
You have been HIT for 15,000 damage!
You have been HIT for 15,000 damage!
You begin to feel berserk!

Cuz the only fucking way I can see surviving the shit at tier 4 is to have a minimum of 12k health, fully buffed. Last I checked on Furor"s Magelo, he had around 8k unbuffed...throw on Virtue <or whatever the 65 one is> and the shammy buffs, so yeah, he"s lookin" at 12k...and if the shit is quadding for 3k now, what the fuck happens in end game?

And no one has told me what the AEs are like. Bleh. Fucking NToV has me paranoid, fucking dragons and their damned AE semen attacks. No one should fucking be able to hit us necros. Bastards.


I agree with the original post. If you take natural progression and work through VT to PoP upper tier zones there should be some desirability to the loot. More often then not the Mini boss and tier 3 boss loot goes to newer members. Rarely has any of these mobs dropped loot worth the effort.

I find the lack of runes and the turn in rewards a piss poor let down. We got 3 destroy summoned spells for Druids while trying to nail a copy of 9. Thats a spectral reward for a magician yet due to poor planing its 3 wasted runes. Killing Mith Marr and getting a spectral patchment is rather insulting as well. The actual gods should drop runes. Behemoth and other "mini bosses" can drop specrals but gods should be strictly runes IMO.

I agree with the post regarding molds dropping off normal zone mobs. It worked well for SoV quest armor why change it? The difficulty is not just in obtaining the molds but also in having (someone with) the skill to make the required materials for the initial combine.

On a personal note- level 55 shaman pet on legs? WTF are you thinking? That is the dumbest idea i ever heard of. The desparity in abilities from the 55 pet to the 61 pet is so great no shaman in his right mind would EVER use the 55 pet again. Now Can4 would be nice!


Pop loot that I have seen has not impressed me at all. The time and effort involved in obtaining some of these items is simply not worth it. The only reason theres any "worth" to these encounters is that they allow you to progress by obtaining flags.

VT = easy loot, no pain in the ass encounters
PoP = flags oh my, and thanks for the crap sword that went to a guild app.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
VT easy loot? Heh. In POP its alot easier, but it was still a huge waste of time with all the shit you had to plow through just to get to one boss.

The flag idea in pop isnt a bad one (cept when the flags get BUGGED...2 days and counting and my petition hasnt even been cleared yet heh).


The loot situation in the 2nd/3rd teir planes is pretty sad as well. From my experience...

-we cleared torment last night to finish up some flags. None of the bosses dropped a thing except Gracrush who dropped a really crappy war dagger. Mareeq also dropped a friggin 13/19 ranger sword and a ft 1 cloak. Yipee! That does a guild killing Saryrn a lot of good, lemme tell ya. The other boss drops? NOTHING. Saryrn/Sorrowsong dropped some 2hs and 2 ft 3 cloaks. Please reitemize torment, maybe redo the yard mobs to make it viable for exp too.

-MM dropping 2 items? A mob you have to go through 5 flags to get to should drop 3 items imo (AND NOT ETHEREALS), but thats a small gripe.

-Sol Ro tower. We cleared up to some boss tonight. Shouldn"t the mini bosses have a chance to drop runes? We got some okay war sword and some craptacular ranger sword. Why put these items on mobs in zones that its painfully obvious no one will use them? Give them lesser ornate mold drops and/or runes and we"d be very happy.

-BoT, while I can"t confirm this firsthand, I"ve heard drops are ridiculously rare now.

So..right now to get runes my guild has 2 choices. We can farm BoT mini"s and pray for some to drop...or exp in the pit in PoTactics. In PoTactics we are then forced to compete for nameds with the other 2 guilds keyed for tactics on the server. Two spawns out of a whole TEIR of experience zones being the best source of one group runes SUCKS. I"m sorry, but there should be some kind of reward for getting into sol ro while you gear up for RZ. Put runes (hell, even a small chance at ONE per mob would make me happy) on the mini"s in sol ro and stop other teir 3 bosses from dropping spectrals and we can get out of all these other guilds hair. Let the whole server progress instead of being caught up at the same place no matter what they"ve killed.


there is not one zone i consider perfectly balanced, there is not one encounter i consider itemized and there is hundreds if not thousands of details not worked out.
I could go on and list the unbalanced things in all zones in pop for hours.If you party people from verrant want a complete list to patch that in and save time post on my board :p


half the shit mentioned in that log didn"t get done till Luclin/present day

I hate you EQ Live/SOE/Verant*

*=Verant was cool in original days with lots of GMs and events, but now its just a scapegoat for Sony. A front. Fraud, whatever you call it, thats not the Verant i used to know and love**

**=i don"t actually love them because they are mostly if not all men, and that would be gay***

***= not that theres anything wrong with that lifestyle (woot Seinfeld) its just not me****

****=i cannot be held accountable for my actions/words


We partially got what we asked maybe? Enough people were sure bitching enough about how they wanted VT loot to still be so ownage after the time spent getting there and now we get dick til tier 4 and even lots of tier 4 isn"t better than VT loot save certain elemental armor.

Maybe all flag mobs are meant to drop -Shit- just to discourage people from farming them every pop which would be a serious prob on some servers if bertox was dropping Vengeance X items ( see Emperor, good game how he still has the only 2 items in the game with KHF ) This would be ok with me but the disparity of loot in tier 4 is unacceptable.

OR maybe the entire expansions loot table was done with no thought what so ever in about a day. Elemental planes weren"t even itemized when AL zoned in iirc, so I tend to think this is the real reason =x

Anyway something is fucking wrong when guilds working on RZ still go to VT to get the best loot. 30 drops in 8 hrs can"t really be beat for quality of VT loot anywhere... Maybe tier 4 has stuff I haven"t seen, but atm almost everything I see is so-so and a HUGE lack of FT / Vengeance. I know just about everyone had max FT going into PoP but you get new members verant *hi* and they need stuff all over.... and Vengeance , very few hit that cap and still haven"t and there"s like none in POP. We don"t wanna go back to fucking Vex Thal every time a member quits to gear up a new person, thanks. Get your heads out of your fucking asses and make AT LEAST tier 4 > Vex thal. I can understand shit loot on flag mobs to cut competition but that"s all I can tolerate, even though it"s fucking harsh getting that trash off RZ, I do understand, BUT FIX TIER 4.

It seems like we go through this every single expansion (ntov was better than ssra til around what? March?) We understand it"s better to have underpowered items than to nerf everything later but they should realize by now-If POP comes *AFTER* Luclin you"re probably safe to make the items *moderately* better than the last xpac in the first place, instead of giving us shit for months.

Your Hero_foh

Furor Planedefiler said:

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride *sigh* Your life story isn"t it?

Here I am, running this guild that you seemingly can"t get enough of, being your idol. There you are running up your post count on MY bulletin board, commenting on my playstyle, which you also happen to worship.

What"s there not to be proud of?

I have a legion of loyal followers, much like you, young retard.

It is not very difficult to make you my prison bitch. This is my dojo, afterall, and you simply do not possess the mental power to out-quip me.
Pfft I"m not criticizing your life style, but bragging about playing video games usually gets the odd stares about the masses. I used to play sports / train for 7+ hours a day, if I wanted to play EQ that much I would.


I ain"t nobody"s bitch.


Your bragging about playing a video game for 7+ hours each day for the last 3 years.


I used to play sports / train for 7+ hours a day, if I wanted to play EQ that much I would.
Stuff like this just annoys me. You crack on someone about them playing a game then turn around and brag about how you play sports and train a lot when those are nothing more than recreation as well you hypocrit. Some people brag about how good they are at their jobs, others about their sports, others about music, others about video games; explain to me what difference it makes. If you can enjoy what you do and take pride in it more power to you, but don"t knock what other people do just cause you don"t feel it is as socially acceptable as what you do.

On the actual topic of the post, he"s right. It sucks to work hard to get as far as places like the elemental planes and see shit loot drops/distribution. Going through an expansion and having things like bows or weapons rott while other people are still using stuff from velious.