Major problem with online Blizzard games... they use the same team as Microsoft for security. They have yet to release a game that doesn"t have a new hack every 30 seconds.
They also have yet to release anything that stores info server side. Every online game they havehad has been client side. You know that though, and you also know the differences. You also should know the differences in on going revenue to deter cheating, plus serverside characters, minus and a free matchmaking service.
Heh. There is a massive difference between not fixing already broken content and purposefully breaking existing content that works. All of these examples you listed are the former, not the latter.
PoM was fucked with 3 days after release.
The 4th warder was broken after a guild (I think we all know which one) killed all 4 warders and ended up watching the most broken ass script ever. It was then made unkillable, while they tried to fix the script.
The VT key was never working as intended even before release. What"s your fucking point? They didn"t have to reach 4 milestones as a result, so they slacked back. They probably could have used that time to develop a somewhat decent VT loot table, but again that laziness was paid for by the player base over 6 fucking months, when Rich Waters finally said it is time to do something about the shit loot table in which NTOV loot was better than VT at the time.
Care to come up with a *REAL* example where they broke content that already worked on purpose? Note: Not removed or nerfed, *BROKE*. I bet you can"t do it.
I just did. How"s that crow taste? Take the feathers out of your eyes and maybe you might see what is happening around you. 4th warder in ST was broken on purpose while they tried to fix something that shouldn"t have been needed to be fixed 5 months after release of the fucking expansion. The entrance to PoM was placed 3 days after release, deep inside NTOV thinking that no one would be able to get to it. While they finished the zone. Which still over 2 months later was still missing the RV key combine merchant. Oh, so sorry... Basically the PoM incident revolves around lazy ass designers that were doing other things at the time they found out the PoM milestone did not have to be reached. What the fuck were they working on? The Sleepers script that was still bugged as fuck for 6 months?
If you truly hate Verant enough to think that any break was intentional, then you are flat out paranoid, and thus the black helicopters/crop circles comment was well suited to you.
If you flat out think that it doesn"t happen, you are a bigger moron than I originally thought. Shit gets broken(buffed,adjusted,unkillable) all the time, and you do not even hear about half of it. Plane of Water is one of those areas. A nice bugged out section of zone where you must fight boss mobs, where they keenly programmed a fucking redraw in certain locs which looks like a bug, but brings down the framerate to about 6 even on the best of computers, making it impossible to fight. That bug will be miracously fixed once they finish Plane of Time.
But I always come off defending them against people like you, who make positively ludicrous claims, claims that you back up with "facts" which don"t apply. People so blinded by their hatred of Verant/Sony that they don"t even see how stupid their claims really are.
I just gave you 4 fucking examples. Which did happen. Were you off playing your level 30 druid in la la land when these things were happening? Would figure, since not one Dev on the live team has played a character non buffed passed 54 for fucks sake.
I do not have hatred for Sony. If they got their shit together, they wold be one hell of a company. But you do not know the fucking half of it. So quit posting out of your ass like you do.