<Gold Donor>
- 3,245
- 8,386
Ouch, that's really bad. Despite their failures and shitty community manager's I always liked Turbine. It'll be sad to see them go.
Ouch, that's really bad. Despite their failures and shitty community manager's I always liked Turbine. It'll be sad to see them go.
Update 16: Ashes of Osgiliath ? Official Release Notes
Update 16: Ashes of Osgiliath ? Official Release Notes
Legendary Item Imbuement is live!
Imbuement is an opt-in process available at level 100 that permanently transforms a Legendary Item. Once Imbued, it never needs to be re-forged or reconfigured again. That means an item that feels more, well, legendary. Read more about it here!
A new instance cluster has arrived!
It has been some time since we said those words, ?new Instance Cluster.? Ask and ye shall receive. For some time now players have been asking for new instances, so based on that feedback we have added three new instances with Update 16: The Sunken Labyrinth, The Ruined City and The Dome of Stars. You can read more about these new instances here.
New Regions
Spanning the rolling fields that run between the rivers Sirith and Erui, Upper Lebennin is a lakennd still mostly unscarred by the wars that have ravaged the surrounding provinces. For this reason, many folk have traveled west from the great citadel of Minas Tirith to take refuge in the fortified mountain-vale of Tumladen. Meanwhile, dark rumors are spreading that something fell lurks at the Crossings of Erui, where long ago Castamir the Usurper met his end.
Among the fiefs of Gondor, Lossarnach is widely considered the most beautiful. A land whose people are proud of ancient traditions, it is ablaze with flowers and blossoming trees. Forlong the Fat, beloved by all, has ridden to war from his stronghold of Arnach, and most of its people have fled to the refuge of Imloth Melui, renowned across the kingdom for both its healers and its vast gardens of rosebushes. Here, too, lies the Harlond, the river-harbor that serves the city of Minas Tirith, where the Corsairs of Umbar once planned to make their landing ? and where Aragorn now plans to sail with his captured fleet.
Long ago, South Ithilien was one of the realm?s mightiest and fairest regions, but now, though still lovely, it lies forlorn, abandoned by its people. Orcs and worse haunt its overgrown ruins, and the great refuge of B?r H?rin -- ancestral home of the House of the Ruling Stewards -- crumbles among the hills of Emyn Arnen. Only the Rangers, commanded by Captain Faramir, remain to keep watch on the Enemy in the shadow of the Mountains of Mordor.
The grand city of Osgiliath, once Gondor?s capital, has seen many woes. Standing athwart the River Anduin, it is a shattered shell of its former glory, long forsaken and left in shambles. The orcs of the Morgul Vale now teem in the city?s eastern half, under the command of theLordof the Nazg?l. At last word, the defenders of Gondor still hold the western shores, but how long they can endure the Witch-king?s hosts is a question whose answer will likely prove grim.
Epic Volume IV, Book 3: ?Voices of the Past?
The Battle of Pelargir has ended in victory for Aragorn and the Grey Company, and now the Chieftain of the D?nedain turns his eyes toward Minas Tirith. How can he come to the White City in time? He enlists your aid to keep secret the defeat of the Corsairs and to learn what has become of Faramir, son of the Steward, and the city he was charged to defend.
Changes and Updates
Vicious Claw should now properly refresh the bleed of Bash without lowering the damage of the effect.
Bear Up now has a 3 minute cooldown when useable in-combat.
The deed "A building Rage" now works when players have "Broad Thrash" traited
Beornings can now obtain a two-handed LI from Hundi in A Weapon of the Elder Days.
Storvagun the Traitor now has a class-specific weapon available for Beornings
Bane Flare has now had its base Max targets increased to 5, up from 3
The War Wolf, the Loremaster's mounted combat pet, should do significantly more damage now, in line with the kind of damage other pets do.
Rain of Arrows and Rain of Thorns has had its base Max targets increased to 10, up from 5.
Low Cut has had its base Max. Targets increased to 7, up from 2.
Challenge has had its base Max. Targets increased to 10, up from 7.
The tooltip for the Fighter of Shadow Specialization Bonus which stated that attacks against your marked target have a 5% chance to restore 10% of your Max Morale has been updated. This bonus has actually been giving a 10% chance to restore 5% of your Max Morale.
The Captain Essence of the Protector had a listed proc chance of 25%, and an actual proc chance of 5%. Now it has a proc chance of 10%, which is correctly displayed in the tooltip.
Call to Greatness was mistakenly giving too much of a Max Morale boost to the Guardian skill "Warrior's Heart". This value has been balanced down.
An exploit relating to the Runekeeper Essence "Essence of Peace" has been fixed. The bonus from this essence can no longer compound.
Essences - The Essence of Physicality would not work properly on some enemies. The bonus has been changed to grant a chance for the enemy to take 5% extra melee damage.
In-combat Morale Regen and In-combat Power Regen legacies have been balanced down
Defiant Challenge has had its damage reflect tuned up
Base Javelin range for all Wardens has been increased to 30m, up from 25m.
Assailment trait tree now grants +10 meter range to javelin skills.
The 'Mirkwood Landing' deed has been adjusted so that it only requires the 'Hilltop Assault' quest to be completed. Now the optional quests are truly optional, and are not tracked by the 'Mirkwood Landing' deed.
Norcrofts - Warband: Skutog - Warband is easier to solo now
Beorning - The Forest Bounder's set now has stat bonuses.
Mounted Combat - Skills - Favour of the Mearas no longer requires Power to use
The Fine Footman's Gloves and Fine Footman's Gloves of Might grant the correct stats, instead of both giving the same stats.
The Garth Agarwen instance reward weapons no longer have class restrictions.
The quest rewards for the Sons of the Usurper quest are now correctly marked as Uncommon, rather than Incomparable. Their stats haven't been changed.
Added more travel routes for Pelargir and Dol Amroth
Gondor - Added a stable master to Ost Anglebed
Instances and Quests
Eaves of Fangorn
The quest has proper quest guide now
Angmar - Quest: The Tincture - all plants in the area should now be clickable for the quest.
Mounted Uruks in Thrymm's Farm: Reclaiming instance now count towards Slayer of Mounted Foes deed in Wildermore
Some travel routes involving Candaith's Encampment will now be available even after 'Book 3 Prologue: Fires in the North' is completed.
Fixed a case where you could end up with a legendary item which isn't bound to you but is slotted in the legendary items panel.
Instance Finder has been updated to have buttons to look for groups for Osgiliath
The "Revive Tomes" link from the "Enhance" panel in the Character Panel has been replaced with a "Virtues" link.
You can now alt-click to select, and double/right-click to equip items in the "Legendary Items" panel
Andy "Frelorn" Cataldo - Senior Community Manager
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
Minstrel is what I played. For the majority of your early levels you'll notice all instruments are the exact same. Go Cowbell man! My group members were getting so pissed at me and I just couldn't stop laughing.A friend of mine is a life time member and so I am going to try this game for the first time. I am so tired of WoW and games are more fun with people anyways. Running with a Minstrel.
Back in the day, EU servers were managed by Codemasters and the datacenters were in the EU. That changed years ago and all the severs were moved to a US datacenter. During the merger the 5 EU named servers will be moved back to the EU, the 5 US servers are migrating to a new datacenter (might have already ocurred). I doubt you will be able to tell a significant difference. During the transfer you can move characters/accounts to any server at no charge.Not only do I not understand what will happen with the servers, I don't even know what used to be going on with them.
I.e. my main server suddenly got an EU or UK added to the name a couple months back... but all those servers were and are physically in the US, regardless of name?
Do weapons and instruments equip together or do weapons even matter for a minstrel? Trying to get a handle on this class.Minstrel is what I played. For the majority of your early levels you'll notice all instruments are the exact same. Go Cowbell man! My group members were getting so pissed at me and I just couldn't stop laughing.
Characters on all of these worlds will be saved and will be available to transfer to a remaining world for free, indefinitely.
We will begin the transfer process by opening the test world, Bullroarer, for character copy. We will then open transfers between the 10 remaining worlds. Then the worlds that are closing will be opened for transfer, a few at a time, in the order they are listed below. Please watch the website, forums, and launcher for announcements regarding timing. *Note: Brandywine will be unavailable for incoming transfers for a time until population and load can be re-evaluated on new hardware.*
For more information regarding the transfer system and world closures, please see the article posted here:World Transfers | TheLordof theRingsOnline
Closing Worlds:
Remaining Worlds:
Yeah, they did an amazing job crafting the world. I remember riding through the Shire and seeing players out in the various farm fields planting and harvesting their crops. It really felt like I was in a world where people lived, as opposed to a video game. It's a shame the game itself was mediocre.I should resinstall and check out whatever has been added over the past couple years. I still really love this game. All the talk about wow right now being so boring just sitting in this empty garrison when not raiding. LOTRO is the only game since EQ and vanilla wow where I legitimately just enjoy being in the world.