For some reason I thought only certain classes could counter, not all of them. So Ive been cruising along just learning encounters etc. without even trying to counter and now it's going to be a fuck ton harder to break my own bad habits and learn when I should do it. Normally, I'd feel bad for not knowing that I could essentially "interrupt" from WoW - but Ive seen basically no one but Gunlancer's do it. Not an excuse since its still total trash to not know these things, but ffs - can they at least put some big red flashing tutorial on the shit?
Now Im just curious what all can be interrupted? I've seen the blue get broken plenty of times. But the article I read said that the red telegraphs can be interrupted too? But that just sounds OP af. As an Artillerist, I dont want to be in front of the boss - but damn if Im not always up in their face anyways.
Heres a link to class abilities that can interrupt - I know for a fact my Sorcerer doesnt have one slotted, but all this time I thought my Napalm ability was just a pity fuck ability.
Wait, that songs not roster wide? Do you not have it on that character cause you power passed or KT'd?
There are some popups the first times you get counters, and there's a counter special training room too in the well, training room thing. A lot of people don't do it though, there's a welcome challenge to clear it and it gives some stuff but eh.
Every class has a counter, but not every class runs the counter, or keep the counter skill off cooldown just to counter and you have to be in front to counter, so a lot of class just are not in position or have it up to actually counter anyway.
Only the blue flashes stuff can be countered. That's the only thing it works on, and that's how you tell something can be countered at all. Red telegraphs cannot be countered. Gunlancer can interupt shit by taunting however, taunt will break whatever current mechanic the boss is doing. This stops working in high end content(as in legion raids and shit we don't have, it works in everything we have currently I'm fairly sure).
Honestly on Artillerist you're probably just not going to get to counter often, but eh if it's up and the boss turns to you and do the counter(which often are charges), you can throw it and get that counter. In legion raids however they do have "special phases" where a bunch of people need to counter, so it helps to learn the timing of your class' counter. Like Scrapper is just press button counter comes out, but some have pretty shitty windup or range.
And my Shadowhunter doesn't have the song because I have NOT used powerpass or knowledge transfer, it's manually leveled. As such, I didn't complete the story quest. The story songs are tied to story and aren't shared. Every other song is, I'm literally only missing Heart's Melody and the song that's not in the game yet I think. Song of Valor would fall under the same category but you're forced to get that in Luterra so can't not get it, but Tortoyk is optional, or so I thought. This char has done almost nothing, I rushed to Arthetyne as soon as I got the boat, hit 50 then went to Vern. Skipped Anikka, Tortoyk and Shushire entirely. I got it though, took like 40mins, didn't have to finish the entirety of Tortoyk, only up to the last area but don't have to do the 2nd dungeon at least.