Lost Ark Online


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, clock has been a PITA.

View attachment 403329

I guess this is nice if you aren't into t3 yet. Can pre-buy some mats?

Yes, but keep in mind the mats you buy are character bound. In other regions event rewards come in Roster bound chests, with chooseable rewards. Like those shards and leapstone chests you've seen.
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Trakanon Raider
Finally got my second alt to T3 and unlocked the wallpaper for Roster level 100 (it's garbage):

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I guess this is nice if you aren't into t3 yet. Can pre-buy some mats?

The engravings would be a big thing considering their cost on market - why they have blue and purple locked behind T2 and T3 respectively right now is fucking dumb.

I'm starting to get fed up with this game and I'm not even in T2. Phantom Palace and Hildibrant are fucking HORRIBLE with pugs and no uber geared person mega carrying you, because they are rife with instawipe mechanics. They literally could be made better if the game gave you actual fucking feedback on why you are insta-wiping. Like Phantom Palace - the 4 sword thing combined with the stagger check just flat out murders people, because the game does a super shitty job of telling you why you failed. Same with the meteor mechanic in Hildibrant - you dont even know if you succeeded until the map zooms out and you realize that you can run away.

You could keep the mechanics exactly the same, just give the players actual fucking feedback or more notable "you're doing this correctly" tells. It's fucking trash game design, especially in low tier content.
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Trakanon Raider
Did fish price tank in any other regions today suddenly? Was 100g for white stacks on NA West for a while and then like instantly 15g and now hovering around 25-35g.

The rest of the materials that can be fished all are at least half price as well. I assume bots decided to open the flood gates. Either way snagged a bunch for profitable stronghold exp crafting.


Vyemm Raider
Did fish price tank in any other regions today suddenly? Was 100g for white stacks on NA West for a while and then like instantly 15g and now hovering around 25-35g.

The rest of the materials that can be fished all are at least half price as well. I assume bots decided to open the flood gates. Either way snagged a bunch for profitable stronghold exp crafting.

Same on NA East. Fishing has always been a goto (and mining) for bots for whatever reason. I guess it's easy to automate and with fishing you don't have to fight over nodes. Enjoy it while you can. This game sucks for trying to make any gold with crafting. The bots will drive down the price of the mats and the things you can craft with them will go down accordingly. Once prices equalize the only way to profit from crafting is with "perfect" successes which give extra stacks.


Bots are fishing and posting on ah, and 1k gold is less than 1 dolla usd. Game is in worse shape than new world.

the genre is kinda fucked


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Guess because I haven't tried to make gold through AH yet I'm not running into all this stuff. Playing a good bit still but still semi casually. Sitting at 1056 just trying to get to 1100 to start t3. No alts, done all the t2 material islands so just doing the random daily stuff to get more mats for more honing attempts. Feels like I've had some bad luck, too, with multiple streaks of 3+ fails at 70% or higher on stuff.

Anyone have a good resource for Una daily tasks/Rapport NPC's that are most "optimal" to be trying to hit up daily from the jump to try and get a head start on stuff that's worthwhile? It feels like you can really automate and shave down a lot of time needed to do stuff once you have bifrosts set up and a routine to go through.


Vyemm Raider
una's tasks: Lost Ark Una's Reputations Priority

Rapport: Rapport Tool for Lost Ark - Maxroll.gg

The problem with trying to recommend good rapports to build is that you probably won't have the virtue stats to actually get the good rewards, so you really need to scroll through and find which ones give the potions that you're short on, or tangible rewards with less investment (Elia Nahun, Nabi, Orelda, ryeons ghost, ). personally I was really low on charisma, so I tried to focus on those. Going straight for the omnium star, giants hearts, etc is a mistake, because you will hit a wall where you cannot progress it any further and you have to wait until you've done (a) a ton of adventure tome completion, (b) maxed some other rapports for potions, (c) paid out the ASS for skins that give big bonuses to virtue stats, or (d) all of the above.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah it's really a matter of figuring what you want out of them and then doing what makes sense.

At launch, I ran a bunch of different NPCs for virtue pots for rapport. Elia, Ryeon's ghost, Azena(up to amicable which is really early) for example. I also made sure to pick some early NPCs since I figured I wanted to do the rapport stuff everyday easily without needing to clear x island or have y stat, so I was also doing Seria in Prideholme for the adventure tome item and Thunder for the same reason. I also started right away on Beatrice rapport even though I could only do one emote and one song due to not having the others unlocked. As I finished some of these or dropped others(Thunder, I also had Thirain in my initial rotation for gold but never got far enough), I switched to other stuff. Beatrice 2songs/2emotes once I unlocked them until I got her heart last week, Blackfang 2songs/2emotes to work towards Astray as I was also doing the una task(not done with that by I'm almost at friendly without having gifted her anything yet for ex so that'll save me a bunch of gifts to get the Astray) and then a mix of stuff. Once I got to T3 I switched the mix to Punika NPCs, Nia 2songs+1emote and I did the remaining emote on the NPC next to her(low req NPC for adventure tome completion). Since I finished Beatrice, I moved her stuff to more Punika, I do Nia, 1song 1emote on that NPC next to Nia and 1song 1emote on the fox and 1 emote(the leftover since Nia has only 1 emote but 2 songs) on Liru. Rest blackfang but once I finish blackfang(probably today), I'll move her stuff to Punika too.

Ultimately you don't unlock all that much from the free rapport shit though, just make sure you use them towards NPCs that have interesting stuff but a lot of rapport unlocks have to be done with gifts. I was doing some calvasus for a while for giant heart but just dumped gifts on him to unlock it asap once I had enough for 10(with 12 being beatrice+tooki which ended at aorund the same time last week).

Una rep was a bit more complicated because I also tried to balance out daily rewards efficiently between chars, so most alts had at least one leapstone or shard reward(and once I had more room to work with, 1 of each). I focused heavily on long term grinds(Astray, Eibern's Wound for ghost ship weekly, Tooki for giant heart, Azure Wind for giant's heart, Whispering Islet for skill pot, Punika 21days for omnium star, Rohendel 7days for skill pot) and then on getting all the virtue pots(only 2 left from the more annoying shit). Now my current Una tasks are focused on unlocking vendors and food items for adventure tomes and the last 2 remaining virtue pots but I have finished most of the grinds.
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<Silver Donator>
Neat, finished the 21 days una task in Punika today, and turns out with it you don't even need a single rapport if you have everything else(all food besides Moake one, all hidden quests, all collectibles and obviously dungeons and shit). No Moake either. Might drop some of these Punika rapport NPCs for other stuff as a result since I don't really need them anymore(and 100% punika is like one of the worst in the game due to having so many rapport NPCs so not worth going for anyway). Still doing Nia obviously.

Got all skill points besides the 8ignea tokens and 6omnium stars now.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Guess because I haven't tried to make gold through AH yet I'm not running into all this stuff. Playing a good bit still but still semi casually. Sitting at 1056 just trying to get to 1100 to start t3. No alts, done all the t2 material islands so just doing the random daily stuff to get more mats for more honing attempts. Feels like I've had some bad luck, too, with multiple streaks of 3+ fails at 70% or higher on stuff.

Anyone have a good resource for Una daily tasks/Rapport NPC's that are most "optimal" to be trying to hit up daily from the jump to try and get a head start on stuff that's worthwhile? It feels like you can really automate and shave down a lot of time needed to do stuff once you have bifrosts set up and a routine to go through.
"Ban Wave" needs to not be a PR event and happen weekly. Seeing bots that have grinded up to T3 is just madness to know they can escape radar like that.

The engravings would be a big thing considering their cost on market - why they have blue and purple locked behind T2 and T3 respectively right now is fucking dumb.

I'm starting to get fed up with this game and I'm not even in T2. Phantom Palace and Hildibrant are fucking HORRIBLE with pugs and no uber geared person mega carrying you, because they are rife with instawipe mechanics. They literally could be made better if the game gave you actual fucking feedback on why you are insta-wiping. Like Phantom Palace - the 4 sword thing combined with the stagger check just flat out murders people, because the game does a super shitty job of telling you why you failed. Same with the meteor mechanic in Hildibrant - you dont even know if you succeeded until the map zooms out and you realize that you can run away.

You could keep the mechanics exactly the same, just give the players actual fucking feedback or more notable "you're doing this correctly" tells. It's fucking trash game design, especially in low tier content.
You're in for a treat in T3 if you think T1's newly nerfed mechanics are difficult. If you know the mechanics, and it sounds like you do, your problem is likely just the other players in your party that havent done the research and/or have no idea what abilities to use for Stagger, much less the appropriate combat items. When you get into later tiers, try to do your Abyss stuff on reset day or the following, and do it early in the morning for the best results. T1 is filled with people that have little play time (since their alts and their main would be concentrated on T3 and T2 for that gold, and not T1) so they likely havent spent a single moment on looking up mechanics.

Neat, finished the 21 days una task in Punika today, and turns out with it you don't even need a single rapport if you have everything else(all food, all hidden quests, all collectibles and obviously dungeons and shit). No Moake either. Might drop some of these Punika rapport NPCs for other stuff as a result since I don't really need them anymore(and 100% punika is like one of the worst in the game due to having so many rapport NPCs so not worth going for anyway).

Got all skill points besides the 8ignea tokens and 6omnium stars now.
I spent several hours wiping out tons of the adventure tome last week. I dont mind the gold cost for buying collectables, but the silver cost on Food items is just straight atrocious. They love to throw in some RNG shit that is just mind numbing. "Buy 200 stacks of this item at 3000 silver a piece, then break them down in stacks of 30, hope for the best RNG to throw out Rare quality break downs, break those down in hopes of getting Epic break downs, then break down those epics for a chance to get the Legendary." Shit is just awful. Im sure some people are lucky and those food items cost them a handful of silver, but my luck with that shit proved that I'll never win the lottery IRL.


<Silver Donator>
I spent several hours wiping out tons of the adventure tome last week. I dont mind the gold cost for buying collectables, but the silver cost on Food items is just straight atrocious. They love to throw in some RNG shit that is just mind numbing. "Buy 200 stacks of this item at 3000 silver a piece, then break them down in stacks of 30, hope for the best RNG to throw out Rare quality break downs, break those down in hopes of getting Epic break downs, then break down those epics for a chance to get the Legendary." Shit is just awful. Im sure some people are lucky and those food items cost them a handful of silver, but my luck with that shit proved that I'll never win the lottery IRL.
Yeah I've only done a few of the early ones so hasn't been so bad, and I did Punika which is just a straight "buy 2millions worth of boar meat bro, it's real high quality meat" but saw some of the Yorn and Feiton stuff is retarded. For the 8 ignea I'm planning on sticking to the lower ones, but there's still a few silver sinks in there, including Rohendel several bullshit stuff. That said I'm not pushing too hard for it because ignea tokens require a metric shit ton of rapport items, and unless you're swiping this shit gets super expensive(at 82 blue crystals for a single legendary box, it's like 700g per box on EUC if you buy blue crystals with gold, which is pretty obscene for how many you need total, the weekly rapport boxes are a much better deal but I haven't been buying them since launch so I don't have too many).

I really want to finish the last few of my Una rep grinds so I can just start spamming Lopang on everyone I don't care about. Which is most of these chars.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah I've only done a few of the early ones so hasn't been so bad, and I did Punika which is just a straight "buy 2millions worth of boar meat bro, it's real high quality meat" but saw some of the Yorn and Feiton stuff is retarded. For the 8 ignea I'm planning on sticking to the lower ones, but there's still a few silver sinks in there, including Rohendel several bullshit stuff. That said I'm not pushing too hard for it because ignea tokens require a metric shit ton of rapport items, and unless you're swiping this shit gets super expensive(at 82 blue crystals for a single legendary box, it's like 700g per box on EUC if you buy blue crystals with gold, which is pretty obscene for how many you need total, the weekly rapport boxes are a much better deal but I haven't been buying them since launch so I don't have too many).

I really want to finish the last few of my Una rep grinds so I can just start spamming Lopang on everyone I don't care about. Which is most of these chars.
Outside of the Ignea Token, most of them I noticed you can reach the "Relic" legendary adventure tome completion without spending any rapport on those locations. So that was my real goal. Basically wiping out an entire lvl of Friendly on people minus a couple thousand. Especially the early/noobie zones. Can complete those to like 80-90% in about 15 minutes.

-Edit- Ive been slow rolling some with Epic gift and actions, like Jederico - as my own personal goal. For w/e reason, I picked Feiton as my first 100%. Was a nice choice considering I got all the gold from the continent before it was nerfed.


Vyemm Raider
Wait, no - its patched. Shit doesnt work. Timer doesnt work. AGS is incompetent.

Also liars.

  • Removed the purchase limitation by item level at the Arkesia Grand Prix exchange so that players can now earn more rewards.
They only removed the GS req for the engraving books.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Wait, no - its patched. Shit doesnt work. Timer doesnt work. AGS is incompetent.
Smilegate is literally going to fuck themselves in the West because they chose one of the worst publishers possible. I'm betting AGS just offered the highest price, because I have no idea why they wouldn't use a company like NCSoft, who has a fairly decent track record with foreign MMOs.
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<Silver Donator>
Smilegate is literally going to fuck themselves in the West because they chose one of the worst publishers possible. I'm betting AGS just offered the highest price, because I have no idea why they wouldn't use a company like NCSoft, who has a fairly decent track record with foreign MMOs.
NCsoft USA is complete dogshit though and they don't have any actual decent game anymore and have ruined several in the west with their hardcore P2W setups, the last one of which was Blade and Soul which launched with "ok-ish" stuff and they then added more and more P2W shit until everyone left(granted ppl left because of the game too, but even ppl who kept playing eventually left because of the cash shop). Before that Dragon Nest, Dungeon Fighter Online, and pretty sure Maplestory too?

The only decent way would be to self publish with a small team, but it requires a fair bit of money and you run into issues, but that works well enough for Black Desert or even a smaller(in the west) game like DFO where the western team is just a few korean guys that speak english well enough.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
NCsoft USA is complete dogshit though and they don't have any actual decent game anymore and have ruined several in the west with their hardcore P2W setups, the last one of which was Blade and Soul which launched with "ok-ish" stuff and they then added more and more P2W shit until everyone left(granted ppl left because of the game too, but even ppl who kept playing eventually left because of the cash shop). Before that Dragon Nest, Dungeon Fighter Online, and pretty sure Maplestory too?

The only decent way would be to self publish with a small team, but it requires a fair bit of money and you run into issues, but that works well enough for Black Desert or even a smaller(in the west) game like DFO where the western team is just a few korean guys that speak english well enough.
BDO didn't self-publish though. They self published eventually in the west, but Pearl Abyss actually made the game MORE P2W after dropping Kakao Games as a publisher.

And yeah, I realize NCSoft has had some stinkers along the way. But in terms of "successful", foreign MMOs, at least they have a track record. And they've had great success with domestic MMOs like Guild Wars 1/2. AGS had...New World? LOL.


Vyemm Raider
Smilegate is literally going to fuck themselves in the West because they chose one of the worst publishers possible. I'm betting AGS just offered the highest price, because I have no idea why they wouldn't use a company like NCSoft, who has a fairly decent track record with foreign MMOs.

If NCSoft wanted it they prob would have published it long before now. The Lineage franchise is their flagship product and Lineage Eternal (or whatever its called now) will be a direct competitor with Lost Ark.

I think the problem stems from the nature of game "publishing." I've pondered this before, but who exactly gets hired to run a publishing team and make the important decisions? It's a weird job when you think about it. It should require some knowledge and experience with game design and actual experience playing the game your are publishing, or at least a small team of testers/consultants. But, that's obviously not what we have. And who has knowledge/exp with game design who isn't working as a game designer? A failed game designer? It's a catch-22.