Lost Ark Online


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Also liars.

  • Removed the purchase limitation by item level at the Arkesia Grand Prix exchange so that players can now earn more rewards.
They only removed the GS req for the engraving books.

The engraving book GS limits never made sense anyways. You can easily use purple books while in T1, but they had gated behind T3 for done reason


Vyemm Raider
The engraving book GS limits never made sense anyways. You can easily use purple books while in T1, but they had gated behind T3 for done reason

Yes, that's true, but events are supposed to be for everyone to benefit from. Which is why in other regions the rewards come in Roster bound boxes and you get to choose the tier of rewards, like this:


Not only can you give the box to whichever character you want, you can throw them in your Roster storage and save them (like for a class that hasn't been released yet). The only reason it's different in our version is because AGS wants it that way.

Edit: Also, that wasn't the point I was making. The point was they said they were removing the limitations on rewards. Not some rewards, not some limitations. It was bullshit, or incompetence. Take your pick.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone else having issues launching the game? Goes through the initial loading screen after opening the game, but then nothing.


Molten Core Raider
The gameplay in Lost Ark is insanely good. I had a lot of fun playing the game, but at the same time I can't say I enjoy the way the systems/gearing is set up. Not really sure I understand the RNG component of honing. Why not just make it guaranteed but increase the amount of grinding for each tier to match whatever pace they want to set. The result is a lot of failure and feeling like all the work you put in was for nothing, with some rare successes scattered in. I suppose there must be some study that shows this increases someones incentive to pay money to bypass the failure...

I guess this is the cost of a free to play style game. Maybe the initial success of Lost Ark will inspire a company to create something similar but improve the game systems. There's definitely something here, but I can't say Lost Ark is for me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also liars.

  • Removed the purchase limitation by item level at the Arkesia Grand Prix exchange so that players can now earn more rewards.
They only removed the GS req for the engraving books.
So the honing mats are still locked behind the ilvl req? Lame.


Trakanon Raider
Just goes to show that unlimited money can't buy competence.

New World which was somewhat understandable new IP and everything, but all they have to do is copy pasta Korea here and still somehow mismanage that.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
And the bitching drama and whining is starting to appear. A lot faster than I thought it would. But yeah, people be hitting that Korean MMO paywall and bitching about it.


Trakanon Raider
Bots are fishing and posting on ah, and 1k gold is less than 1 dolla usd. Game is in worse shape than new world.

the genre is kinda fucked

This is seriously a retarded take. Holy fuck.

The game is still averaging above 500k concurrent users on a Tuesday afternoon over a month after it's release according to Steam with an aggressive content release schedule that will address the main bitch fest. The 'top' streamers are still playing it every single day non stop. It's absolutely ok not to like the game and for it not to be your cup of tea but anyone whose comparing it to New World needs to open Google for the better part of 15 seconds and see where the numbers had dipped after a month for that particular title. Let me help you by Googling "New World concurrent users a month after release": New World Players Are Abandoning The Game A Month After Launch New World has lost over half its player base in just over a month (to save you the time, Tuesday afternoons 5 weeks after launch dipped below 100k users online).

If anything, the game continues to perform well beyond expectations with literally the best content the game has to offer based on metrics from every region it was released in previously upcoming shortly. Let that sink in. The stuff that the metrics say "players who do this enjoy it the most / stick around the longest will be released soon. The stuff that the metrics say turned people off (1340-1370) is still drawing in over 500k people on a Tuesday afternoon. You're allowed to like shitty MMOs that no one plays but let's not start drawing comparisons on the subject matter of the 'shape' of the game.
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  • 1Worf
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Vyemm Raider
So because i didnt read the skill transfer thing - you cant just keep stacking +1 or +2 to keep getting skills higher - its only the highest + that counts right?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
There is an island where I have to click on some kind of fat looking pig animal 100 times to get the soul and it takes a few seconds per each and they often run away before the action is complete. Its absolute nonsense but by god I will do it.
  • 1Worf
  • 1Solidarity
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Trakanon Raider

Sorry about that. No, you can't just keep stacking.
There is an island where I have to click on some kind of fat looking pig animal 100 times to get the soul and it takes a few seconds per each and they often run away before the action is complete. Its absolute nonsense but by god I will do it.

There are two spots which you can sit in the same place and just hit G. They always stop there (2-5 of them) and stay there long enough to get the click in every time. I think Maxroll has a screenshot of one area, Kythik Kythik can probably help you with the spot he found.


Vyemm Raider
Also patch lied, they said theyd remove the restrictions on event purchases so you can purchase more - However all they did was remove some ilvl bs.
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Vyemm Raider
Also patch lied, they said theyd remove the restrictions on event purchases so you can purchase more - However all they did was remove some ilvl bs.

The ilvl req restrictions is what they were referring to. The part they lied about was that they only removed the req from the engraving books, not the mats.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Sorry about that. No, you can't just keep stacking.

There are two spots which you can sit in the same place and just hit G. They always stop there (2-5 of them) and stay there long enough to get the click in every time. I think Maxroll has a screenshot of one area, Kythik Kythik can probably help you with the spot he found.
Yeah after a little while I checked maxroll and am using that spot when I get back to the game. I misread the amount needed at first and got excited I finished the 10th pig. Oh boy.
  • 1Worf
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Vyemm Raider
There is an island where I have to click on some kind of fat looking pig animal 100 times to get the soul and it takes a few seconds per each and they often run away before the action is complete. Its absolute nonsense but by god I will do it.

Sorry about that. No, you can't just keep stacking.

There are two spots which you can sit in the same place and just hit G. They always stop there (2-5 of them) and stay there long enough to get the click in every time. I think Maxroll has a screenshot of one area, Kythik Kythik can probably help you with the spot he found.

Yes, thanks to Kyth who saved me also a shitton of time and headache with the other spot:
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