Lost Ark Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
At 1330 I am probably the benchmark for the "Not so hardcore" player base. 1340 will not turn me around, but I will play Alts a lot more until April's release hoping that some T3 leveling augments come out. I will still log in my main for dailies and guild giving. I find the guild quest crafting stuff works well in tandem with leveling it. I will also run the 4mans. Once the odds drop below 40%, I begin to just ho hum the system.

Still enjoying it enough for the moment.
I'm in the same boat. 5 failures yesterday across my gear stopped me at 1350, annoying for sure but not rage quit inducing. I agree with Asmons thoughts on the current dead zone, and it was most likely some push/pull between SG and AGS that has us in this spot, so I blame both. I just find it odd that we have this dead zone at all considering the uproar it caused in KR... and that SG fixed it. I doubt AGS will release South Vern and Valtan at the same time, but both will probably be in April, along with the release of the other T3 materials sources / honing adjustments.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The ones im talkin about are tradeskill potions that give exp for certain tradeskills - i know i found 3 islands last week but i totally forgot where i bought and they had a limit of 5 per week.
I cant remember the name of the potions. But if you do, try looking them up in the lost ark codex and looking under the "Sources" tab.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm in the same boat. 5 failures yesterday across my gear stopped me at 1350, annoying for sure but not rage quit inducing. I agree with Asmons thoughts on the current dead zone, and it was most likely some push/pull between SG and AGS that has us in this spot, so I blame both. I just find it odd that we have this dead zone at all considering the uproar it caused in KR... and that SG fixed it. I doubt AGS will release South Vern and Valtan at the same time, but both will probably be in April, along with the release of the other T3 materials sources / honing adjustments.
I mentioned it in chat, but Monday I had 9 failures, including 8 in a row on a single piece (9 was on weapon), and that was on +11/12 so not even getting the really crappy odds yet.

I think yesterday was 2 for 4 or 5. But that's after failing so much I finally got into the 30% range in those pieces.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I mentioned it in chat, but Monday I had 9 failures, including 8 in a row on a single piece (9 was on weapon), and that was on +11/12 so not even getting the really crappy odds yet.

I think yesterday was 2 for 4 or 5. But that's after failing so much I finally got into the 30% range in those pieces.

Thing is unless you push up to 1370 there is no additional content available. You might as well just bank all your mats for a week or two instead until you have enough you think you can push over the line or they release changes. Worst feeling would be if you fail a dozen times and then a couple of days later they make it easier.


<Silver Donator>
The ones im talkin about are tradeskill potions that give exp for certain tradeskills - i know i found 3 islands last week but i totally forgot where i bought and they had a limit of 5 per week.
Mushroom island for logging, Azurewind for relics, Crescent for hunting, I think? I'd assume spida for mining probably, thematically. I've seen these but they required too many mats when I ran into them since it was super early and I haven't bothered checking them again, but I probably should seeing as how I'd rather spend gold than time gathering to level some of these up. Then again I also need world leaves.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There is an island where I have to click on some kind of fat looking pig animal 100 times to get the soul and it takes a few seconds per each and they often run away before the action is complete. Its absolute nonsense but by god I will do it.
SG is so respectful of your time!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Thing is unless you push up to 1370 there is no additional content available. You might as well just bank all your mats for a week or two instead until you have enough you think you can push over the line or they release changes. Worst feeling would be if you fail a dozen times and then a couple of days later they make it easier.
And yet, you're also pushing your ilvl...so what gives, booze?


Vyemm Raider
Mushroom island for logging, Azurewind for relics, Crescent for hunting, I think? I'd assume spida for mining probably, thematically. I've seen these but they required too many mats when I ran into them since it was super early and I haven't bothered checking them again, but I probably should seeing as how I'd rather spend gold than time gathering to level some of these up. Then again I also need world leaves.
You’ve done gods work


<Silver Donator>
You’ve done gods work
Actually wasn't sure it was that at all as I remember excavation earlier and thinking about it, it was Golden Wave island instead, so checked Lost Ark Codex(the website, not ingame, ingame there's no result).

As far as I can tell:
  • Fishing has no pot
  • Excavation is Golden Wave not Azure Wind
  • Hunting is Mercia, not Crescent
  • Foraging is Liebheim
  • Mining is Meteora
  • Logging is Mushroom as I thought
Some of these feel pretty worth it. Flowers are 5g for 10 and only need 250 for the pot(1580xp), so only 125g. Mining and Logging is 25g per 10 and you need 250 so a bit steep but not horrible if you want to powerlvl it quick. Meanwhile meat is 5g for 10, but you need 1250, so same 625g, not too bad. Excavation is 15 for 10 and also need 1250, so absolute dogshit rates.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
And yet, you're also pushing your ilvl...so what gives, booze?

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Actually wasn't sure it was that at all as I remember excavation earlier and thinking about it, it was Golden Wave island instead, so checked Lost Ark Codex(the website, not ingame, ingame there's no result).

As far as I can tell:
  • Fishing has no pot
  • Excavation is Golden Wave not Azure Wind
  • Hunting is Mercia, not Crescent
  • Foraging is Liebheim
  • Mining is Meteora
  • Logging is Mushroom as I thought
Some of these feel pretty worth it. Flowers are 5g for 10 and only need 250 for the pot(1580xp), so only 125g. Mining and Logging is 25g per 10 and you need 250 so a bit steep but not horrible if you want to powerlvl it quick. Meanwhile meat is 5g for 10, but you need 1250, so same 625g, not too bad. Excavation is 15 for 10 and also need 1250, so absolute dogshit rates.
I just hammered out Excavating in Punika and ran the mats through the stronghold and sold them. Leveling up excavating and the stronghold is my goal, regardless of the money value. Im not sure which trade I'll tackle next.


Vyemm Raider
My logging is at 29 and the rest are 15 or higher. I just do them sometimes when I’m passing time.


Trakanon Raider
I just hammered out Excavating in Punika and ran the mats through the stronghold and sold them. Leveling up excavating and the stronghold is my goal, regardless of the money value. Im not sure which trade I'll tackle next.

I don't know how your region prices are, but I've been crafting thousands of caldarr fusion materials w/ fishing mats to level stronghold when the material prices tanked. Started around 130g per stack profit and now it's still around 50g profit per set of 30, but I've managed to get nearly 2 whole levels of stronghold since fish prices tanked and make a tiny profit.
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<Silver Donator>
Oh I've been avoiding Gesbroy daily cause it looked like ultra cancer when I checked it out the first time and the event was like 40mins away but you can just do the event whenever to stockpile baskets and then turn them in later on, I thought you needed the una task to get the baskets when doing the events. Guess I'll be saving some instant completion ticket. This and Android Emancipation were the last 2 virtue pot rewards I had, I started ticketing android but hadn't checked gesbroy yet.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sitting at 1350 and torn on waiting for honing changes which I suspect will happen sooner than later with the fevered pitch of whining you see wherever you turn or just man up and keep punching myself in the nuts.


Trakanon Raider
At 1330 I am probably the benchmark for the "Not so hardcore" player base. 1340 will not turn me around, but I will play Alts a lot more until April's release hoping that some T3 leveling augments come out. I will still log in my main for dailies and guild giving. I find the guild quest crafting stuff works well in tandem with leveling it. I will also run the 4mans. Once the odds drop below 40%, I begin to just ho hum the system.

Still enjoying it enough for the moment.

I really think the average FoH poster (and especially those in the guild) are overly critical on themselves as it relates to the notion of whether they're 'hardcore'. I don't know when there was a decision taken by the gaming community that you need to be part of the 0.0001% of players to achieve the title of hardcore as opposed to 'not so hardcore' but I am 1390 with all my skill points (minus 2 greater pots that will be completed soon) and officially fall into everyone's definition of being 'super no life hardcore'. So take it from me when I say, you're hardcore; if you're in T3, you're hardcore and playing a lot. If you're enjoying your time logging in, you're playing this game the correct way. Hoping you (and those that fall into this mantra) simply try to commit some time for when we plan raids as I know I enjoy playing with the guild rather than pugs. To use another example, you don't need to 100% Dark Souls with a blindfold on to be a hardcore gamer -- most people don't complete the game and burn out on a boss. If you've finished the title, you're already better than 90% of people. If you've pushed passed T2 less than two months into the game you are ahead of 90% of the players.

Thanks for continuing to donate to the guild and help with the quests -- it's folks like you that are the reason we're one of the only lvl 6 guilds out there.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I really think the average FoH poster (and especially those in the guild) are overly critical on themselves as it relates to the notion of whether they're 'hardcore'. I don't know when there was a decision taken by the gaming community that you need to be part of the 0.0001% of players to achieve the title of hardcore as opposed to 'not so hardcore' but I am 1390 with all my skill points (minus 2 greater pots that will be completed soon) and officially fall into everyone's definition of being 'super no life hardcore'. So take it from me when I say, you're hardcore; if you're in T3, you're hardcore and playing a lot. If you're enjoying your time logging in, you're playing this game the correct way. Hoping you (and those that fall into this mantra) simply try to commit some time for when we plan raids as I know I enjoy playing with the guild rather than pugs. To use another example, you don't need to 100% Dark Souls with a blindfold on to be a hardcore gamer -- most people don't complete the game and burn out on a boss. If you've finished the title, you're already better than 90% of people. If you've pushed passed T2 less than two months into the game you are ahead of 90% of the players.

Thanks for continuing to donate to the guild and help with the quests -- it's folks like you that are the reason we're one of the only lvl 6 guilds out there.
Lol filthy casuals. If you're not already 1450 what are you even doing with your life?


Vyemm Raider


Hey everyone — first off, thank you for your patience as we sorted this out. The team has investigated this situation thoroughly, and I want to provide an update and some context for everyone.
There were a number of accounts suspended in this timeframe as a result of one of our speed hack detection programs. While almost all of these bans hit real speed hackers, it appears that the program did flag some lag/connection issues as speed hacks, which lead to a small number of player being banned as false positives.

Involved accounts should now be unsuspended, and if you were caught in this ban wave, we want you to know that there will be no strike against your account, and no repercussions. We apologize for any stress or confusion this may have caused, and we are working hard to shore up our cheating detection tools to both crack down on bots and prevent situations like this from happening in the future.

I hit level 30 foraging yesterday and was actually worried about being reported for speed hacking. The level 30 skill gives you a buff that makes you gather so fast that you can gather from a flower node twice faster than someone without it can gather once. It's a very troll-y skill.