meh. The chore content is the #1 complaint I have seen for quitting the game. The chore content takes(took?) longer on a support. If they finally fixed that then good but late if the community won't continue playing supports.
IMO, It's not just "bignumbersmakehappy." Even traditional MMOS playing a DPS is 1 gear set/spec/play style where playing a tank/healer required another gear set/build to do any quest/solo content. It has always been more of a hassle for the player. LA was(is?) on a different level.
We're all seasoned MMO players here. Sure, there are less healers/tanks in MMOS but I've never experienced the extent that LA had from the get-go. Maybe they need to release a new support class every 4 months?
Veskal is a new 1630 Guardian Raid that will release alongside Thaemine.![]()
Darkness Unleashed
The April Update includes the Thaemine Legion Raid, new Transcendence progression system, Veskal Guardian Raid, and much more!
Chaos Dungeon Enlightenment Level 2 added at Item Level 1630.
Added an Item Level 1630 Chaos Gate Difficulty
The Gold earned from the Kakul-Saydon Legion Raid has been reduced
[Balance Changes, majority of tweaks for Mages]
You likely have not logged in since the server merges. First go into your card catalog Alt+C and the extra storage tab can help you reclaim all of your cards awakening (40 at a time keep doing it til it's clear). Trust me do that first. Because you also have to set your card decks on every character again.I guess I'm retarded, how do I access my roster storage in game now, it's completely empty.
Western Exclusive Cosmetics
We conducted some research, and found that a significant number of our players really like anime. So this year, our western cosmetics will be designed to evoke the 80s and 90s anime, where magical girls and boys went to school during the day, and moonlighted as magical beings at night. These skins will stay exclusive to the Western version of Lost Ark for six months.
June for Kurzan and "Ladon" (Echidna)![]()
2024 Roadmap - Part 2
We’re excited to share the second part of the 2024 roadmap, which includes the major planned content pieces arriving in Arkesia over the next three months in
Not a single clear on the leaderboards right now, so guessing every team had at least one RMT, piloter, botter, etc.
Piloter means someone else was playing their charPiloter? I mean, did they say what they were doing in ELI5 terms?
Piloter? I mean, did they say what they were doing in ELI5 terms?
On June 5, 2024, we will begin this process by merging South America into North America East.
When our teams first uncovered the name Echidna many years ago, the final form of the original Covetous Legion Commander hadn’t yet been fully revealed— so it was changed to a related figure in Mythology; Ladon. After reviewing Echidna’s presentation in Lost Ark and reading through community feedback, we agree that the name Echidna is best suited for the alluring and deadly enemy in the first Kazeros Raid arriving June 2024.