Lost Ark Online


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't think they really know exactly what they want to do with pvp, that's the impression I get reading this summary from the Jan. 28th directors stream -


  • Admit that there are currently a lot of shortcomings to PVP. We were not able to direct any attention to it last year. We have to address structural problems, establish a direction on how to approach unequalized competitive content, how to strike a reasonable balance on CC durations and a myriad of other problems. In truth, we have to reexamine the fundamental combat dynamics of PVP, and only after that could we review what kinds of rules would make sense upon those fundamentals. These are all things we do have to do and are committed to work on. We don't consider Rowen to be a "success" by any measure, and it is something we will keep working on.
  • That being said, we do not consider PVP to be "The Core" of this game and we are wary of PVP content ending up as something "required" in the overall progression path. However, there are many players who are avid PVPers to whom we did promise to address PVP last year, we will make our best efforts to make up for it this year in line with the push for more horizontal content we talked about. But do mind that it's not like it we can or should simply reassign vertical content manpower to horizontal content or to PVP development, rather we will continue to make strides in vertical while expanding horizontal and PVP. You will see a lot of job postings next month.
  • We have a limited dev capacity which must be strategically allocated in making the most engaging content. But if we only optimized for progression and neglected horizontal, then we would never have had meme island, naruni racing, the snowball fights, selfie mode, stronghold decorations and many other things. Fleshing out the rapport characters, or the having readable texts in the library, or the story of the guardian raid cryer, or the story of the guy waiting in front of the Yorn steamer, these are all important stuff in world building. It's this stuff that we want to expand on so I ask your support on this front.


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
I mained a warlord in RU and probably will do so again here, would be good to get a group together, so is Regulas the server?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man still wish we got LM and others, if they already releasing this much content on launch. I would actually switch from bard.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well if anything, the delay because New World needed its "chance" has came out to the benefit of Lost Ark in the form of more content and I think thats where all these variances are coming from. Rather than getting the base release tier "classic" experience. I have no idea if thats a good thing or not to an experienced player, but it sounds good? lol


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well if anything, the delay because New World needed its "chance" has came out to the benefit of Lost Ark in the form of more content and I think thats where all these variances are coming from. Rather than getting the base release tier "classic" experience. I have no idea if thats a good thing or not to an experienced player, but it sounds good? lol

Maybe. I've heard smilegate wanted t3 raids out asap in this release and so the delay was announced to get everything up to that point finished or close to it. So they have known for quite a awhile, as I am going to assume doing all the work for t2 and t3 areas would take a fair bit of time to finish up. And from what they said, all the t3 is ready, just not going to be released all at once.

Who knows, maybe a bit of both.


Vyemm Raider
I think launching with t2 and adding t3 in 3 months would have been the smarter move, for a variety of reasons. Throwing in early t3 might add a few raids, but it makes t1 and t2 completely irrelevant content that people will just want to rush through as fast as possible.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think launching with t2 and adding t3 in 3 months would have been the smarter move, for a variety of reasons. Throwing in early t3 might add a few raids, but it makes t1 and t2 completely irrelevant content that people will just want to rush through as fast as possible.

Honestly I expected just t1, then 1-3 months of that, then t2, 1-3 months, then t3. Drag it out. As that usually equals more dollars. I can't imagine amazon giving away free money, wonder if smilegate overode them in this aspect and said "we want all t3 finished, and release with first part of t3 and trickle that out".


Vyemm Raider
Honestly I expected just t1, then 1-3 months of that, then t2, 1-3 months, then t3. Drag it out. As that usually equals more dollars. I can't imagine amazon giving away free money, wonder if smilegate overode them in this aspect and said "we want all t3 finished, and release with first part of t3 and trickle that out".

Yeah, that's what I would have done too. I assume that Smilegate wants to get all the non-KR regions caught up to each other in time for the next big update to be pushed out to all of them simultaneously.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
You guys obviously didnt look at New World's cash shop if you even gave that game a chance. Even if money is what they "think" theyre after, they fail pretty hard at securing obvious paths to it.
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Trakanon Raider
I'll do Regulas as well. I've never played before, so is there a class that's more needed than something else? I'll play whatever is needed, doesn't matter to me.
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Vyemm Raider
well, paladins and bards are the two support classes, and every raid is gonna need 2 out of 8 to be one of those two, but all the rest don't really matter, and most classes have their own unique group buff that makes them desirable, or have good DPS to make up for it if they don't, so you can really just play whatever flavor you want.


Trakanon Raider
Updated server info.


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Trakanon Raider
Will roll Regulas, probably start with a Berserker to get my feet under me unless they're overrepresented
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