Merge brought a bunch of card packs over to my server, the 6er was Varkans which will help cut down on merchant waiting. Out of the 71 legendary packs I ended up with 31 dupes for +2300 XP. Some of them finished the collection and then gave extras on top but the dupes were 4 Wei, 1 Balthorr, 3 Ninevah, 1 Kadan, 1 Thirain, 3 Vairgrys, 5 Weakened Kakul, 3 Guardian Luen, 6 Galatur, 4 Akkan. Of the 22.2M card xp remaining to max I still need 13.3M xp worth of epics. I hit LOS35 from this as you could probably tell from the dupes but from the original legendary cards there are six unfinished, for them I only require 11 cards and then I can use leftover selectors without commanders.
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Powerpass up to 1580![]()
Break Through to Thaemine
Relentlessly bash foes with the Breaker class, reveal the Lost Ark's location through the new Light of Destiny story quests, and experience a new narrative that leads into the Thaemine Legion
Road up to 1600 with minor rewards up to 1610
Original article was updated it did not have full patch information. Arcturus' Touch was updated for Kayangel and Akkan.
Too fucking little, too fucking late. This game is ass. This game should be a case study of the sunken cost fallacy syndrome.This power pass is absolutely insane. Its basically allowing anyone to make a character from scratch and get to Thaemine normal with ease. Every forum that typically hates on Lost Ark is pretty unanimous that this is god send patch.
I'm going to be pushing an Asura Breaker to 1610 and removing my Berserker from Gold Earner, so all alts will be 1610+. Tempted to push the Breaker to 1620 if I like it but that's when it starts getting expensive.
BoozeCube Now's your chance!
Too fucking little, too fucking late. This game is ass. This game should be a case study of the sunken cost fallacy syndrome.
Ya you're having fun because you're getting bussed. Wait until you have to actually carry raids because half the population is complete trash because they got bussed on everything lol.I've honestly got to disagree. I've had a bunch of fun playing, even casually, and quite enjoy that I can play for an hour or two max each day, get my content done, and then log off. Given that doing things like chaos dungeons on my paladin is painful (compared to my berserker), getting rested means I can just do it once every 3 days.
The QOL stuff is great. I'm slowly learning the fights by bussing, and make a bit of gold whilst I am at it (re raids).
One of the reasons I burned out before was that honing at <1% felt retarded and having to have a stable of alts to farm for one main was just not fun for me. I am sure thats what it is like at >1600, but if you're like me and just grinding through the 1540s+ (Paladin at 1551 and Zerker at 1540) and not trying to rush anywhere, its still enjoyable.
Also, whilst playing a sup is ass in Chaos Dungeons, its way more fun in raids/guardians etc, mainly because the patterns are so much easier to deal with!
how the fuck are you having trouble in chaos dungeons as any class, let alone paladin? Just use a chaos spec preset.
WIth betrayal armor set and dps skills it should barely be any slower really.Trouble = slow. Berserker clears the crap out of everything in like a minute per level, Paladin is just so damn slow by comparison, using the chaos dungeon skills.