snow in the desert so far, much better then the previous.
Solid story. Insanely good animation.
Also, holy shit, this is "Kenshi." are those fucking Shek?!
"all through the house" forest god winter spirit santa right out of "The Ritual" is pretty great.
"the tall grass" needed more. "used to be people I guess. idk maybe. or idk, lol portal to another world. also, train always stops here, but I didn't bother giving a REALLY fucking clear statement to stay the fuck out of the grass."
"ice" is a lame ass gatica remake, but way less good.
"automated customer service" is silly, but ok.
"pop squad" yeah. wants to be heady. but kindof just retreading old ground. and, really all I could think was. well yeah. Immortality is going to require population control... sure, in our society that would be an insane freedom to give up. but, in this one presented, thats the law, and breaking that law was on you. the ruins suggest it was required to prevent climate change as well. the overall world pop is reduced, to make it sustainable without bailing out to the stars.
"life hutch" also needed way more.
"drowned giant" is quite good too. its portrayal of how people would really act. its recreation of an old timey poetic journalists log.