Lucasarts shut down.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I hope my Dreams of a Tie Fighter Sequel didn't die with the company. Someone Pick it up Plz...
It prolly increases the chances of it happening now. Disney is going to license out Star Wars now. There was zero chance of Lucarsarts making one as they don't like money. Hopefully a good dev picks it up.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>

begin sequel


Kubla Kas_sl

Haha this is what went through my head. I am guessing (Hoping) he meant Curse of Monkey Island.

With that said, yeah LA hasn't been a decent game in a LONG time and have actually hampered anything remotely licensable from other studios that would have been fun to play. Disney retains the rights, sheds the negative connotation of Lucasarts, rename it something else or nothing at all, license out the IP's for cheap (Other than SW - but loosen up the grip on that one) and away you go. Free cash.

I would love to see a new Grim, Full Throttle, Monkey Island .... Wait nevermind. Telltale does all of this better now. Give them the IPs
How do suits ever really find out about negative connotations? Somebody has to have their ear to the ground, otherwise it ends up just being a pure business decision and they sometimes just luck out that they made the right one and end up letting go a bunch of crappy devs. I wouldn't even trust the magazine review type people... its websites like these that have the true opinions of most of the gamer types.

But, I agree the talent at Lucasarts was probably ground to dust long ago by their success and pressures from the business side of things and the crappy way the industry has been run these last 10 years.


Trakanon Raider
How do suits ever really find out about negative connotations? Somebody has to have their ear to the ground, otherwise it ends up just being a pure business decision and they sometimes just luck out that they made the right one and end up letting go a bunch of crappy devs. I wouldn't even trust the magazine review type people... its websites like these that have the true opinions of most of the gamer types.

But, I agree the talent at Lucasarts was probably ground to dust long ago by their success and pressures from the business side of things and the crappy way the industry has been run these last 10 years.
I think the odds are that Disney ran a check on all parts of Lucasfilm and saw that Lucasarts has been basically doing nothing worthwhile for the last 5 years except for that kinect game and ToR probably brought in more money than that. So somebody asked "Why do we keep these people around?" and nobody could give a reasonable answer.


Molten Core Raider
Disney wants to control the Brand. Lucasarts hasn't made anything good since that Pod Racer game.

Somewhere, John Carmack is laughing his ass off right now.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I look at people's list of what LucasArts used to do, and comparisons of what they've been doing recently.

A portent of what is to come for Blizzard if they ever change hands to an intelligent/competent owner.


I heard Disney was shutting down all Star Wars related stuff, games, adverts, toys, marketing, everything, until it was time for Episode 7.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
In all likelihood, they will probably farm out a lot of the games to Square, since they already have a fairly strong IP partnership with them through the Kingdom Hearts franchise. I frankly would not be surprised if Squeenix was the evil mouse empire's next acquisition.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I heard Disney was shutting down all Star Wars related stuff, games, adverts, toys, marketing, everything, until it was time for Episode 7.
This would be pretty dumb as it is a huge money maker and all they have to do is rake in the profit on previously manufactured items. The inventory across the world that sits on store shelves for Star Wars is amazing. Check any Target, Walmart, or Toys r Us.

I don't see them doing that.

I can see them stopping the games from coming out though as to not run the IP into the ground further. LA was just milking the fuck out of everything. With new control, Disney will protect the name brand more than George ever did. (Who am I kidding. Disney will do the exact same thing)


Let me take this one for the board.
Day of the Tentacle (1993)
Escape from Monkey Island (2000)
Grim Fandango (1998)
Sam & Max (1993)
Tie Fighter (1994)
X-Wing (1993)
can't forget...

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Full Throttle


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
can't forget...

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Full Throttle
The Dig would also like to be on that list

They made some fine adventure games back then. Dark Forces, Tie Fighter, Xwing Alliance, etc. Then, they just went down the toilet.

Everyone seems to at one point though. It gets sad watching it.


Trakanon Raider
I heard Disney was shutting down all Star Wars related stuff, games, adverts, toys, marketing, everything, until it was time for Episode 7.
Yeah, they've already nixed the rest of the 3D rereleases and killed the Clone Wars cartoon. It wouldn't shock me if they stop putting out new toy lines too until the movie versions come out. Mobile games, on the other hand, I continue to expect a ton of.

Disney killing Lucasarts was my biggest, and most likely worry, when I heard about the LucasFilm buyout. Disney's had a terrible track record with videogame developers recently.

Given the sorts of margin issues the rest of the industry is going through, I wouldn't expect a ton of devs/publishers to be willing to pay licensing rights on a AAA game more than once every couple of years.


Yeah, they've already nixed the rest of the 3D rereleases and killed the Clone Wars cartoon. It wouldn't shock me if they stop putting out new toy lines too until the movie versions come out. Mobile games, on the other hand, I continue to expect a ton of.

Disney killing Lucasarts was my biggest, and most likely worry, when I heard about the LucasFilm buyout. Disney's had a terrible track record with videogame developers recently.

Given the sorts of margin issues the rest of the industry is going through, I wouldn't expect a ton of devs/publishers to be willing to pay licensing rights on a AAA game more than once every couple of years.
Thank God, the 3D rerelease of Episode 1 was a complete and utter fucking abortion.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The 3D conversion wasn't the moneymaker LucasFilms was expecting, so it's not really surprising that Disney nixed that, particularly since they wouldn't have been able to get the other five films out before Episode VII is supposed to be released (the original plan was to release one conversion per year).

Really though, I can see where it's not the worst idea for Disney to put everything on hold so they can take some time to assess where they want to go with the franchise. It's not like they'd really be hurting if the Star Wars money machine halted for a couple years, and it'd have the advantage of helping build some more anticipation for Episode VII.