Only for 95% of people according to the CDC but yeah who cares about facts.
If a baby born to a vaccinated mother needs one within a few hours of birth because they might eat and drink some outside tainted food then you are dumber than I thought.
The hepatitis B vaccine | BabyCenter
The hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) protects your child against the
hepatitis B virus, which can lead to liver damage and even death.
Hepatitis B is generally considered an adult disease because it's transmitted through unsafe sex and shared needles. But many people who get it – including children – don't engage in these high-risk behaviors. They're either infected at birth or they contract the disease during childhood from close contact with another person who is infected.
Hepatitis B is highly infectious. An estimated 700,000 to 1.4 million people in the United States have the virus, and most of them acquired it in childhood.
Many never feel sick and don't know they have the disease, but those who become infected as children are more likely to have long-term health problems, such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. In 2013, nearly 1,900 Americans died from illnesses related to hepatitis B.
The hepatitis B vaccine was introduced in 1981 and became part of the recommended immunization schedule in the United States in 1991. Since then, the incidence of acute hepatitis B has dropped by more than 95 percent in children and adolescents, and by more than 75 percent overall.
The number of new infections annually has declined from an average of 260,000 in the 1980s to an estimated 19,800 in 2013. The biggest decline was among children and adolescents.
If you think a child can't contract the disease from close contact with an infected person, then you are dumber than I thought.